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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Black Lives Matter Lies About Insurance……The Facts and the Fallacy


Black Lives Matter Lies About Insurance……The Facts and the Fallacy


BLM leaders are promoting the idea that is is OK to loot. That it is their right to do so because it is reparations and helps feed their families…. (I guess the idea of an actual JOB / CAREER is lost on those who are simply seeking something for free)


BLM leaders assure everyone it’s ok because the places they loot and burn have insurance…. (This is how the justify their criminal behavior)


BLM promotes criminal behavior to satisfy their own political agenda  - using black people to do so – even though most blacks do not agree with that agenda….


Most BLM leaders are young, inexperienced in real life, have little to no education – not even a college graduate. These young, inexperienced so-called leaders THINK they speak for everyone…. THINK they have the authority to speak for others….. THINK that a socialist society is better for all….. But do not have the education to understand this has been tried and FAILED many times….


BLM leaders have their cultish followers believing every word they say and that ANY who speak against it (aka the actual truth) are racists telling lies, or white supremacists who seek to destroy black culture….


The black community is waking up though to the ills of BLM (the organization – not the movement) – while the organization takes in BILLIONS of dollars in donations yearly – not one red cent goes to truly help the black community…..Instead they insist that blacks riot, loot and burn to get what they need or desire.


BLM does NOT promote higher education for blacks – not even at historically black colleges that now have full funding for them…..Instead, BLM teaches it’s cultish followers to loot anytime they wish, this is their “right”, it is “owed to them”.


BLM does not want the black community educated because then they would walk away from BLM and its criminal ways. BLM does not want father’s in the home, or all the good things that would strengthen the black community….. Just look on their website and watch their videos…


BLM wants to keep the black community oppressed, in a state of constant victimhood where they will never see the light at the end of the tunnel…… BLM has literally enslaved the black community and wishes to keep them enslaved….. Any who speak out against this must be silenced as they have stated repeatedly!!!


BLM desires to commit genocide of ALL who are not black. Look at their website, watch their videos, watch interviews, listen to people like Nick Cannon….. BLM is the organization not only being racist but also teaching racism to the younger generations.


BLM teaches that people are BORN racist and this is simply NOT true. Racism is NOT genetic it is taught, nurtured by those who cannot move beyond it.


It is this teaching that BLM uses to enable the black community to believe that criminal actions should not even be punished. Anytime one is arrested they are a victim, being wrongfully arrested and this is taught to them by BLM. They cannot even grasp that there ARE consequences for bad behavior because they have been brainwashed into thinking this kind of behavior is acceptable.


So, the fallacy that BLM endorses about looting is fine since they have insurance….. Let’s take a deeper look at that….. Direct quotes from websites, with links are NOT italicized. MY remarks are italicized.

Let’s first look at a chart from The Insurance Journal concerning ONLY Minneapolis. This is just estimates of the cost of damages to businesses who actually had insurance – and what portion (if any) might be covered by that insurance.





As you can clearly see their projection of the percentage that will be COVERED by insurance claims is 24% - so where is the balance coming from? Directly out of pocket for the business owners. This is why many will never recover and never reopen. They will be out of pocket to pay for clean-up, debris removal, etc.

It is also why many businesses who are covered will never return to the area. Even though they can financially cover the difference – WHY would they return to an area where THIS is a future probability with BLM promoting the idea that looting and burning is an acceptable way to obtain things.



Insurance companies are not covering a vast majority of portions of claims since this occurred during a nationwide pandemic lock down.

Insurance companies will use ANY loophole they can find to NOT payout full claims. If you have ever had a car wreck and had to deal with an insurance company then you KNOW what I mean. Due to the covid lockdowns these businesses were closed. All this looting occurred during the lockdown thus insurance companies are trying to use loopholes to keep from having to payout claims. Many who did have insurance will be in litigation for years before they see a penny in claims payouts. The immediate costs will come directly out of pocket until legal battles are finished.



It is common news that insurance is not covering the full cost of the damage that has been done. BLM does not care though and they keep encouraging the rioting and looting as their right. BLM does not want the black community to grasp the long term impacts all of this is going to have on their own communities – even though the short term impacts are being felt hard.


