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Sunday, August 16, 2020

Mob Consequences and more...


Portland, Seattle and other major cities….

Will be long but please read to the end….

Night after night I watch the “after midnight show” – the riots in as many of the cities as I can find live feeds for.

Why? Mainstream media is NOT talking about it and live feeds do not lie – the commentary might but the camera don’t.

I try to share as many feeds as I find that display the truth of what is going on. Lately though, their numbers are growing smaller and in Portland, they seem to be losing their steam as well….

Many who have been arrested by the federal officers will NOT return to the protests / riots because they are facing 10 years in prison. Many reddit posts have been shared about this. Yes, there is a fund to bail them out and give them an initial attorney – that attorney will NOT follow their case through the entire federal process though….. Most of the attorneys are NEW having just completed their bar exams and do not have the experience needed to handle a federal criminal case. Needless to say the rioters who have been arrested on federal charges are NOT happy right now and due to this- MANY have not returned to the nightly escapades….

In Portland and Seattle, the after-midnight antics have grown MUCH smaller. Thank God! Some other cities are just getting started though….. Chicago is amping up for some serious violence. New York as well.

I have watched these live feeds AND participated in the chats enough to earn a Top Fan badge is MOST of them…..

I refuse to send them money, not one red cent. My reasoning for this is simple. MANY of the streamers are participating in the attacks on officers, destruction of property, arson and other crimes. Many of the streamers also chant the stupid shit like ACAB = all cops are bastards… Fuk da police…. Quit your job etc…. Again, I back the blue and will not help anyone who is against them.

What I am seeing on these nightly live feeds though is very disturbing…….

I will use Portland as the main example – feel free to comment how things are where YOU live….

Rioters in Portland have moved into the suburbs…… After midnight….

Some have attacked people in their own yards. Some have spray painted on people’s homes…

But here is the major issue I have with them being in the burbs AFTER midnight – or even 10p.m. for that matter….

There are elderly AND children in those homes. Both tend to go to bed early. Both are being subjected to this nightly verbal attack by nutcases with megaphones…. And then the police on their loudspeaker….

The young children will be seriously traumatized listening to all of this as well as having endured it for going on 3 months now.

Elderly are dying in their homes out of fear of these whack jobs who terrorize quiet neighborhoods….

The mob is destroying the yards these homeowners have worked so hard to maintain….

The mob is traumatizing some of these children beyond repair….

The police hands are tied since both Portland and Seattle have openly said they will NOT prosecute the rioters – even the ones charged with assault on officers, arson, etc….

Where there is no consequence for their actions there is no deterrent for the crimes….

Any good parent KNOWS that a child who misbehaves should face consequences of their actions. This comes in many forms, direct and indirect are the main two I will address in this article….


Let’s start with the DIRECT consequences for those being terrorized by this mob….

1.       No / Little sleep – the mob literally chants “No justice no sleep”

2.       Mental health problems related to the lack of sleep

3.       Loss of sense of safety within their own homes

4.       Mental health issues related to the loss of safety

5.       Damage to the environment – dumpster fires are burning items that should NEVER be burned – things that produce toxic elements to the environment (I know because I live off grid and there is no trash pick-up – so I sort trash into categories – compostable, burnable and haul to dump and recycles of course)

6.       The tear gas, pepper spray – it hangs in the air sometimes for HOURS, infiltrates the homes in these neighborhoods and does serious damage to those with breathing issues such as asthma, COPD etc…. Thus, making their conditions worse…

7.       Mobs just take what they feel they want right out of yards, cars etc in whatever area they are terrorizing… Last night I watched a young lady grab some buckets from someone’s yard and just walk off with them. People in chat kept asking what was in the bucket….. WE never found out.

8.       High power flashlights and lasers are being pointed into private homes – we already KNOW these lasers are causing perm blindness in some of the officers who have been attacked with them – now this mob is pointing them directly into homes with elderly and children.

9.       Traumatizing all pets in the area – even cats, dogs, birds and other pets are seriously affected by these nightly terror attacks. They hear the hate this mob screams and chants. They suffer the affects of the tear gas and pepper spray as well – even when they are safely within their own homes! Dogs who are fierce protectors of their owners are NOT being permitted to do so and this confuses them. Many pets will end up with serious issues due to all of this.

10.   Inability to even sit on your own porch, enjoy the night in peace and quiet – this is part of why a person buys a home in a particular area. Now that area is unsafe to even enjoy their own yards at any hour of the day.

11.   Objects being thrown – this has happened to officers, buildings and now privately owned homes. Windows getting broken in rooms where little children are, or elderly. These homeowners have shown extreme restraint in responding to the violence being forced upon them night after night…


I could keep going on but I think you see the point. The list above is literally endless and I listed some of the most important ones….

