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Friday, September 11, 2020

Where are all the Biden Supporters????


The Truth About Biden Supporters


Has anyone seen a single Biden supporter on a live feed saying one good word about Biden?

I haven’t and believe me when I tell you I watch TONS of live feeds…

Bernie is getting more love than Biden….


The ONLY people talking good about Biden is his own staff…… Mainstream media doesn’t even speak well of him….


And they want YOU to think Biden is ahead in the polls?


Try this….. and it is a challenge…..


Go to whatever town / city you live in and begin a live feed on whatever social media platform you prefer. Do your own interviews with the people you encounter. Ask them questions about BOTH candidates and live stream the whole thing.

Take a notepad and keep a tally chart as to how many support either candidate.


This is called a random sampling.


So you tell me precisely how a candidate with ZERO public support is supposed to be ahead in polls and predicted to win in November……


And they accuse Trump of trying to steal and election???? Biden is the one trying to steal it look at the facts for yourself!!!!



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