So, yet again someone provides screenshots of a long winded post Blaze made whining about me "stalking" his past..... It's called investigative journalism.... Blaze just thought he could lie about his past and no one would ever dig deep, until now.
The only thing Blaze knows how to do from the heart is self serving. His verbal abuse, psychological abuse, financial abuse and sexual abuse take their toll on a woman. He then slanders them, lies and claims he ended the relationship and goes after the woman with both barrels, in some cases using the courts to further harass them.
Not once has Blaze left a relationship - that I have found so far. EVERY ex I have had contact with is the one who kicked him to the curb. Believe me I have spoken directly with MANY of his exes..... As for giving his all? Well that may be his interpretation.....
He put his entire soul into trying to get Lynne's mom to make him power of attorney.......
He put his entire soul into trying to get Amanda to put him on the deed to her place....
Hell, I cannot even find a place where he wasn't kicked out tbh...... I have 2 landlords I am still trying to track down to get their story of why they evicted Blaze..... Paperwork says he was an "unlawful tenant" I want that defined!!!!
Blaze hops from bed to bed because he is a homeless grifter who cannot afford a place of his own and is too insecure to be on his own. Blaze feeds off the kindness of the women he finds, the ones who fall into his eyes and fall for his lines..... Until they wake up and see him for what he is, a narcissistic psychopath.
He has cheated, more than once...... I know for a fact that while he was still with Erica that he was seducing Amanda. Nothing happened until after Erica left, but emotionally Blaze had already moved on to his next mark. That marriage died because of his lies and abuse. Erica worked her ass off in a great job and her tax refund got snatched to cover his back due child support...... Blaze has always used women that way - to cover his bills that he has no intentions of ever handling on his own.
Blaze calls all of his exes spiteful.... Why though? Why does he move heaven and earth to make sure no one digs into his past???? Because he knows all of his lies will be exposed....
Surely he has just one ex who has something halfway decent to say about him.... I have not located one yet, but I am still tracking down a few!!!!
I have always challenged people not to take my word alone for things..... YOU speak to his exes, ask the hard questions, listen to what they have to say...... YOU do a public records request, read the files and educate yourself on the matter and you decide is he lying....
Yes, I have done a lot of research, a whole team has. Yes we have gathered files, written articles and continue researching.
Blaze's gaslighting to make himself appear the victim is simply to feed his need for self importance and pity.
Blaze is running out of places to hide from his past now that it is being posted for the world to see. Blaze loves to accuse others but never provides a single shred of proof of any of those accusations - he expects people to believe every word that comes out of his mouth.
But, pay close attention to what he says because it does have value....... Those accusations are EXACTLY what he is doin himself folks. So, when he makes an accusation you need to look at records, screenshots and documents because it is something he is doing himself. That is the way of the narcissist thought, accuse the true victim of what the narcissist is doing.
The only thing Blaze cares about is himself and chasing money. In 2015 he exploited a litter of dying parvo pups for as much as he could get and NEVER took a single one of them to the vet even though the funds that were donated were supposed to cover a vet visit for them......
In 2023 Blaze took adoption deposits and used them for gas in his tank, a new tire, who knows what and never had the animals spayed / neutered which is what the funds were supposed to be for!!!!
When he stayed on my property this was a HUGE disagreement. Blaze would sit at my table whining about his bills. I would firmly explain to him that animal food and supplies is more important that his credit card bill or gas in his vehicle (that is not used for the animals)......Blaze did not want to hear that. Until he met me when he stuck his hand out women catered to his ass. He learned real quick I have my priorities straight and could not be swayed to bow to his demands.
Then came the bitter hateful attitude towards me. Because I would not give him money on demand I got lumped into the spiteful women out to destroy him category.
Blaze made a post yesterday, only proving something I said a long time ago - he thinks he is God's gift to women and that they are the reason relationships fall apart, not his actions (no it is never him right?)
Blaze will financially destroy a woman if given enough time with her........
Blaze will emotionally destroy a woman then blame it all n her....
Blaze will lay hands on a woman, proven history of it........ Abused his first wife and even knocked over the baby bassinet with the baby in it - did not care about his newborn son or how his actions may have hurt the child.... He was just pissed the wife called his cheating ass out for bringing a woman home, into their bed while the wife slept with the babies in the other room......
Blaze must get what Blaze wants, when he wants or else....
The only thing Blaze puts into a relationship is trying to make himself the most important part of it. He makes sure the other person has zero time for anything else by constantly texting or calling and spending HOURS on the phone with them. He also insists they use an app that tracks their every move - Life360....... Oh man did he get ticked when I refused to use it and had the board vote to get rid of it and an app called yello.
People ask how I know so much..... I know because there is a monster inside of Blaze, one I know all too well because I spent 20 years with someone just like Blaze..... Handsome enough to charm anyone, behind closed doors it was a living hell...... No one could believe he was that way because he made sure the marks could be covered with clothing...... The ones that couldn't, well, I was a prisoner in my own home until they healed, so yeah I see the monster inside of Blaze and know it for what it is, pure evil.
Unfortunately, he will continue exploiting women until he kills one or they kill him. I have seen too many ID channel shows to miss the signs....
The only thing I can do is warn others about his true nature and pray that he has himself committed and gets the help he needs. That cannot happen though unless he begins to be truthful with himself and everyone else....
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