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Monday, February 10, 2025

This might as well be an AD for MASS DEPORTATIONS...

 Behaving like this does NOT convince me to support an illegal immigrants wish to stay here.....

Trying to damage vehicles, blocking traffic and screaming vulgar words absolutely does not convince me....

Proper protests should occur at the legislature building where laws are made and could actually make a change. Being on a busy freeway does NOT convince people to make changes - it only convinces us that these are the ones who need to go because they have zero respect for anyone

Friday, January 31, 2025

Peter Doocy: Trump is turning things upside down

Pete B. has run nothing..... Look how many transportation disasters happened under his watch AND he lied about aviation deaths under his watch.... Look it up...... In the last 4 years we have had MORE aircraft disasters than in the last 20 years combined. Pete blames Boeing, but do your research......

The DEI hiring practice put unqualified air traffic controllers at the helm, thus creating dangerous situations.

For those who do not understand DEI (diversity, equity, inclusion) basically it means if a white man and a trans man apply for the job, the white man is 100% qualified, the trans man has zero qualifications - they are forced to hire the trans man. The DEI agenda killed the need for higher education because all people had to do was claim pronouns and boom they were hired. Those who did have the education and experience were shut out and not able to get gainful employment due to this policy.

DEI set civil rights back 70 years and brought race based practices back into main stream. 

Trump likely jumped the gun on claiming DEI played a role in this crash, but I feel it may have. ATC is understaffed because of DEI policies and thus it may have played a role. We will see when the results of the investigation come out the NTSB doesn't mess around.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Birthright Citizenship Debate


This is one hot topic right now and it should be. There are legitimate issues with this issue that people need to understand. I do agree that infants born to LEGAL immigrants should retain their birthright citizenship status, but the issue does not really apply to this group of people.

The issue applies to those being trafficked into America specifically for giving birth here. Many illegal birthing houses have been busted over the last 20 years. Sadly, these infants are not given proper prenatal care and are typically born in less than sanitary conditions. Some are sold to couples willing to pay for them.

It is this group that the birthright issue should address. Yes the infant is innocent in the situation but the fact the mother was trafficked for the purpose of giving birth here is the issue. If we stop this aspect then we can crack down on human trafficking of infants who, in many cases, have zero record of even being born and zero way of tracking the infants well being.

When people understand that this is the root of the issue maybe we can address it without affecting legal immigrants children.

ICE raid at Newark fish market sparks fear among immigrants

Not a popular opinion, but a true one.

1. Immigrants should have zero fear because they are here legally, went through the proper process and were properly approved. Will ICE ask for their papers? Maybe, but immigrants have nothing to fear.

2. Illegal immigrants - who broke our laws to come here - should be worried. However, the ones ICE is after are the ones who have been deported before, have criminal history and so forth. ICE is not interested in the ones who are not criminals and are not breaking our laws - so stop scaring the children of illegal immigrants into thinking ICE is gonna snatch them - not gonna happen.

3. There are laws that prevent businesses from hiring illegal immigrants - none of which are currently being enforced. If these laws were enforced then many entry level positions would be available for high school kids - and other American citizens, but right now they are filled up with illegal immigrants.

When I lived in Long Beach I had a neighbor, good guy, he finally got a job using a stolen ID he had purchased in MacArthur Park. So, payday comes and he got nothing because the ID he had used had a child support garnishment...... His manager told him to come back with a new ID and he would be able to get paid...... His manager encouraged him to purchase another stolen ID in order to get an entry level job at a fast food restaurant.

For a news outlet to spread BS about "immigrants" being scared is uncalled for. Immigrants are here legally. It is criminal illegals that ICE is going after.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Gavin Newsom's Creepy LA Fire Speech in Front of Burnt Down Homes

Newscum is gonna make sure homeowners who just got burned out will lose again to developers....

OF COURSE HE WILL all for the 2028 Olympics...... To make himself look good outside of California because those of us who live here KNOW he is scum.

Newscum will financially profit off the families who lost everything - if you let him. Watch him dance and see his excitement talking about developers getting all that land......

I Feel Blessed...


This week has been rough to say the least, but worked out well.  I was blessed to be able to obtain a vehicle, one that works better out here and managed to pass California smog!!!

For those outside of California who do not know what we mean by California Smog Test.... Basically, if your check engine light is ON the car will not pass their test and you cannot get a tag for it. Even if the light is on due to something stupid like a modification, simple error it doesn't matter. 

So, now I feel better not having to depend on others for transportation. I rarely talk about my private struggles online, but transportation has been one for a while. It seems like every vehicle I have found since 2018 would not pass smog..... Do not get me started on the truck and the struggle with chasing codes, fixing it and a new one popping up...... 

God is good all the time, even when you feel at your lowest, He is there for you. Never lose faith or hope.

Now, I do need to do some minor things to the vehicle, but it is road worthy. I am happy with it and definitely got a great deal on it. 

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Gavin Newsom Passes The Buck During CNN Interview About Wildfires

Wow TYT is dissing Newscum.......

Ultimately it falls to Newscum - Local folks gonna figure it out?????? REALLY Newscum is an asshat

Does his 2028 Presidential hopeful photo op and does NOTHING for the people.

Those of you who vote for this twat in 2028 deserve everything you get - we in Cali want him gone.

No one wants the USA looking like Cali do they?????

Where is help from him? Not coming of course, just like it didn't come for the Camp Fire....

So far 24 confirmed dead because of these fires..... Does that count homeless who lived in the alleys or just those found in the rubble????

Hear his words - CORPORATE DEMOCRAT - he does NOT work for the people he works for corporations only