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Monday, August 5, 2024


 Official Notice from Amanda Blankenship --- 

Let this be a PSA for Stacy Kendall , she has 3 weeks to pick up her horse from Thursday, 8/ 8/2024, that she has pretty much abandoned at this point. If you are a mutual friend or are a friend PLEASE SCREEN SHOT THIS and have her get in touch with me asap , she also still needs to answer for the eye condition of Diva as well as where her other 2 horses are that AC is looking for. She needs to contact them asap so this current investigation can be closed!
Enough is enough AND IM DONE after this I've been through these passed few days , I'm not being nice anymore or taken on anyones burdens if they can't grow the f up and take care of there own!


Yes it is legal to give notice via posting / publishing so stop crying it isn't. Considering the fact you are homeless, sleeping in your truck and never in the same spot so no one can find you to serve you - the law allows for service by posting.

Many people have tried to reach out to you in order to reunite you with Loki - YOU have chosen to ignore them and have refused to go take care of him. YOU chose that, no one was stopping you from it.

I am glad though that you chose to abandon him tbh..... Now he will have an owner (once he is adopted) that will give him the home he deserves.

It is sad though that the reason you are hiding is because you KNEW Diva's eyes needed care and repeatedly you screamed at me it was just a "fly allergy".........

Do you think AC will just forget or close the case if you hide long enough? When they came here over the horses they still had 2 open cases on Thor & Sterling........ But I think you knew that when you manipulated me into allowing the horses to come here......

You have been given notice Stacy. Are you gonna show up for this horse you claim to care so much about or are you gonna keep pretending you are a victim, crying over social media about how wronged you were - when it was never about YOU it was about the horses........ The clock is ticking..... Loki will be free to be adopted at the end of the time Amanda mentioned above........ What excuses will you have when you fail to go after him???? Cannot wait to see them all.......

As for threats to sue or prosecute..... You do realize your current actions are uniting an army of those you have burned???? Are you ready to see them all again???? Besides, if you do try to file anything AC would know exactly where to find you on the court date............. Then they would also find Thor and Sterling too........

So, Stacy seriously, what excuses do you have as to why you have NOT provided for Loki & Diva's care and not been to collect Loki or deal with Diva's issue????

Inquiring minds want to know........


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