The Left Blaming the Right…..
Left wing liberals can riot, loot, burn buildings, attack
elderly, scream racial slurs at those simply trying to enjoy a meal at a
restaurant, hit people with skateboards, throw flaming objects at them, attack
law enforcement officers, attack vehicles on busy streets – pulling the
passengers out and beating them before lighting fire to their vehicle, accuse
complete strangers of being nazi white racists, white supremacists, spit on
them, shove them down, beat them for wearing MAGA attire, burn the American
flag – even ripping it from someone’s hands, pull guns on cameramen, stab other
streamers, threaten to kill all white babies, threaten to “kill those who been
killing us”, and now they have accosted Paul Ryan and his wife as well as
others leaving the RNC in DC….
Yet, if someone resists or fights back – all of a sudden the
left winger is the victim – they are doing all of the above because they are
victims and whites made them that way therefore whites have to pay….
Left wingers do not want labels, do not want racial
profiling or profiling of any kind….. YET – they profile EVERYONE based on skin
color or which side of politics a person is on…… They do not take the time to
stop their verbal assaults or physical ones – to think just because a person is
light skinned doesn’t necessarily make them white. It doesn’t matter to them….
So, it’s fine for left wingers to label and profile – but if anyone else does it’s
racist and they should be eliminated….
Left wingers think it is perfectly fine for convicted felons
to possess illegal firearms….. And to use them as they see fit…. But they want
to take away YOUR properly registered guns and 2nd amendment rights….
Left wingers scream “No justice no peace” to the point
hearing it nauseates people – but when THEY do something and get arrested for
it THEY are a victim and should have the charges dropped and be let go – but everyone
else must face justice…… Just not them….
Left wingers want to abolish the police….. But if THEY feel
threatened the very first thing out of their mouths is call 911 or call the
Left wingers want “mob justice” but they do not want that
same justice applied to them….
Left wingers want instant gratification and are not willing
to allow due process to play out….. But want it for themselves…..
Left wingers demand whites hand over their homes, it’s on “stolen”
land….. But would THEY hand over theirs???
Left wingers demand ALL businesses either be owned / run by
blacks or pay “protection money” to blacks…..
Left wingers accuse business owners of “stealing black
culture” simply for owning / operating a business
Left wingers sling a lot of accusations but can provide no
proof or even a valid argument for the things they are accusing people of – for
example – the BEST example – a Trump supporter is automatically a racist white
Left wingers have outright said they want to overthrow
capitalism and install socialism – which we all know leads to communism – but the
fail to recognize or believe that in literally EVERY country where this has
been tried it has FAILED – their justification – it just hasn’t been done right
yet and this time ONLY they can do it right
Left wingers want to shove their agenda down everyone else’s
throat – to the point of bullying, verbally assaulting, physical attacking –
and destroying cities and culture if you disagree with them
Radical left wingers have direct ties to the Democratic
party…… Antifa (which has been declared a terrorist organization by the White
House) is a radical left group, Black Lives Matter (the organization not the movement)
has direct ties to the Democratic party – both of which have laid literal waste
to democratic controlled cities…..
Left wingers cannot make up their minds what they want or
how to tell the truth – a good example is Portland. They SAID the violence was
due to the Feds being present….. If the feds would leave the violence would
stop…… Trump had the feds pull back and the violence did NOT stop it escalated…..
Left wingers have barricaded people inside of buildings and
attempted to burn the building with the people inside – but none have been held
accountable for this…..
Left wingers have destroyed MANY of our historic monuments
all while defacing private property calling it art….. Sorry but spray painting
ACAB or BLM is not art it’s graffiti and destruction of property
Left wingers heads explode when someone defaces THEIR art –
but it’s ok for them to do it to anyone else’s….
Left wingers cannot actually listen… they will argue, scream
and do literally anything they can to prevent anyone else from speaking…. It’s
their way, their words or else
Left wingers block busy, dangerous highways – without warning
– then play victim if one of them gets hit by a car…..They also attack ANY vehicle
that tries to push through them….. Some have shot at the vehicles, some drivers
have been pulled out and beaten….. But somehow in the left wingers mind THEY
are the victim…… Good example – this past week revcom marched into a VERY dangerous
tunnel in Los Angeles…. Of course none of the drivers were aware they we in the
road….. That tunnel has several lights that do not work….. Naturally they stood
in the area where the lights were OUT…… Several of them got struck by cars and
I heard at least one had to be airlifted by lifeflight……
Left wingers are systematically destroying black communities
across the nation in democratic controlled cities….. One man who was
interviewed said property values will tank and they can buy it cheap to rebuild…..
