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Thursday, September 10, 2020

Smartest Virus in the Universe


Smartest Virus in the Universe


I have listened to the so-called professionals. I have written MANY articles about this virus. I have done tons of my own research from trusted, verified sources such as the WHO, CDC and other such organizations. I have access to their research papers on all forms of SARS and other diseases, treatments etc….


What I am NOT grasping though is mainstream medias total bias on this virus…..


Somehow this virus is highly contagious…. Must wear a mask, must socially distance…..Well, sometimes… Apparently these rules ONLY apply to Trump supporters and mainly at Trump rallies. These rallies are called “super spreader events”…..


But, somehow BLM rallies and protests are NOT super spreader events….


Even if both are held outdoors….. Somehow ONLY Trump rallies are super spreader events that will kill us all….. Even if the majority of people wear masks and socially distance….


But, somehow BLM protests, riots etc…. Where very FEW wear masks, socially distance are not….


I was watching a recent press conference where Kayleigh discussed this very perplexing issue. One of the reporters (fake news) kept asking about the mask issue, socially distancing etc for a Trump rally in a state where large gathering were banned.


Kayleigh reminded this reporter about the 1st amendment rights and the protests (which go against the state’s rule about large gatherings). 1st amendment rights to peacefully assemble for political demonstrations are protected activities (unless of course you are a Trump supporter).


Mainstream media seems to feel that 1st amendment rights only apply to BLM protests, rallies etc but NOT to Republicans…..


Mainstream media also promotes the idea that only Trump gatherings will spread this virus…. That somehow, magically this virus KNOWS the difference between a BLM supporter and a Trump supporter and will ONLY infect Trump supporters…


A thinking person should be able to see how ridiculously stupid this thinking is – and dangerous!

A worldwide pandemic does NOT discriminate as to WHO gets infected UNLESS it is bioengineered that way!!!!


That means mainstream media is 100% biased (which we all KNOW they are) OR this virus is the product of evil scientists, created for the sole purpose of getting rid of Trump supporters….


Think about that for a moment……


Why does mainstream media even THINK there should be a difference between a BLM rally and a Trump rally when it comes to HOW the virus spreads???


Both draw, well BLM #’s are severely reducing, large crowds both indoor and outdoor…. Both have members who do NOT wear masks or socially distance….. Both do offer masks and hand sanitizer to those in attendance…. The ONLY real difference is which side of politics they are on….


So, how then would this virus be able to distinguish one from the other and why does mainstream media even think it can? Worse yet, why does mainstream media tell the public that it DOES????


Unless it really does…. That would mean it WAS bioengineered….


What the public fails to see is that Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci literally own the patent on corona virus….. It was registered back in 2014 (I think – double check the actual year on the patent)… It is a registered patent, filed, sealed and all legal.


Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are also financially invested in the vaccine…..


Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci are also extreme liberals, neck deep in the D.C. corruption…..


Under the Obama admin we outlawed the study of corona virus – too dangerous..There was an actual fear this virus could be developed into a bioweapon and the USA outlawed the study of it. Prior to that happening Fauci has MANY studies being done at university labs across the east coast.


Fauci simply outsourced the studies to China and made sure the Chinese labs had the necessary funding to continue the research.


With that in mind, can you see now WHY many feel this virus might be a hoax OR a weapon???


There are way too many questions where this virus is concerned and not nearly enough answers – considering SARS is not a new virus and this one is now known as SARS-Cov-2


So, point to ponder…… Why are BLM rallies SAFE and Trump rallies considered “super spreaders” if BOTH are held outdoors????



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