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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

The Truth About Online Gaming (Part 2)


The Truth About Online Gaming


I grew up when ALL video games were born… The first being this boring ping pong game called PONG and of course I actually had it and was pretty damn good at it…..


Then came Atari… Oh man did we go nuts for THAT since I grew up in the birth of arcades and now wish I had all those damn quarters I dropped in those machines lol


Then came Nintendo, Sega, Playstation, Xbox and ALL the others…..

With the birth of computers came the birth of online gaming and multi – player interaction games….

With that began the birth of in game trading……

All of a sudden we see a generation that does nothing but plays the game to build up “cryptocurrency” to trade….

My generation could not play until homework was done, chores were done et… Only then did we get the joy of a couple hours before bedtime – same went for the arcade. We could not go until all duties were done.

This new generation was not upheld to those standards…..

This new generation was taught to believe that those games were actually important and they cannot live without them….

This began a SHIFT in the types of games that were marketed…. Once this generation was HOOKED…

Gone were the days of MarioCart, Donkey Kong, Pole Position, Turbo and such….Even Deerhunter fell by the wayside….. To make way for 1st person shooting games…. Games that promote criminal behavior such as Grand Theft Auto – EVEN rape role play games…..

This generation became literally addicted to these 1st person games…… I recall DOOM still love it and still think ALL of these games are for entertainment purposes only.

Hell, when I was a teenager we live action role played Dungeons and Dragons on the streets of Ypsilanti, Michigan…. So, I am speaking from a position of experience…. However, back then the homework had to be done, all chores completed BEFORE we could go out and do these things….

This new generation never had obligations such as chores or homework. When asked to clean their room or gather their laundry this new generation simply threw a hissy fit until the parent caved and did it for them.

This new generation has never once truly enjoyed the outdoors. Their hands cannot be separated from the game controlled long enough….. (This will be evident a little farther down)

Many of this new generation participate in all those crazy online challenges…. Planking, The Floor is Lava and Eating Tide Pods….. Too many to name…..

This new generation actually believes that the world behaves as it does on their game…. They believe certain behavior is acceptable and will aid them in getting the item they desire. This new generation has no concept of responsibility, money management, budgeting etc…. Mainly because parents have given up and none of this is taught in schools any longer….

This new generation was literally raised BY these online games…

Don’t believe me? I am sure there is a gamer in YOUR household. Try turning off the internet for 7 days and see what happens…..

These gamers go batshit nuts if they have a power outage….. If the internet is not available to them…. If their parents “ground” them and take away the game system…. If they break a controller and their parents refuse to replace it (which is more common than you realize – and parents USUALLY cave and replace the broken part)….. They cannot KEEP a job for long (More examples of this shortly)…. They are not capable of cooking a proper meal (Diets consist of hot pockets, pizza and microwave meals that do not take away game time)….They rarely separate themselves from their game for ANY reason…


Now, why does this new generation find it so hard to keep a job?

1.       The hours they play these online games interferes with their sleep. Some oversleep and miss their shifts one too many times… Some just don’t bother setting the alarm because the game is more important than the job

2.       They spend tons of time at work on their phone catching up on what they are missing on the game, chatting on social media, talking to friends who might drop in about their game plans for after work

3.       They have ZERO respect for authority and tend to get into arguments with their managers

4.       They have ZERO desire to learn the skills of whatever job they are doing

5.       Most still live with their parents and ONLY get a job because the parents pushed them to

6.       Some will act like they are going to a job but in reality go to a friend’s to play those online games instead – but keep up the persona to their parents that they are working

7.       Most have no desire to get a higher education and will ONLY enroll because parents pushed them to – but once enrolled – fail to attend classes and do so poorly they end up dropping out



I could keep going on and on but I think you see the point here.


Now with that said, let’s look at how we got here….


This new generation was taught that there are no real consequences for their behavior. Don’t believe me? Have you watched parents in WalMart or Target? Screaming kid, parent says no, kid has EXPLOSIVE tantrum and gets what it wants just to shut it up…..


Many parents have experienced this very same phenomenon at home when a controller breaks, there is no internet for whatever reason. This new generation has ZERO concept that things actually cost REAL money (not crypto). They have no concept that sometimes there just isn’t enough money to pay all the bills – since the internet is considered a luxury parents will let that bill go in order to be able to afford the necessary things like electric…..


But, the very SECOND that internet goes off the war at home starts.


