ok i gotta comment on this "caravan" issue.... i have been quiet on the matter til now... after watching HOURS upon HOURS of news clips, interviews with the "migrants", politicians, and so forth....
FACTS - it BEGAN as an organized caravan set up by Countries without Borders.....with 150 - 300 ORIGINALLY APPROVED MIGRANTS
FACT- it is now completely out of control....
Countries without Borders is a good IDEA but in practice it puts women and children at risk. One newsclip I watched confirmed that over 100 women and children have "disappeared" from the growing caravan heading to the US border.....
Yes this is a yearly thing USA does and it does accept a LIMITED # for asylum - but to ask the USA to accept near 10,000 for asylum is a bit ridiculous....
If things are that bad in their home country why can't we help them fix their own country? The USA is only so big.... where do you propose we put all these "asylum seekers"?
Do you want them living next door to you? Taking a job away from a family member? Why are we granting work visas to migrants when so many AMERICANS cannot find jobs????
WHY are we providing housing and government benefits for "migrants" when so many AMERICANS are homeless and living in abject poverty????
Here is what I see .....
Video after video of how these "migrants, asylum seekers" BROKE DOWN the border to get into Mexico..... Mexico calls them illegals, invaders and wants them out....
Some want you to believe that these are families, women and children and SOME ARE..... but the vast majority are young MEN who have repeatedly said they want to come to America to work and send the money back to their home country.... so tell me --- HOW does this help AMERICA??? We have no tax for outbound money transfers like this.... or if they simply mail their family cash....
MANY of these young men I saw interviewed ADMITTED to having been in the USA as illegals, being arrested for drug crimes and DEPORTED.... but they think they are entitled to asylum why?????
They entered Mexico by literally destroying the border..... NONE have papers according to Mexican TV reporters..... So how do we KNOW these children even belong to the people they are with????
We turn away 80% + every year sending them right back where they came from on OUR DIME..... when Countries without Borders has created this problem.
I AGREE with Mexico this IS an invasion.... they break down the border to Mexico and travel North leaving behind TRASH, refuse, human waste etc and not even bothering to clean up after themselves....
The news clip said the Humanitarian crisis began in 2013..... gee under Obama...... even Mexican authorities are putting up barricades to keep these "migrants" from crossing into the USA. So what does that tell you?? I saw the videos of this happening....
I AGREE with Trump.... no catch and release.... no asylum especially for the ones who have no papers.
Mexican officials have stated NONE of this caravan has been "vetted", meaning they ALL entered Mexico illegally.
SOME have already been arrested for trying to cross the border illegally into the USA.... how many have gotten thru without being caught.... these asylum seekers.....
I watched video after video of the camera person panning the migrants that have already arrived in Tijuana..... yes some are women and children.... but again the VAST MAJORITY are young men.... many of whom have openly admitted to having been deported at least ONCE from the USA... one young man they interviewed claimed to have been deported 5 times already...
But this is the caravan y'all are demanding be let in.... If I beat on your front door demanding to be let in and had no identification what would you do to me????
I saw congressmen comparing ICE to the KKK .... that is just downright shameful! ICE are bound to enforce the laws of the United States of which that congressman was ELECTED to uphold as well.... so by enforcing our nation's laws that makes ICE comparable to KKK??? I think some of our congress is on some damn good drugs...maybe these asylum seekers are bringing those drugs to our congressmen and that's why they want them here so bad.... the caravan is full of drug mules....
Trump was elected because we WANT the WALL..... this caravan is a prime example of why we need it....
The women and children that the caravan ORIGINALLY began with might be legitimate --- the 150 - 300 ORIGINAL occupants of the approved caravan.... those I can see approving providing they go through the LEGAL channels, have proper paperwork and the asylum authorities approve them.
The rest.... Mexico doesn't want them. The ones in Tijuana NOW are being housed in an arena that is LOCKED down nightly, they are NOT permitted use of the town... they ARE being detained as illegals in Mexico because they entered Mexico illegally when they BROKE DOWN the border WALL in South Mexico....
These "asylum seekers" have demonstrated a blatant disregard for ANY countries laws or policies.... and you really think they will respect ours???
MOST are not carrying ANY papers or ANY sort of identification....
MANY are admitted criminals who have been deported from USA at least once....
MANY say they will work and send the money back to their home country.... so in essence turning AMERICA into a cash machine for terrorism, drug lords and corrupt governments of other countries... all the while the women draw welfare and food stamps and the men work under the table for cash that is NOT taxable by AMERICA...
But somehow y'all think this is a good thing....
Don't know what ya been smokin or taking but it must be good it has turned yer brains into scrambled eggs...
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