So, Brian got legally evicted from where he was squatting, tried to appeal it and was denied because he failed to serve the property owner. The day of the execution of the eviction he threatened to get a CHTRO, he tried and the emergency request was denied.....
I have been so busy since the storms hit here with some pretty hard winds and now nice weather so I been outside a lot. I promise to be more active soon.
*** Update - February 19, 2025***
Yesterday was the restraining order hearing that Brian had
filed on me and his emergency request was denied. I did not go alone. Denise
went with me because Brian tried to say that he was the one who was taking care
of the horses, when in reality, on days I could not do it I was paying out of
my own pocket to have a couple of teenage girls come help. Their mother went
with me yesterday, but did not need to testify.
I posted images of what he filed in this album. I went
prepared of course, over $40 to print off everything in triplicate. So, Brian
spoke first since he filed the request and much of what he said was not even in
what he submitted in the written request. Each time he mentioned something I
dug through my stack and laid out documents. Judge Baxter looked flustered with
Brian, and I am pretty sure he did not believe a word Brian said.
Brian threatened to have so many witnesses at court, he came
alone and without handwritten notes, no proof of a single claim he tried to
make. Stacy was listed as an additional protected party, and the majority of
his request was based on the horse’s removal – but she did not appear with him
in court. That speaks volumes. If what he said was true Stacy should have been
with him supporting his claims since the horses belonged to her, not him.
According to Brian he is “renting from BLM” but could not
produce a written agreement, he could not produce one because he does not have
one. Brian is illegally squatting, and BLM does not rent to people that way.
According to Brian, the property owner who evicted him does not exist – it is
me pretending to be this person to do an illegal eviction on him. Brian tried
to complain about things that happened back in June 2024 – such as me having my
freezer next to my door. Yeah, so how is me having my freezer next to my door
harmful it is my freezer after all.
Brian also falsely stated that he was attacked and spent 3
months in hospice. This is a lie because he was seen on Ron’s property during
the time he was supposedly in hospice, there are pictures to prove that. Brian
tried to convince Judge Baxter that because I had him removed from my property
in June, in 114 degree weather, that I “killed” his 17 and a half year old
service animal. Brian lost the judge when he spewed his lie about the dog being
a “war vet” with X amount of kills. I saw Judge Baxter literally roll his eyes
when Brian was saying that.
Brian did mention the sheriff escorted him off my property
but pretended I did that maliciously when it was done because of his text
messages to me. The sheriff read them and then removed him from the property.
Judge Baxter kept asking Brian for any evidence of his
complaints. Of course, Brian had none because his complaints were lies. When it
was my turn Judge Baxter said, Ma’am, I know you have a lot to say but it is on
Brian to prove his case, and he has failed to meet the threshold, so I am
denying the request. I did ask the Judge to put one thing on record. I held the
animal control reports on the horses being moved per animal control orders and
said this issue with being called a horse thief needs to end. I asked Judge
Baxter to put it on record that it was an animal control matter, and he did. So
that is now officially in the court record and if either of them continue with
the lie that I stole the horses with others help it can be prosecuted.
The fact that Brian actually thinks it is me doing an
illegal eviction on him is delusional. The fact he believes “a neighbor gave
him permission” to squat on someone else’s land is also delusional. Not one
property owner in this valley wants him here and they take action when they
become aware that he is on their property. Brian calls that a “hate crime”, “attempted
murder” and other things. Brian is not the victim. Brian knows what he is doing
is wrong. Brian knows he has no legal claim to someone else’s land. But, Brian
feels entitled to squat and go so far as building on someone else’s land.
I will be uploading some more images later. Brian has tried
to appeal against the eviction, which was denied. Brian is also emailing the property
owner who obtained the legal eviction, and those emails are quite disturbing. There
is no appeal for an eviction when you have illegally squatting on someone else’s
The problem with Brian is if he does not get his way then
you become the enemy and he tried to use the court process against you. After
court, Brian was so mad. We watched him stomp to his car, slam the door and
then stomp to the sheriff’s office. We sat there a bit to see if he came out,
but he didn’t. No telling what I will be accused of this time, but damn I was
so ready to deal with this yesterday and the Judge just outright denied him.
I have a lot to get done today but wanted to give a full
update on court yesterday. Brian has also filed a CHTRO against Ron, the guy
who evicted him, but it has not yet been served. I will keep you updated on how
that one goes.
One last thing I want to clarify, Brian mentions his power
went off. In court he spoke of his cord being unplugged from the generator.
Brian failed to mention that he had one of those HUGE portable swamp coolers
and was told he could NOT put that on the generator. Brian was offered the use
of a window unit air conditioner, all he had to do was put it in the window.
Brian chose not to and continued to overload the generator until it blew up and
I had to go trade it in. So, yes, I did unplug it every time he tried to
overload the new one with that swamp cooler he was told not to use. Brian does
not have a right to tear up my generator when an air conditioner was provided
with the camper he was sleeping in.
I never got the chance to discuss this since the Judge
denied his request, so I wanted to clarify this matter once and for all. I have
since installed that window unit in my motorhome window, but when Brian was
here it was in the bathroom of the camper he was in and yes, there are pictures
to prove that.
I did not unplug him maliciously. I unplugged his HUGE swamp
cooler because it overloaded the generator. Yes, I have receipts proving a
warranty exchange occurred while Brian was here and the exchange was due to the
generator power output being overloaded and would no longer output.
Now I really do need to get some stuff done today.
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