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Monday, September 14, 2020

Climate Change, Homeless Crisis and more.....


Climate Change Hoax and Mismanagement


I live in California. It is home to me now, regardless of the morons who have been elected and corrupted this once magnificent state.

California has been warned for decades about clearing out dead trees and debris from the forests or these horrific wildfires will just keep happening and get worse.

Trump himself warned them of this after the Camp Fire destroyed Paradise, California and killed so many people.

But, instead of using federal funds properly, our idiot governor, Newson gave millions to illegal immigrants instead of using it to deal with the forestry issue.

Now, Gavin is on TV talking about how “climate change” is causing these fires…..

The facts do NOT support his bullshit he spews….

MANY have been arrested for arson up and down the I5 corridor. Some of these were caused by lightning – but the vast majority were arson – or accidental (the gender reveal party).

Preventive measures go a long way, but our governor would rather gripe on TV blaming climate change and how Trump refuses to bail out Gavin’s own bad policies.


When I lived in Kentucky, we lived up a “holler” and every year we made sure that around our property AND the adjoining land was free of debris and dead wood. This was to keep wildfires from happening, as well as to form a “fire line” around our property. Not once did our property or the surrounding property get hurt by wildfires. Simple preventive measures saved it.


All this talk of climate change does NOT amount to shit when arsonists are setting toxic chemicals on fire.

All the talk about going green, and green new deal will not fix things as long as arsonists keeps lighting fires.


Look at Los Angeles recently. A recycling center was set on fire – burning tons of toxic things, sending toxic smoke into an already polluted atmosphere.

The very people screaming for the green new deal and climate change action ARE the ones setting these fires.

They do not care about the climate – all they care about is CONTROL.


They cannot even tell you why the toxic smoke off that recycling plant was VERY BAD. Yet, they think they are educated enough to tell YOU how to live….


These are the same people who have no real job, no plans for the future, scream about the injustice about having to repay student loans they took out for an education that did not land them a good job.


Climate change is real, yes, but not to the extremes these activists want us to believe. How can we be sure of this? If it WAS as real as what they say then they would NOT need to be committing arson to prove their point.


California has wildfires yearly. Fires are a natural part of nature being reborn. Some pinecones will not ever open without wildfires. This is NATURAL. It is NOT climate change.


In Los Angeles, the recycling plant that was torched polluted the air so badly the black smoke hung around for WEEKS after that fire was put out. Think about the chemicals that were released into the air…..


Activists do not care about YOU, the environment or change – they care about CONTROL.


California, for example, has poorly managed its power production to the point that NOW citizens suffer rolling blackouts because the demand exceeds the output. These blackouts typically happen midsummer, during the time when people NEED their air conditioning the most….. Leaving people to suffer in relentless heat waves with no way to stay cool….


Has the human race affected the climate? Yes. But more damage is done by arsonists burning things than has ever been done by other means.


Take Portland, Salem and those cities right now as an example. Their air quality is extremely dangerous. Protesters have been burning dumpsters and trying to set buildings on fires for MONTHS now. Things that go into a dumpster are NOT meant to be burned. The chemicals they release when they are burned are severely toxic. Materials in buildings are also toxic when burned.


Protesters do not care. They scream climate change while burning things that literally destroy air quality. They scream green new deal while littering streets so badly their cities look like third world countries.


These activists also tend to be vegan, but are literally destroying farmlands that provide them food. They are disrupting the supply chain. Truckers who transport goods are now refusing to enter cities where riots are not under control.


Many of these activists live the “wanderer” lifestyle – consider themselves as “houseless” persons. This means they are homeless. Whether they choose to be or are homeless due to loss of a job it beside the point.


Once again let’s look at Los Angeles as an example. LA has over 60,000 homeless persons who defecate in the streets. All this human waste is NOT heading to treatment plants – it goes directly into the LA River and the ocean. It contaminates the water table and has been killing off wildlife for decades now.


Now, let’s look at the water cycle for a moment. Water evaporates, is collected in the clouds, and then becomes rain. With all the human waste contaminating the waterways in Los Angeles can you imagine what’s in those rain drops????


Ewwww right???? Who wants raindrops contaminated with human waste????


Obviously our leaders DO. Every year they receive billions of federal dollars to “address” the homeless crisis, but every year nothing is ever done about it – yet the money disappears…..


Climate change bullshit is just another way for local leaders to siphon off federal funds into their own pockets. Always follow the money folks ALWAYS!!!!


A few years ago Trump gave billions of dollars to California to help prevent these massive wildfires. Trump allotted federal resources to help clean up these dead trees and conditions that create the deadly wildfires.


Nothing was ever done……. But the money is gone….. Where did it go???

Now, we have Newsom on TV barking about climate change and how horrible it is – while the vast majority of these fires had absolutely noting to do with climate change. Typical Democrat right? Never let a good crisis go to waste to plug your pet political agenda????


They talk about the right to clean drinking water, yet allow millions of homeless to contaminate the water table and waterways…… They collect billions in federal funds to fight this issue – yet nothing ever happens, except the politician doing the crying is becoming a ready made millionaire.


How is it someone who makes on average of $80,000 a year, gets elected as a Democrat, and suddenly becomes a multimillionaire??? Follow the money folks, always follow the money…..


If you want to make a REAL impact on climate change…. Get these corrupt politicians OUT and elect someone who WILL act in a responsible manner.


Getting federal money year after year to deal with the homeless crisis and doing nothing about the homeless crisis is NOT responsible. That is embezzlement folks. Taking federal money allotted to prevent wildfires and then doing nothing about it is also embezzlement. The money sent to California for all of this is GONE folks and the situation has not been addressed by a penny of it!!!


WHERE did the money go???


As a taxpayer I demand an audit!!! It is high time these corrupt politicians answer to those who provide the funding for these things. We demand our tax money back and we demand it used for what it was meant for!!!




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