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Monday, August 19, 2024

Update on My Wrist - Major Surgery Needed


So, many of you saw the new x-ray I posted it on my FB wall. It isn't good. The outside bone and inside bone are both dislocated and somewhat twisted. All the little pebble bones are clumped together and out of place. No I do not know the formal bone names nor am I gonna look them up tonight. 

There is good news and bad news.

The good news is nothing is broken, it's all just severely dislocated. There is no nerve damage all of that is still good. All the fingers works - most of the time.

The bad news....

One bone is too long, the other is too short so the doc is gonna shorten the one and lengthen the other, use wire, plates and screws to put it all back together so this doesn't happen again. 

Healing time will be at least 3 weeks longer,  I haven't been super active online because I am prepping to be one handed for a while. 

I am not looking forward to this. I feel like a used car - doc had to "order the parts"...... At least he is gonna use titanium so I can still get the MRI's I have put off. (Neck, Lumber & Hips)

According to the doctor the aggravation to the healing wrist may have occurred as long ago as March. 

Each day after that would have only worsened it, until it got to the point I finally went and got the x-ray because the pain has become unbearable. 

I have been having a hard time with this because the doc also said me simply handling water jugs or haying horses is likely what aggravated the healing wrist. So, me doing something I love - caring for animals - managed to aggravate my wrist to this point. 

Thankfully, my doc understands this about me and has promised this repair will fix it for good and I will be able to get back to what I love. 

I asked him last time to film the surgery but he won't. So, I will post before and after pix as well as at the office when the cast comes off every 2 weeks or so. I did that with my foot surgery. 

I am trying to keep my sense of humor about this, but it is difficult for me as well. I like to be independent and this year has been super hard for me. As the pain in the wrist increased, the ability to use it less and less I have had to rely on others more. 

Dealing with acute or chronic pain is exhausting mentally and physically. It can be all consuming. What that means is your brain processes little else except the pain it is experiencing. You forget things. You misplace things. You simply cannot function in any meaningful manner.

This has been me since the original injury to be honest. I really never got to rest and heal properly right after that surgery. I have been moody, grumpy and hard to get along with. Thankfully this time I have a great support system in place, something I lacked after the original injury. I had a couple of friends who helped, yes, but it was not regular or reliable. 

Going into this surgery I have everything prepared for me to be one handed for at least 2 months. I still have a couple of things to finish up before surgery, but if I had it my way I would do the surgery tomorrow. But, I need to wait for the parts to come in. Sheesh, just saying that makes me feel like a used car! HA!

I know this surgery will have more post surgery pain than the first one. I only had 2 pins in the first surgery, this time I will have wires, plates and screws. I will have a much bigger incision and likely one heck of a scar. 

I wanted to share how chronic pain affects a person, but I am stuck on preparing for this surgery and what will be done.

Maybe tomorrow..... 

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