Now let’s look at the INDIRECT consequences that happen…. Mind you the mob is suffering NO true consequences…

1.       Neighborhoods are now unsafe to live in, unsafe for children to even play in their own yards

2.       Community parks have been taken over and destroyed by these mobs – many have turned them into homeless encampments

3.       Drug paraphernalia is everywhere, used needles, vials etc… empty baggies – pot smoke hangs in the air in a cloud just like the tear gas…

4.       Beloved pets are afraid to go out in their yard, they shake at the very raise of anyone’s voice

5.       Children are afraid to sleep because they KNOW the nightly mob will return

6.       Homeowners are out tons of money over the damages the mob is doing to their homes

7.       Insurance of ALL kinds is skyrocketing – premiums are going through the roof and some companies have now announced they will no longer cover members in affected areas…

8.       Medical is being neglected because people cannot travel the streets safely without the mob attacking their cars (I have also delayed some of my own medical since a few of my appointments are in Victorville and there has been unrest there as well, just not to the extent of Portland)

9.       Pet’s medical is also being neglected for the same reasons

10.   Yards are going untended – years of work homeowners have put into making their yards beautiful have been destroyed and now their yards are going untended. For some homeowners this is a form of therapy – to garden and do things in the yard. But now it is unsafe for them to do so.

11.   Police get calls from homeowners – thousands of them nightly – but truly do nothing to make the situation better. Once the police run the rioters OUT of an area and they leave… The rioters will return to the same area and continue terrorizing the residents

12.   Tanking property values – the homeowners who WOULD sell to get away from this crap now literally cannot. Many have mortgages and NOW their property value is far less than what they owe. They are literally stuck.


I could keep going on with this list as well – but again I think you see the point.


Now I would like to address the long term consequences for ALL involved.

1.       Lack of sleep can cause MANY major health issues including, but not limited to: psychosis, heart attacks, severe stress and anxiety, migraines, worsen pre-existing conditions, weight loss / gain, increase cholesterol, increase risk of blood clots due to lack of exercise (mainly the homeowners stuck inside their homes), irritability, impatience, irrational, drunkenness like symptoms and MORE….

2.       Loss of safety – this will have serious long term affects even CPTSD on everyone inside of those homes, even the pets…. Even if the person moves this loss will go with them and affect them no matter where they move to

3.       Increased rates of suicides, domestic violence, child abuse and even murder…. Statistics are already demonstrating this…

4.       The tear gas, pepper spray used nightly on rioters has long term affects as well – developing asthma, COPD even lung cancer and other cancers – tear gas and pepper spray are KNOWN carcinogens….. They will also have long term affects on the flora they come in contact with.

5.       Lack of proper insurance – due to the skyrocketing costs of premiums – many will choose to not even bother with insurance of any kind…..

6.       Tanked property values – homeowners who DO sell will do so at a terrible loss….. Those who stay will be paying on a home that they owe far more than it will ever again be worth…. They will not ever have equity to borrow against…

7.       Businesses will NOT return to those areas for fear of this happening again. Many small, locally owned businesses will never reopen  - MANY of those small businesses are black owned or minority owned businesses

8.       Large retailers will pull out – California recently LOST Tesla to Texas – this will have a chain reaction… loss of jobs, increased evictions because without jobs people cannot pay rent, cars getting repo’d due to people unable to make their car payments and so on

9.       Pets becoming uncontrollably aggressive – normally easy going dogs will become vicious and begin biting when they have never behaved that way before….. Normally sweet cats will become angry and begin injuring those who try to pet them….. Birds simply drop dead in their cages and so on….

10.   Crime rate increases – we are already seeing this occur in the affected areas – homicides up 200%, robbery, theft, burglary all up exponentially with no real consequences for those committing the crimes….

11.   Property taxes skyrocket – taxes pay for law enforcement, education, and other social programs

12.   Loss of good schools in affected areas because good teachers will NOT want to live or teach in unsafe areas

13.   Loss of much needed social programs such as food banks because it is unsafe to simply walk down the sidewalk

14.   Businesses that provide desperately needed jobs will not return EVER – people who worked at those places now face hardship, loss of their retirement benefits, medical coverage and so much more…

15.   Damage to the ecosystem in the area – some plants will never recover, the sheer amount of tear gas and pepper spray most certainly has an affect on the air we breathe even YEARS after it was originally used, how it will affect the atmosphere long term has not yet been studied…. Will it add to smog? Will it increase greenhouse gas? We simply do not know since it has NOT been studied – but it WILL have long term affects for ALL who have been in contact with it

16.   Ecosystem – even the smallest part of the local ecosystem will be affected long term – ants, chipmunks, squirrels, wild birds, foxes, snakes etc – all have been negatively impacted by the riots – tear gas and pepper spray CAN cause birth defects in animals….. We might begin seeing two headed frogs, malformed chipmunks and squirrels etc….Lots of birth defects will begin appearing YEARS after the initial contact with these agents.

