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Monday, August 12, 2024

My Views on Harris Running for President


While many people rejoice that we have a woman running for President (which is a good thing) – the one running is NOT an ideal choice…..

People forget many things about Kamala, and I believe it is very selective memory because of who she is running against….. Neither is a good choice for sure. Your hate for Trump should not blind you to the faults of Kamala. 


Keep in mind she is from California, so those of us who live in California know her history much better than those who don’t. We also know the scandals of how she climbed the ladder (things which turned out to be true) – things no one wanted to believe….


Let’s begin with the rumors about her sleeping her way to the top – turned out to be true…. Once she started prosecuting cases is where you really need to pay attention.


Kamala is as two-faced as they come, if not more so. She cries about all the people in prison for nonviolent crimes, wants to change laws and work on releasing a bunch under the new laws – SHE PUT THEM THERE!!!! Kamala’s policies when she was California AG put many nonviolent offenders in prison for decades or life. Many of whom are men of color….. Has the black community forgotten that just because we have a woman running for President – one who did not get a single vote the first time she ran????


Kamala has been VP for 3.5 years now, she could have fixed the problem and released many of those she personally locked up or those who were locked up under her policies. Kamala didn’t do it because she has zero intentions of making it happen. Those men will rot in prison listening to her empty promises.




As DA and AG, Harris was also criticized for defending convictions in cases where there was evidence of innocence and prosecutorial misconduct; opposing legislation to require AG investigations into police shootings; defending the prison system in civil rights litigation, as the state’s top lawyer and clashing with sex worker rights’ groups. She declined to seek the death penalty as SFDA, but then as AG fought against a challenge to capital punishment.

Jeralynn Brown-Blueford’s 18-year-old son was killed by an Oakland police officer in 2012, and after the local DA declined to file charges, her family advocated for then AG Harris to intervene, but the officer was never prosecuted.



People forget Kamala is only tough on crime when it involves those who vote against her….. If you supported her then you got a free pass – look it up!!!


People also forget how she established the Minnesota Freedom Fund in 2020 to post bail for the “protestors” (rioters / looters) in Minnesota during the GF riots…. That fund posted bail for some of the most hardened criminals, let them back on the streets and some went on to commit murder. That fund still accepts donations TODAY – still bailing out people with violent criminal histories and allowing them back on the streets to do more damage.


People also forget that Kamala is working to abolish every single thing women’s rights have fought for. Kamala cannot even define what is a woman…. ASK HER TO then listen carefully to her answer…..






Kamala worked for years to destroy so many women’s rights, now she wants women to support her because she speaks on abortion rights, but destroys the rest of women’s rights…… Kamala is FOR transgenders participating in women’s sports. What exactly does that mean? Kamala supports biological MALES, who identify (whether they have had the surgery or not) to participate in FEMALE sports. Thus destroying the very rights women fought for to have their own sports….. Now women do not have an equal and fair competition in any sport where transgender males are allowed to participate against biological females.


But that only works in one direction. Transgender females are NOT permitted to participate in male sports. Nope. We will never see a transgender female in the NBA. Nor will we ever see a transgender female in the NFL or any other traditionally male sport. No, Kamala only supports transgender males killing traditionally female sports.


So why should women of any color, nationality support her while she works on destroying what women have fought for???? We shouldn’t. If she actually became President can you imagine how much worse it would get for women???? Just because she is a woman does not mean she has our best interests in mind!!!!




Remember this answer from her when you vote in November…..


I know our country needs a major change. I know it would be amazing to have a woman President. Kamala is NOT the woman for the job though!!!


When people ask me who I support one of the first things I do is look at the candidate’s particular district. How does their district look? My feeling is if they cannot handle their small district they certainly cannot handle running the entire country. LOOK at Kamala’s district here in California….. Look at it before she was elected to it and after she became VP…… Then ask yourself if she cannot handle issues in her small district how could she ever handle the entire country????


Please do not fall into the trap of voting for her just because she is female or a Democrat. The 2024 election needs to make the change America is so desperately in need of, but Kamala is not that change. Those of us who live in California understand this, just as we fully understand Newscum’s new videos are nothing more than sucking up to prepare his run for President in 2028….. I am not going on him in this post…… Kamala is sucking up right now, hoping that YOU do not pull older info on her and realize she is lying.


Compare her speeches NOW to those she made when she ran for AG of California, Senator or any other speeches she has made in the past…… YOU have got to be smarter, know how to do these comparisons and realize politicians think YOU are stupid and will not remember anything they have said before….. They run on the hope that you will blindly vote a straight ticket (whichever party). I have a friend who told me she votes straight blue no matter who is running…. But she cannot tell me WHY.


A voter should understand WHY they vote for whichever party. Not knowing why is like not knowing your own identity!!! The problem is main stream media does a lot of the thinking for those who vote straight tickets….. This is a major problem for the future of our country though!!!!


Voting is a responsibility just like parenting, driving a car, etc. People know why they became a parent, why they drive a car. They should know why they vote straight ticket – more than just because they are registered as that particular party..


I feel there should be a voter education class for EVERY legal voter in the country to prevent these blind straight tickets. People who have car accidents have the option to attend a driver education class….. Voters should have the same options. People need to understand principles of all parties on the ticket and those classes should be taught by unbiased individuals.


To those who vote for the tw*t who used her mouth and spread her legs to climb to VP you get what you voted for. Maybe she could offer Putin a bl*w job and he will stop the Ukraine war? Maybe she could spread her legs and Iran won’t nuke Israel……. Kamala has zero respect from those in power in foreign countries. She also has zero respect in any negotiations with those countries…..


Let’s not forget the most important issue. Kamala is the “border czar” here in America. NO ONE is happy with the problems at the border right now, at least no one who actually does any research on it. Those voting straight tickets do not bother looking into such things because main stream media tells them it is not a problem….


Look up the stats on the border. Look up all of it and ask yourself this – If she has not once been to the actual border – which was her one job – how the hell can she be trusted with the entire country????


If you vote for her, you deserve whatever happens. I don’t deserve it, many others do not deserve it – but you do if you vote for this incapable person who cannot even define what a woman is!!!!


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