Private insurance won’t come close to paying the cost of rebuilding what was lost in the riots following George Floyd’s death.

Though Gov. Tim Walz has estimated that total losses will exceed $500 million, insurance companies have informed the Minnesota Department of Commerce that they will be covering a maximum of $240 million in riot-related damage. In the 5-mile stretch of Minneapolis that sustained the heaviest destruction, uninsured losses among local small-business owners are at least $200 million, according to the Lake Street Council.


Who is going to help those businesses that didn’t even have insurance, or their policy was a bare minimum one that is not covering any of this???? Many of those businesses will never recover or reopen….

BLM does not care – even if it was a black owned or minority owned business. They keep encouraging the criminal behavior to further their own political agenda….




Someone ought to run this Minneapolis Star Tribune report by the idiots who have defended and even promoted the anti-police looting and rioting with the astonishingly ignorant assertion that insurance will somehow cover the cost of the damage, both physical and emotional.

Black Lives Matter Chicago organizer Ariel Atkins, for example, called the ransacking of department stores in Chicago “reparations,” adding also that “anything” that the looters stole “they can take it because these businesses have insurance.” USA Today contributor Sally Kohn said she “understands” the violence and that America needs to “check [its] priorities” because “property is insured and can be replaced.” Activist and former CNN reporter Wendy Brandes said that people need to “stop mourning broken windows at Starbucks, Walmart, and Chase banks” because “those multi-billion-dollar companies [are] going to be just fine.” Author John Pavlovitz said, “White people are still going on about the property damage done in the George Floyd protests. The windows and signs have already long been replaced or soon will be. George Floyd cannot. That's the damn point. People > Property.”

It takes a toxic cocktail of ignorance and privilege to look at the smoldering ruins of a family-owned business and shrug it off with some quip about how an insurance company will no doubt fix it. Perhaps this ignorant talking point about insurance is really about assuaging the guilt of those who have targeted innocent entrepreneurs. Perhaps it is meant to assuage the guilt of the rioters’ enablers.

In the end, though, it does not change the fact that innocent people, including many immigrant people of color, are suffering in the name of “justice,” which, ironically enough, is the exact opposite of justice.


BLM chants “No justice, no peace”, however they are destroying the very justice they are seeking….Yet, the leaders of BLM do not care and keep encouraging criminal behavior and teaching the black community that they are victims and being arrested makes them even more so.




Article after article we see that business owners will either be closing up for good, or leaving the area. This only hurts the black communities that BLM will not support nor put a penny into helping. BLM enslaves black to do their dirty work while they put their donation money into rish white men’s pockets – like the Biden campaign….




Consider that at least 15 people were killed during the initial riots after Floyd’s death, and that more have died in the unrest since. When arson and looting consume the streets, people inevitably get hurt and caught in the crossfire. That’s why the Minneapolis police found a burnt corpse in a pawn shop days after arsonists had passed through.

Nor can the existence of property insurance undo the trauma experienced by the many injured during the ransacking of stores. In just one example of many, an elderly man was beaten severely by looters and left bleeding on the ground when he tried to defend his store.

Moreover, the destruction of their community, understandably, traumatizes many individuals. It causes them vast amounts of emotional pain and disrupts their lives immeasurably.

Big companies like Walmart and Target generally have expensive, premium insurance plans. But many of the mom-and-pop enterprises and small businesses targeted in the riots didn’t have expensive insurance plans. In some cases, their more modest plans don’t cover damage from riots or don’t cover it in full.

According to Insurance Journal75 percent of US businesses are under-insured. And according to the New York Times, about 40 percent of small businesses have no insurance at all.

It’s not hard to see why. Insurance doesn’t magically make costs go away; it simply spreads them across a pool of policy-owners. If, suddenly, communities see a massive spike in payouts due to rioting, insurance companies will charge them much more in the future because they know they’ll be insuring higher-risk properties.


