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Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Some LOGICAL Arguments for you to consider


Using Fear to Control the People


Presently, our world is not much better than Nazi Germany, or when the Red Soldiers controlled China.

People who cannot SEE this ARE the problem. I know they THINK they are doing the right thing, but this is only because they have been indoctrinated to believe these things.

But I want to present a few LOGICAL arguments here, just to open your eyes…. Fact check ME on these….. I DARE YOU TO….

1.    When this plandemic began – we kept hearing about all the deaths…… Not one person asked ANY questions….. On TV we saw them moving “bodies”, saw the trucks they stored them in….. But, what we DID NOT see is tons of social media posts asking for condolences for a family member who passed during this time. NOT A SINGLE POST. New York area was ravaged and you KNOW they have social media…. WHERE are the family members making posts for condolences????? Where are all the fundraisers people set up for help to bury these family members? There are NONE to be found….

2.    When this plandemic began why did the W.H.O. forbid autopsies on covid patients???? When someone is murdered, we do an autopsy to find out the manner of death etc. Suspicious deaths are also ones who get autopsies – such as a teenager who is playing a sport and just drops right on the field. They do an autopsy to find out why. But, W.H.O. has forbidden autopsies on covid patients. Why? Don’t we need to learn as much as we can from this “dangerous and deadly virus”? (See my blog article titled The Common Cold and more for reference links from doctors who DID perform autposies)

3.    When this plandemic began no one talked about those who tested positive but had no symptoms, or anyone who had “survived”. Going by the numbers mainstream media keeps pushing….. Where are all the social media posts from those who have tested positive and recovered? It would be mathematically IMPOSSIBLE for the amount of recovered people to NOT have a social media account….. Where are the posts from regular everyday folks who contracted this virus and “survived” it???? When you DO see such a post look at the SOURCE who posted it….. The FEW I have seen were actually posted by people in the medical field….. Not one normal everyday person has made a social media post that is CREDIBLE about surviving this virus.

4.    When this plandemic began we were told of certain medications NOT to use, such as ibuprofen, hydroxychloroquine and others….. This was reported by Dr. Fauci and his cronies at the N.I.H.. Yet, their own website documents that these very medications are THEIR go to for this virus. Read their research library. It is ALL there about how the very medications they tell the public NOT to use are the very medications that are the most effective for this virus. (Previous blog article on this topic just search back on this blog – many links to said articles are in that blog article) – common sense alone tells you that this virus is an inflammatory disease of the lungs therefore you take an anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen…. Tylenol is NOT an anti-inflammatory…..

5.    When this plandemic began all of a sudden no one died from anything else. Meme’s went around making jokes about this. Everything from heart attacks to zebra stomping deaths were marked as covid deaths. Those numbers have yet to be adjusted for ACTUAL covid deaths – not suspected….. I have seen family members complaining, even bringing lawsuits over loved ones who passed and did NOT have covid – yet their death was ruled on the death certificate as covid. One such incident was a young man in Florida who died in a motorcycle accident and had tested NEGATIVE for covid – his death certificate labelled his death as covid. His family was pissed!!! Media hype about numbers is nothing more that a fear mongering method to control the masses….. The fact that media will NOT adjust THEIR numbers they they report on to MATCH those of the CDC is disturbing… It can be found on the CDC website where they have begun adjusting the death count numbers – yet mainstream media have NOT adjusted their announced numbers….. Why???

6.    When this plandemic began – why is it MAINLY only Democratic controlled cities and states seemed to be hit the hardest AND that those particular locations locked down the hardest??? Why are these places still locked down? Why were these places locked down even when other places opened up safely? During this second wave why is it again major metropolitan areas being hit the hardest? Wouldn’t it seem that the homeless population would also be hit hard? Why do they seem to be immune? Why were BLM / Antifa rallies considered safe but Trump rallies were super spreader events? Was this virus manufactured to target on registered republicans??? Why have NO Democrats in D.C. tested positive???? Why is it fine for THEM to go to the gym, get their hair done, go out to eat in small crowded places – yet they tell the public that these things are forbidden?

7.    When this plandemic began Democrat controlled states began releasing prisoners on the basis they were “at risk” of the virus if kept in jail or prison. However, every single inmate they released had been charged with violent offenses, were mainly younger men with a propensity for violence or drugs, or both. They did NOT release inmates who are truly at risk such as older women with breathing issues such as asthma or COPD. So, why would a normally healthy young male be released and an older female with similar charges, with COPD be held in jail?

8.    When this plademic began why did New York and other Democratic states like California – force nursing homes to accept covid positive patients? Thousands of lives lost (according to mainstream media) in nursing homes who were forced to accept covid positive patients and they are NOT equipped to handle highly contagious patients. Media kept warning “at risk” people to stay safer at home, yet nursing homes full of “at risk” people were purposely exposed to this virus.

9.    When this plandemic began violent prisoners were being released for being at risk of the virus, yet people were being arrested and taken to jail for things like refusing to stay home, refusing to wear a mask, assembling to protest the lock downs and so forth. Many at risk individuals were arrested, taken to jail and HELD, while violent offenders were released with no bail for being at risk of the virus.

10.  When this plandemic began people who worked from home were FORCED to obtain software to do so, this software was recently discovered to be from China and held many security risks. Yet, this fact was brushed under the rug and China now has access to millions upon millions of home computers. Zoom and other meeting software being some of the software in question. TikTok has been busted for being partially owned by the CCP…



(More on this later – wanna get it posted….)


But just some LOGICAL conflicts folks need to seriously look at…..



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