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Friday, February 28, 2025

Brian's Delusional Social Media Rampage


Ok, I wasn’t gonna make a post on this but I feel it necessary. Had some fun today watching Brian spiral into madness with his baseless accusations and delusions. Today was downright fun, especially after his failed attempt in court on February 18, 2025 in front of Judge Baxter.

Let’s back up though for those who need to be brought up to speed. Brian lied to me and came to my property under false pretenses. He claimed he wanted to stop in and meet me on his way back to Montana, rest a few days before the trip. He crashed in a camper I have that was empty at the time. He inserted himself into a situation I was having with Stacy Nichols (Kendall) about her horses and their care. I was no longer able to physically care for them or pay for water for them, nor did they have any shelter and it was June 2024. In the CHTRO paperwork he filed against me he wrongfully claimed that I am the only person who knew Stacy Kendall is Stacy Nichols. Brian actually states that in more than one place on the paperwork. For anyone following that saga I am pretty sure the entire Internet knows Stacy Kendall is Stacy Nichols and that happened long before she met me.

Brian likes to tell people he was caring for the horses and believed Stacy’s lies about paying for their needs. Let’s be real, the horses arrived in February 2024 and Animal control ordered them moved in June 2024. Brian had been here MAYBE 10 days at the point the horses were moved and had helped one time with giving Loki hay. Brian complained it was too much work, and it was too hot to do it.

Due to Brian making death threats to anyone who tried to move the horses, the sheriff removed him from my property the same day the two horses were moved. Brian then began camping on an unnamed dirt road just up from me. Brian had Kim’s phone number because Kim had called him to make sure Brian understood that he was not welcome on the property on the hill. Brian apparently did not listen because he kept messaging me and even calling Kim to demand water. (See the text messages I posted in the album in Scammer’s Exposed by DJ Catlady). Brian felt somehow it was our responsibility to provide him with water and who knows what else.

This continued with Brian to the point that the sheriff made him move from there. He acted like he left but then went right back down that same dirt road to set up on Ron Austin’s property. Brian claims he was never on Ron’s property – pictures prove differently. The county forced Ron to file a legal eviction on Brian – why? Who knows, seriously a trespasser who sets up shop is still a trespasser. Ron had to get a registered address and then go through the formal eviction process. He called me to let me know he could not make it in time on January 21, 2025 when the sheriff was executing the eviction and asked if I would do so for him. I said yes and thus the two videos of said eviction stand as proof I was simply there to document and accept the paper for Ron.

Brian has never met Ron because Brian didn’t think it was important enough to go to court on the days for the eviction hearings. Instead, he tried to file appeals, which he lost. So, because Brian has never actually seen Ron during the hearing February 18, 2025 where he tried to get a CHTRO on me, Brian actually told Judge Baxter that Ron does not exist and it was me using a fake name to get an illegal eviction on him. Ron arrived a little later in the day January 21, 2025 and went to inspect his property and how Brian left it. I know because I drove him up there.

Brian has never contacted Ron to arrange to retrieve what he left behind the day of the eviction. Instead, he has made trails through the desert to avoid the dirt road in order to continue to squat and continue to build. Maybe Brian is not aware but after an eviction is executed, he has ONLY 14 days to work out with the owner to get what he left behind, after that the owner has the legal right to dispose of anything left behind.

Brian went right over to the courthouse the day the eviction was executed, so he could try to file a CHTRO against me. I posted what he filed in the album. I will put the link to the album at the end of this post, along with the animal control reports concerning Stacy’s horses and that situation that Brian keeps spreading the lie about stolen horses.

Ron filed the eviction in October 2024, so Brian had plenty of time to find another place to squat. Brian chose not to go to scheduled court dates concerning the eviction, if he had, he would then have actually met Ron and know that he actually exists and actually owns the property Brian chose to squat on. But, as the video demonstrates, Brian feels laws do not apply to him. On the day the eviction was executed, Brian even tried to use something that has worked for him in the past – oh his car has flat tires. I was going to offer the use of my compressor, but Brian had his own when he saw the officers were not falling for that line. Thankfully, he did not need to use mine though.

Instead of being a stand-up person and doing what every other normal person does (rent or buy property), Brian thinks he has some claim to any land he wants regardless of who it belongs to. On the CHTRO paperwork he filed on me he mentions the MARSGT (or something like that) project. I had to look that one up and I encourage everyone to do so. The project is about 3D printed homes on MARS, not Earth and it is NOT a project being handled in California. But, Brian, feeling self important, felt like claiming he was part of this project.

So, I looked up numbers and I called. I knew no one would have a clue what I was talking about, but I called every number I could find for this project, and no one has a clue who Brian is and he is not a part of their project. Nor does his cabin he built bear any semblance to the homes planned as part of the project. Please do not take my word for it – look it up yourself and call them for yourself. Fact check me on that, but not one single person connected to the project has a clue who Brian is or why he is claiming financial backing from them. As I said, I posted what he filed and you can see it in his own handwriting (because he likes to tell people I lie on him). The court forms he filled out in his own hand are not my words, those are his.

