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Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Online Gaming, Crypto and more


Online Gaming, Cryptocurrency and more (Part 1)


This article will be relatively SHORT compared to some I have written since I am not putting reference links…. On this one I challenge you to go research for yourselves….


The online gaming part of this article will have a follow up to be posted shortly….


Cryptocurrency was born when banks and game owners got greedy.

You see, many online gamers have “millions” in this unbacked online only currency, and they TRADE it to other online gamers in exchange for things they need within the game.

The greedy ones thought if they could monetize this trading – then they could make more money for THEMSELVES and thus gave birth to ALL forms of unbacked cryptocurrency….

This is WHY a cryptocurrency trade is NON-refundable

Crypto is not backed by banks, not backed by gold or other precious metals…..

Crypto literally exists only online……


But every gamer began heavily trading for it – Bitcoin is a good example…… Now, it can be traded via stock market apps such as Robinhood, Public and others….

But, keep in mind it is unbacked – meaning there is NOTHING to cover losses if it goes belly up….

It IS a high risk investment to say the least since what it TRULY is meant for is trading within online gaming… For items such as spells, or in game weapons etc…

Here is the HUGE problem…..

Crypto CAN destabilize banking as we know it simply because it SEEMS easier, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrency seems like a good investment due to its resale value……

But, what IF everyone went to crypto? I mean worldwide…..

No nation’s currency would have the solid backing of precious metals. For example, the USA backs its paper currency with gold and other precious metals – so, if the value goes DOWN the currency still holds it value….

Using a currency that has no backing of any kind means the banking system as we know it could collapse AND anyone who knows how to “mine” these currencies can literally STEAL every bit of crypto you “own”

But, who really owns cryptocurrency?

Not banks, not the online players……. It is the game owners / creators/ Apps that trade the cryptocurrency that TRULY own it……

How do THEY own it – even though YOUR account shows that YOU do???

Well, what is to prevent THEM from pulling the plug on a game when they feel the players have spent all they will ever spend within the game????

The game owners / creators / app owners etc hold the POWER to wipe out literally every bit of YOUR cryptocurrency with a single CLICK.

And BOOM it becomes THEIRS….

Online gamers KNOW this, it HAS happened on a smaller scale already….

Ever played an online game, built up a shit ton of cryptocurrency only to have a “glitch” and lose it all? Contacting the support team went nowhere right? Sorry, nothing we can do song and dance….

Now, that this cryptocurrency is traded OUTSIDE of those games that gave birth to it – cryptocurrency is STILL subject to these “glitches”

Plenty of pissed off people making posts about how their cryptocurrency got wiped out because of a “glitch” and whatever company will NOT make it right with them….


NOW, imagine this…..

We know there is a push for all currency to go digital…..  WHY?

So, those who control those glitches can get even richer than they already are – so they can CONTROL you with the push of a button….

Let’s pretend for a moment that all currency is digital….. Let’s pretend for a moment that a politician you HATE is running for office….. Now, this candidate is favored among those already in power but you hate them……. You begin openly discussing why you hate them and wake up one day to everything you earned, built up etc GONE --- so you contact support – sorry nothing we can do it was a “glitch”.

Now every penny of your life savings is GONE and sitting in someone else’s account…..

There is literally nothing you can do….. The law doesn’t have any real options to recover cryptocurrency / digital currency….. It is NOT backed by any “real” banks…. Aka brick and mortar banks with real branches etc……

So, what happens? You have literally lost everything….. And there is nothing you can do about it…



Do YOU see now why there is a heavy push to convert to ALL digital currency?????

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