17.   Human birth defects – these riot control agents are known carcinogens which CAN cause birth defects, increase all types of cancer in humans and animals

18.   Water table – the agents used, the pollution caused can ALL affect the purity of the water table right underneath their feet…. Every used syringe can contaminate the water table…. Every dumpster they burn and then the fire is put out with water – that contaminated water gets into the water table…..The water may NEVER recover depending on the type of contaminants…


Again, I could go on endlessly but I think you are seeing the point….


The mob that is doing all this damage CLAIMS to want a better environment…. CLAIMS to want safer communities, lower / no taxes…. CLAIMS to want racial equality……. CLAIMS to want the exact opposite of what their own actions do……


The mob that is doing all this damage has NEVER been taught responsibility for self or otherwise. They have never been taught that there ARE consequences for their behavior that will affect them and others….


The mob doing all this damage has a sense of entitlement and have never been taught that OTHERS also have rights and they should NEVER infringe on the rights of others. They believe the ONLY rights that matter are their own – even when they commit crimes against others they scream “I’ve been kidnapped” when they get arrested for the crimes they have committed. In their mind they have no grasp of consequences…..


This mob has always depended upon others to do things for them. Even simple things such as heating a hot pocket in the microwave. The parents of this mob ENABLED them to become what we see right now. This mob never had to clean their own room, do their own laundry, wash their own dishes etc…. The parents would even carry the meals to these people while they sat with headsets on playing online games.


This mob are the ones who have meltdowns when they do not get their way, always the victim – it is NEVER their fault…. Tormented / torment their parent to pay for these online games and subscriptions…. Never held a job long enough to be self sufficient….. Expect others to financially support them so they CAN do nothing but sit around playing online games….


This mob has ZERO concept of responsibility….. They have no personal responsibility and no concept of community responsibility. Look at how many rioters are now bringing their dogs to the riots…. They do not even grasp the damage being done to their “beloved” pet from the tear gas, loud megaphones and pepper spray…..


This mob has ZERO concept of respect, not for their self and most certainly not for others. If they did they would realize there are newborn babes in some of those homes they are terrorizing nightly…


This mob wants US to be put into “re-education camps” to brainwash US to think like THEM. Don’t believe me? Look up revcom.us and WATCH the videos of their self-appointed messiah leader…… AND if we cannot be “re-educated then we should be eliminated – killed. It’s all on video folks look it up!!!!


This mob has no sense of delayed gratification. They scream No justice no peace – but not a single one of them can define precisely what they want or expect. They have no concept that due process takes TIME it is not an overnight thing. That is why it is called Due PROCESS – because it does take time. They want instant gratification as their own parents have programmed them to expect. It’s I want my way and I want it right this second OR ELSE.


This mob wants to abolish the police, ICE and all forms of law enforcement – Yet cries for justice. They have no concept that abolishing these establishments means they will NEVER get justice for any injustice.


They scream about stolen land and that they are taking back what’s theirs. They have not been properly educated in American History or ANY history for that matter. When someone “conquers” a land – it is taken by force (maybe not justified in the eyes of the ones who held the land), it is bought – meaning a fair trade had occurred – such as the Louisiana Purchase but overall the land has been developed by those who acquired it and LAWS written that incorporate said land into the United States. Thus, there very agreement is invalid.


This mob has been demanding “white people” leave their homes and hand them over to the mob – or else… That somehow the person who worked, paid taxes, bought the home – somehow OWES it to them who are screaming in the streets and have never held a job, never paid taxes etc…..


This mob have never once done something beneficial for themselves, let alone the communities they live in. Most of them have criminal records and cannot even vote…..


Many of them do not even have a driver’s license or photo ID…..Many of them are here illegally and demand citizens owe them these things….


This mob is NOT as large as it seems though. It grows smaller with EVERY federal arrest – because federal charges are NOT being dropped. State and Local prosecutors are not prosecuting, but the feds are….. and the jail time is 10 years or more in some cases…..


When there is no consequence for crime there is no justice for anyone……..


It is time to take our country back! It is time to remove these corrupt officials who refuse to hold this mob accountable for their actions. It is time to bring civil suits for damages, emotional distress etc….


It is time for peace in our country….. The only way to have PEACE is to have consequences for the behavior of the mob – which in turn will teach them some tough love – respect, responsibility and more – things their sorry ass parents did not teach them…..


It is time to encourage the nuclear family again….. Both parents in the home!!!

It is time to get rid of career politicians who ARE the root of the problem – and to also hold the parents of this mob responsible for their parental neglect. It is NOT the duty of the schools and community to parent YOUR child….. If that is what you believe then at birth just turn the child over to the state and let them raise it….. But, it is NOT someone else’s duty to parent YOUR child….. It is time we begin bringing lawsuits against the mob participants AND their parents….


Who is brave enough to say enough is enough and begin filing suits until this shit ends????

Who is with me that residents need to begin standing up for what is rightfully theirs and protecting it as defined by our constitution????


Who is willing to begin this process Monday morning??????



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