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Sunday, October 11, 2020

Tracking a Media Lie as it Happens.... HOW they shape Fake News


In Denver, a Patriot was shot and killed.

The shooter - caught on camera bragging about being Antifa / BLM BEFORE the shooting....... So there is ZERO question that he IS a part of those hate filled organizations.....

The shooting unfolded on camera for the most part...... until the shooting itself - that was just off camera.....

The ORIGINAL news stories that were broadcast STATED the shooter was Antifa / BLM - most gave links to the video of the shooter saying so.....

As the story progressed however, now they sing a different tune...... They THINK you will forget the video you saw of the shooter bragging about being Antifa / BLM....... They think you are stupid....... NOW they say it was a privately hired security guard......

Below is a link that Steve put together. He tracked these changes in their broadcasts quite well.

SEE for yourself how media creates Fake News and how many people actually fall for it!!!!!

So, I urge everyone to flood the channels with the links to the video of that shooter bragging about being Antifa / BLM - when the public begins standing up for the truth - the media will have no choice but to listen!!!! We do outnumber them after all :P

Thank you Steve for keeping this all documented. I love what you do, watch most nights and participate when I'm not in Facebook jail LOL (Which I usually am lately - who knew saying in a live chat of one of the Antifa streamers that changing the cat shitbox was more entertaining than their stream - was hate speech - sheesh I'm the catlady, the shitboxes were full and his stream was boring as hell lol).....


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