The kid throws tantrums, curses at the parents, slams doors, throws things and sometimes gets physically violent. Most commonly the kid will break controllers, the game system itself, the TV they play on… etc and this behavior will continue – will not stop – until they get what they want – the internet back on and all the items they broke replaced.


This new generation believes the house rules do not apply to them. They believe the law of the land does not apply to them. Why? These online games have given birth to this nonsense as well as a phenomenon called “Micronations” – which is where that Seattle CHAZ / CHOP zone idea came from….It is also where the “Occupy” movement came from.


This new generation actually believe that EVERYONE should think like they do because many of these online games TELL them this is how it should be.


This new generation, and their LACK of education, make them think they are smarter than everyone else.


This new generation also follow what is known as the Sovereign Citizen Movement… Just go to Youtube and look it up…..


This is why they actually believe it is fine for them to drive without a license, or registering their car etc…


This new generation demands a Universal Income because THEY do not want to work (they want to sit home playing online games) while EVERYONE ELSE works and pays for what THEY want….


These games have taught them this is how it should be and because the parents did NOT intervene and correct this faulty thinking we are now stuck with a generation that needs serious deprogramming….


Don’t believe me? Look at Portland, not at the bullshit mainstream media shows you. Search for Portland Riots Live Feeds….. Or Any riot live feed….. Just WATCH and LISTEN…..


Let me share some of what I have personally seen on these live feeds….


I will use Portland for these examples…


The rioters kept attacking the federal courthouse….. But, made no real progress in the days after the Minneapolis riots…. So, they went home, got on their game systems and discussed HOW should they proceed….


A fence was put up around the building, they dismantled it and used it to barricade officers inside while they tried to set the building on fire…..(Something they learned playing Fortnite)


The officers of course won on a nightly basis….. So, in the game lasers are used to blind opponents…. Then lasers began being used against the officers – some of whom will be blind for life…. But still the officers won on a nightly basis… The only real thing the rioters were winning at was the destruction of the fence…


This generation IS literally live action role playing Fortnite and other online games….


So, a new fence went up…. A better one and the first few nights it held fast…..


I swear to you… No kidding…. The look on the rioters face when they FAILED at destroying the fence literally said – “It worked in the game why the hell isn’t it working here?”


Officers use tear gas and pepper spray on them, so they discuss this in game and return the next day with gas masks and “medic” kits that the GAME says works for such things…. But, still they get beaten back by officers….


Nightly they attack the new fence with no success. One night someone brought a cutting tool and breached the fence, but did not bring it down…..


In the game they learned that a leaf blower could help disperse the tear gas and pepper spray…. So people began bringing leaf blowers to use while the rioters kept attacking the new fence…. They finally did get one portion of the fence down…..


Some people are “street Medics” trained in game and think they know everything…. But cannot properly perform CPR and thought the need to use a tourniquet on a scratch…..Their miseducation can do more damage than the wound itself…… But, they think they are smarter than everyone else….


They came up with the “wall of mom’s” idea while playing Fortnite….. However, these innocent mom’s during the day were later seen on camera attacking the fence and then the federal courthouse building….


The game told them if you bring your dog the officer’s will not use tear gas or pepper spray  etc…. Some guy was oh so pissed after he and his “service” dog both got gassed…..


Now, they bring pregnant women and young children – to no avail…… Some of these young children even assist in throwing items at the officers….. I saw one boy around 10 – 12 years old helping set a dumpster on fire with his yellow shirted mom…..


I could keep going on with examples that show each night these twits go home and get on their game to discuss how they can proceed the next day, but I think you are getting the picture…


How do I know all of this? Live feeds of course. These oh so smart little twits live stream their games on FB live….. Anyone can watch and SEE every word they talk about and HEAR the one who is streaming….. Yes, I have “spied” on their live streams…. I have watched / listened to them plot shit for the next day…. I have seen them exchange cryptocurrency so someone could get a ticket to Portland to come riot…. I have seen them discussing ordering mass quantities of gas masks and other riot gear…..


And I have screenshotted it ALL and sent it to the feds……



Am I speaking out against these games? YES because parents have stopped being parents and allowed a game to raise their children.


When we begin holding these laissez-faire parents accountable for their lack of parenting MAYBE things will change. But as long as these parents are allowing online games to raise their children things will never get better…..


As long as grown children still live with their enabling parents then these parents ARE liable for the actions of their children….


I say WE THE PEOPLE band together in a class action lawsuit against the rioters AND their parents….


Who is with me????

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