Brian also tried to say that my album on him was lies. The vast majority of that album is his texts to me – his own words. It is pictures of his vehicles on Ron’s land, and on the dirt road he was squatting on before he went to Ron’s land. Brian has a long history of this with other people. Sergio Nunez and Andrea Klein-Gregg both have active restraining orders against him. I did not learn this though until after he began squatting on Ron’s land.

Now Brian thinks he is gonna rally people to hurt me via his delusional posts in Facebook groups. Maybe Brian doesn’t realize that submitting a post anonymously does NOT mean it is anonymous. But his persistence and changing stories are becoming dangerous. FYI – his dog, Blue died of old age, he was 17 and a half. I did not “kill” his dog as he claims. The dog was alive and well when the sheriff escorted him from my property. Brian needs to make up his mind, seriously. Before he came to my place, he told everyone his previous landlord ran Blue over with the car and paralyzed him. Brian was telling everyone Blue was gonna die because of being run over. The dog could barely walk when Brian arrived here and would not eat anything. So, which story is it Brian?

Another issue about Blue is the dog is NOT a “combat vet”. I have been assured by many military personnel that had Blue been an actual vet they would have taken care of his vet care for the rest of his life, and prosecuted the person who hit Blue with a car. If Blue had been an actual combat vet dog with so many kills, he would have lived his life in luxury, not homeless living in a car. So, just more stories Brian tells to make himself sound important. Blue was a mangy street mutt Brian found after being released from prison for threatening a judge.

Brian making posts that I am somehow connected to a missing person and protecting remains found on Ron’s property prove what? That he trespassed on Ron’s property and found some human remains. The fact Brian is trying to connect me to remains that have obviously been out here longer than I have is only showing his desperation to have someone buy into his bullshit. His latest posts claim that Ron does exist and those human remains he found are Ron’s body and I supposedly killed him. I thought Ron was gonna die laughing when I sent him the screenshots of that post.

Brian is also spreading around a video that he claims is me and has an injured dog in a tub or water. First, it is obviously not my hands in the video – nor is it my voice. Happy to take a pic of my hands – which are on my profile due to updates about the wrist surgery. Second, this is not a new video – animal control contacted me back in July 2024 asking about a dog in a pink tub. I had no idea what they were talking about. AC investigated and cleared me of this issue. AC also noted in their report that Brian and Stacy were trying everything they could to use AC as a weapon. This is documented in their report which can be obtained via public records request by anyone.

Brian is now private messaging people to perpetuate his hate and try to rally people to believe him. Thankfully, many of those people are forwarding those messages to me. The fact that he is making threats of violence gave me the grounds to file for a restraining order. The court also suggested that I take the documentation to the district attorney’s office because I do have enough to prove felony stalking, among other crimes. I will wait to see what the judge recommends though on that matter, maybe see if the judge will do a referral to the district attorney’s office.

Brian has also annoyed the sheriff to the point they are losing patience with him. In the last week he has been in their office at least 10 times trying to make them arrest me, Ron and anyone connected to me. The sheriff explained to Brian that Ron had every right to begin clean up when Brian failed to make arrangements in the 14 day time frame after the eviction.  But, Brian is claiming I destroyed his home, stole his things etc. My only part was to supervise the crew and show them how to get to the cabin. I have helped Ron because Ron lives in another county and it is just easier for me to supervise such things for him since I live out here.

Brian can squeak all he wants but he needs to face the facts. Brian chose to squat on property that does not belong to him. Brian chose to illegally build on property that does not belong to him. Brian failed to attend a single court hearing on the eviction process and thus has zero grounds to gripe. Brian has zero legal grounds to claim anyone did anything wrong except himself.

Brian is telling people that Kim has a trail cam and will provide him all of the footage. I thought Kim was gonna choke laughing when I read him what Brian wrote. Brian is also claiming that Kim has said it is ok to bring the horses back up there – when it is NOT ok with Kim to do so he does NOT want Brian, Stacy or the horses back up there and has warned them if they try he will prosecute for trespassing. But Brian keeps insisting the horses are stolen on social media because the sheriff refuses to listen to him. The sheriff was present, as demonstrated in the AC reports. Brian does not own said horses and why he is even involving himself – which Stacy has not once backed up a single post he has made, nor did she appear in court with him on the 18th.

Each post Brian has made is a direct result of him trying to force the sheriff to be used as a weapon against me and anyone connected to me. The sheriff refused to do so and now Brian is using social media as a weapon. Each post is a complaint he tried to make and one the sheriff explained to him that no crime was committed. Brian refuses to accept this and stirs up hate using social media to do his dirty work for him. Sadly, people buy into his lies until they read the album and fact check for themselves.

In the meantime, I am stuck dealing with tons of messages, screenshots being sent to me and Brian knows, it is why he does it – a way to continue harassing indirectly. Brian uses people in his threads as a weapon and for sympathy. Do not play into his hands.


I do need to get some things done today before the rain moves in. I will update more later. I would appreciate any screenshots of ANY posts made since yesterday when the TRO was filed (the one I filed on him). It goes towards further documentation of his continued attempts to harass me and get others to use violence against me.


Thank you

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