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Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Truth – Who is Keeping Kids Out of School


Truth – Who is Keeping Kids Out of School

Teacher’s unions do NOT want kids back in school. Why? Well, the teacher’s are afraid of the virus, yes. But, they worked through H1N1, flu season and other infectious diseases…..

Teacher’s get paid full salary regardless of whether they are having classes or not.

They are under a CONTRACT with the school board and they are getting paid for NOT having classes.


Free money for nothing and they like it.


That is what it boils down to.

For idiots to try to play identity politics in wanting kids back in school, allow me to point out a few things this article does not….


1.       Children in minority families will suffer the most YES – but in more ways than imagined.

2.       Minority children fall behind easier because their parents are NOT involved in their schooling to begin with. Most minority parents are too busy to get involved with the ONLINE schooling unless they have to

3.       FACT – inner city minority parents lack sufficient education themselves and are therefore not able to assist their children with homework

4.       FACT – child abuse in minority families has increased since the lock downs as has domestic abuse – an abused child typically NEEDS in person schooling as a safeguard for the abuse since their teachers ARE mandated reporters

5.       FACT – inner city minority families have less access to proper technology for the online schooling and SOME children are not even participating in it

6.       FACT – the less education a child has the MORE likely they will turn to crime

7.       FACT – online schooling CANNOT give children the much needed social skills they will need to develop to grow into a healthy, well-adjusted adult

8.       FACT – this pandemic has created a new fear in children that will only serve to make them less functional adults – Kids should be fearless, explore their world and KNOW basic hygiene – they are currently being taught things that will affect them for the rest of their lives in a negative way (Example – overuse of hand sanitizer kills the good bacteria on skin making someone MORE susceptible of catching viruses)

9.       FACT – an old saying – familiarity breeds contempt…. Spending 24/7 with anyone will always create division, resentment, anger and even hatred – which then in turn turns into violence

10.   FACT – kids need to learn from other kids as well and other adults – the lock down prevents this interaction

11.   FACT – kids need to get dirty, it builds their immune system and they think it’s fun – this lock down is preventing this

12.   FACT – teachers are typical the first real authority figure kids are taught to trust and respect…. Without in person schooling, kids are not being allowed to interact with authority figures and thus develop a distrust of them which turns into disrespect

13.   FACT – Teacher’s unions do not care about all of the above…… All they care about is that paycheck, their benefits etc

14.   FACT – nonunion teachers are the ones working the hardest right now to make sure kids still get educated, spend out of pocket for classroom supplies, go the extra mile for their students even NOW during the lockdowns

15.   FACT – kids need the extra curricular activities like sports, band, clubs, etc to form healthy relationships with others and learn fairness, satisfaction, gratification and so much more….

16.   FACT – the lock downs are harming our children more than anyone can ever imagine….. The long term damage we are doing to our next generation may be unrepairable

17.   FACT – kids share germs!!! Kids are less likely to be impacted by covid and not as likely to spread it as adults are – the teachers are literally more dangerous spreaders than the children are – but kids share germs!!! (Back in the 70’s chicken pox went around. My mom MADE me catch it, said get it done with then you will have immunity – it worked!) Parents are so fearful now that basic germs are not even being shared and this destroys an entire community’s resistance to anything!!!!

18.   FACT – kids need RECESS – it teaches them the old concept of work before play

19.   FACT – Spending hours in front of a computer is harmful to vision (even with a screen filter)

20.   FACT – not all kids can adapt to the online schooling and thus fail to perform if they perform at all




I could keep listing the MILLIONS of things this article left out, but I think you see the point. Having kids return to school is not one single thing this twit who tweeted mentioned!!!!


People who go to college to become a teacher seem selfless. It is an honorable job that is thankless and underpaid.


But, those who became teachers simply to be in the union, get benefits etc are despicable!!!


Teachers who are not going the extra mile right now, during the lockdown are selfish, heartless and do not deserve the job!!!!


To the nitwits like those who sent tweets like the one in the article – get the hell out of the classroom you do not belong there!!!!!

You lead by example and LOOK at the example YOU are setting……






Chicago Teachers Union: 'The Push To Reopen Schools Is Rooted in Sexism, Racism, and Misogyny'

No one has fought harder to keep kids out of the classroom than teachers unions.





The Chicago Teachers Union, which represents more than 28,000 educators in the nation's third largest city, tweeted on Sunday: "The push to reopen schools is rooted in sexism, racism and misogyny."

That was the entire tweet; the union provided no additional comment or clarifying statement. There was no acknowledgment that many people who argue schools should reopen are doing so in good faith. A spokesperson for the union did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

To say that sexism, racism, or any other -ism is at the "root" of the (thus far unsuccessful) reopening push is absurd and insulting. Stressed-out parents who want to send their kids back to the classroom are not motivated by animus toward teachers, and they are certainly not motivated by animus toward women or minorities. Indeed, many people who want schools to reopen are women and minorities. Pandemic-related closures have disproportionately affected inner-city families that rely on public education. Young kids of color are some of the hardest hit. More than 800,000 women have dropped out of the work force during the pandemic, in large part because they now have to take care of their kids.

Given this reality, it would be more accurate to say that the push to keep schools closed is racist and sexist—though the root cause of the continuing closures is not racism or sexism, but rather the tremendous political power of teachers unions, who have lobbied district officials to stick with virtual education even as other essential employees return to work. Public school teachers, after all, continue to receive a paycheck regardless, which means their union has very little incentive to take any risk whatsoever, no matter how substandard the quality of remote education might be.

It's worth recalling that the effort to keep schools closed is not grounded in science: Everyone from Anthony Fauci to Sen. Rand Paul (R–Ky.) agrees that many districts should move toward reopening on a case-by-case basis. The evidence shows that classrooms are not a significant source of spread for COVID-19.

If public educators are unwilling to provide the sort of education that families want and children need, then it would be preferable to return the money so that parents could make informed choices about schooling—and be able to pay for it. There's nothing racist or sexist about that. Quite the contrary.

Update: The tweet has been deleted.


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