I have been saying all along that those witnessing this firsthand will be forever traumatized. Young children will grow up in fear. Elderly will not be able to walk the parks. Most small businesses owners will always be afraid that every day another riot will happen and cost them everything. But, it’s the dead who speak the loudest. A man lay in a pawn shop for DAYS in the rubble. DEAD because he tried to protect his business from criminals who were doing BLM’s dirty work. He lay in the rubble for days as bugs ate at him and his body decayed while BLM rioted in the streets right in front of his pawn shop…..  They didn’t care about his life….And they don’t care about yours….




However, insurance is not always obliged to pay for the types of losses sustained in a riot. For example, some businesses may not have protection against theft (a common occurrence during riots). Depending on how one's injuries are sustained, property insurance may not be liable if the injury suffered was not one against which the property owner could have taken measures to protect the injured party. Some policies may even include explicit exceptions for damages suffered due to civil unrest. Others may have high deductibles that make it impossible for the property owner or injured person to become whole again, particularly after the devastation that widespread rioting may cause to a community.


Again, article after article stating what I have been saying all along – not all businesses have insurance or enough to cover the damage. But, BLM keeps pushing this false idea to create even more looting and push their political agenda even farther. BLM is enslaving the black community and is the one oppressing them, IS the ones making victims out of them and IS the ones keeping them from being educated or even trying to do better for themselves. BLM promotes the idea that everything should be free and they are entitled to it and entitled to simply take what they want. BLM has taught them they are victims if they get arrested for their criminal behavior. BLM has taught them that no matter what the crime they did nothing wrong and being arrested is violating their rights.


BLM does not want the black community to see the long term implications of the riots, looting and burning.


BLM will never put one red cent into helping the black community once things settle down either.




Although this is an article from the UK, much of it does apply to the USA as well. It discusses the trickle down affect to the everyday consumer and how they are affected by the riots.





In the end it is the general consumer who will pay the ultimate price. The price of goods will increase to help business owners recoup some of their losses and cover the increase in insurance premiums. Security will also increase as business owners try to prevent this from happening again. It will create MORE profiling instead of reducing it since NOW those who looted have tarnished the black community terribly. Business owners will watch them ALL for signs of shoplifting, stealing etc….


The riots, looting and burning are having the exact OPPOSITE effect that BLM claims they want, yet they keep encouraging this criminal behavior and teaching blacks they are they victims….







“If carriers are paying out claims for hundreds of millions in losses, they’re going to try and recoup,” Frankel said. “There will be repercussions. Rates will go up.”


Insurance premiums have already gone up in affected areas, even car insurance. Some people can no longer afford the state minimum. Business insurance premiums, which were already high, have now grown to rates even the wealthy elite can barely afford. This cost is ultimately passed onto the consumer in higher prices on the goods they use every day. Don’t believe me? Compare what you paid for toilet paper this time last year to what you are paying now…….Or any item in your home, coffee, boxed food – literally ANYTHING – compare the price this time last year to the price you are paying today….. The fallout is already happening in increased prices of goods…. AND limited quantities….. Many stores have put a purchase limit on certain items….. Where I live a person can only purchase 2 packs of toilet paper or 4 packs of fresh meat in one trip to the store.



Insurance companies are now rethinking coverage for riots, looting, etc…. Some insurance companies will no longer write coverage for civil unrest, rioting, looting or even shoplifting. This will have a direct impact on the communities these businesses are in. If a business cannot obtain adequate insurance they will likely NOT return to the community.





Damage to cars is covered under the optional comprehensive portion of an auto policy. This provides reimbursement for damage to the vehicle and its contents caused by fire, falling objects, vandalism or riot.


Many people carry liability insurance only, which does NOT include any comprehensive coverage. Thus, if their car is damaged during a riot it will NOT be covered by their insurance AND their rates will increase.

The bottom line is that the cost of the riots will be passed onto the people….. Most of whom are already struggling to get by and will not be able to afford the impact to them….

But BLM does not care…… They encourage all of this destruction telling blacks that it will HELP them…..All to enslave blacks to do their dirty work to further a political agenda that no one wants…..

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