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Monday, August 17, 2020

The Truth about George Floyd


The Truth, as hard as it is to swallow….


George Floyd died at the hospital not on the street.

Autopsy shows blood drawn antemortem(before death) at 9pm. Floyd died 30 mins later at 9:30pm . He was treated for at least 30 mins. The media lied.

People do not die of asphyxiation an hour after the event, after having a breathing tube inserted. His heart could not keep up with the amount of drugs in his system. There is no way he could have survived.

Floyd died of overdose. There were no fatal wounds. He wasn't bruised on the neck. The officer of course was negligent for not seeking for medical aid once Floyd lost consciousness and there is no excuse for his inhumane action. However, this does not equate to murder .

Floyd’s autopsy : https://api.parler.com/l/BKoyf


The newly released bodycam video CLEARLY shows one of the officers mentioning “excited delirium” – which is an indicator of an OD….. Had the officer IMMEDIATELY administered NARCAN which most have on hand then Floyd might be alive today – we will never know…..


Was Floyd murdered? No. Was it racially motivated? No.

As usual the mainstream media LIES to further their sick, twisted agenda…..

The report speaks for itself…….


You have marched on the premise a man was murdered in cold blood because he was black.

You have destroyed your own neighborhoods, driving away small businesses and local jobs based on a LIE.

You have protested something that the DA and media have lied to you about the facts….


Have you ever asked yourself a simple question?

Why was George Floyd STILL sitting on that corner after passing a fake bill? Was he waiting for the cops to arrest him? Was he just chatting with friends?


Do a search for crime statistics on that particular location. That very corner is WELL known for drug sales, usage and other drug related crimes…..

Floyd was a DEALER. He ingested his stash when he put his head to his hands on the steering wheel in the video…. He dropped a small white baggie near the rear tire and another on the sidewalk while he was sitting down. All of this was caught on camera – but the officers did not seem to notice it.

Why was his ex there? The woman kept saying he was her ex…. The man said Floyd was just giving him a ride….

Street slang for getting high with someone is “giving them a ride” folks…… It means sampling the product!!!!

George Floyd is dead by his own hand and no one else’s. It is that simple. George Floyd CHOSE to use drugs. George Floyd CHOSE to deal drugs. George Floyd CHOSE to ingest his stash rather than be caught with it because as an 8-time CONVICTED violent felon he would be looking at hard time.

George Floyd KNEW the amount he ingested would be fatal and said as much in the backseat of the cruiser.

George Floyd at ANY time during his arrest could have told the officers – hey man I need help, I ingested drugs and need medical attention. But George Floyd CHOSE not to disclose this – instead when asked if he was on anything – George Floyd denied being on anything.

George Floyd CHOSE his fate when he CHOSE the path he was on.


Those out marching like George Floyd is some kind of martyr only encourage young kids to go down the same path as George Floyd.


When those kids then get killed they have no one to blame but themselves for giving those kids POOR role models to fashion themselves after.


The problem with the black community is not that it is oppressed by systemic racism…. It is oppressed by itself. It is oppressed by the belief that it’s ok to commit crime and try to get away with it – but when a cop tries to arrest you – FIGHT – RESIST – get away….. Because “you’re innocent, you didn’t do anything wrong they have no right to be arresting you”…..


These kids have never been taught to take responsibility for their own actions and choices. That is what is oppressing the black community – not systemic racism or any kind of racism. It is the blacks hatred of their own race that is oppressing them and nothing more.


When a black can learn to love themselves, respect themselves and their community, be a responsible member of their community and be a productive member of society only then will the perceived systemic racism truly end. Because the blacks that hate their own race are the true problem….


How do WE help? Offer to tutor people. Offer to hire the kids for odd jobs. Teach these kids an honest days work for an honest days wages. Teach them goal setting and how to reach those goals. Help instill a love of all living things in them.


But, most importantly – teach them to LEARN before they jump off the bridge…..


How many are all pissed off based on misinformation? Oh, because CNN said it – it must be true right? Oh, MSNBC said it so it must be true? NEVER trust media – always fact check for yourself – and teach this to all you encounter!!!


Education is the way out of oppression, the ONLY way. Education and a good work ethic will overcome nearly every obstacle in your path no matter what the color of your skin is.


Malcolm X had to hit rock bottom in prison, not even able to read before he realized there is a better way. Look what Malcolm can teach young folks today. He is a true role model. Taught himself to read, properly educated himself and got off the path of destruction he had been on and became a true leader of the black community.


Who would you rather your child be like? George Floyd or Malcolm X????


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