This is a nice thought – but what stops the mob from destroying it AGAIN? And
Again? And Again……..
Left wingers feel they have a right to loot…..When
interviewed they have said it’s reparations and it’s fine because businesses
and homeowners have insurance……. Well, sorry to burst their bubble but their
insurance does NOT cover civil unrest, rioting and looting – look it up…… So,
they have literally destroyed the lives of small business owners who will never
recover… But it’s ok with them because it is their right, it’s reparations….
Left wingers have destroyed employment opportunities for ALL
with the rioting and looting. Many big brand stores will never return to the
areas that have been affected. Macy’s is leaving the Mag Mile in Chicago……Prosperous
areas are now laid to waste and will never be the same….
Left wingers destruction has caused crime rates to skyrocket…..Homicide
is up 200% in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Chicago etc….. Some of these
cities have gone on TV telling people to “prepare to be robbed” and to “do what
the mob tells you to”
Left wingers have declared war on law enforcement even
trying to kill them and anyone who stands in their way…..
Left wingers have declared war on Trump supporters, but in
general all Republicans….. killing some, maiming others, even attacking
children wearing MAGA hats…..
Left wingers demand that white on black crime be labelled as
a hate crime – but do not see black on white crime as a hate crime – they feel
it is their right….. They have even gone so far as to state on social media to
kill more white babies….. This was in response to the execution of Cannon, a 5
year old boy literally executed in front of his sisters… One said – kill them
before they get us….
Left wingers have declared war on religion…. Churches are
symbols of white supremacy and must be destroyed….. But their churches are fine
and should remain…..
Left wingers have declared war on our education system
demanding that history be removed, black kids are graded differently than
white, that English Grammar be removed….. They don’t even want white kids in
the same classrooms as black kids…….
Left wingers are trying to set us back 100 years by segregating
us again……
Left wingers want to abolish prisons, free the prisoners –
even when those prisoners are still a danger to their victims or the victim’s
Left wingers want to abolish ICE facilities…. Demand that
dangerous illegal immigrants be released into our communities
Left wingers want to abolish borders…. They don’t care about
the human trafficking that occurs or sex trafficking or drug trafficking…..
Left wingers do not care about truth – they force THEIR
narrative upon us and attack those who disagree…… Ferguson is a good example,
George Floyd is also another good example…. The medical examiner stated FATAL
amounts of Fentanyl in his system as well as other drugs…. Medical examiner
also stated that had GF been found at home he ruled have ruled GF death as
straight up OD….. Video proof GF had a tab on his tongue when the officers
approached….. But their narrative is STILL death by racist white cops…..
Left wingers blame everyone else for their own actions, they
are not capable of accepting responsibility for their actions or decisions or
choices – it is always everyone else’s fault, everyone lies on them and only
they are telling the truth
Left wingers believe they should have everything given to
them, it is their right – they do not believe in hard work, applying themselves
or getting a good education – those are “white beliefs”
Left wingers hate the nuclear family – both parents in the
home…..They demand more of a community approach – yet they have destroyed those
communities where the services could have been provided – burned the buildings,
looted them etc….. They have burned schools, libraries and other such places
Left wingers demand this green new deal but fail to look at
the long term ramifications it will have OR other viable options…. It is not
even practical for every vehicle to be electric – or to even think products can
be produced, delivered etc without fossil fuels….. Just looking at HOW a solar
panel is produced will prove their ideas are not even doable….
Left wingers want inmates and convicted felons to be able to
vote, since they do not believe in borders they also demand that illegal
immigrants be able to vote…..
Left wingers always seek reasons to riot and loot,
Democratic leaders have encouraged this – also calling it reparations and it’s
fine the businesses have insurance – but as previous brought up the insurance
does not cover civil unrest, rioting and looting…..
Left wingers – when confronted with actual facts, truth etc
that disproves THEIR narrative – brush it off call it right wing conspiracies
just so they can maintain face and their own narrative in the public eye
Left wingers want to destroy agriculture…… destroy family
owned farms……
Left wingers want to destroy American culture as a whole…..
all in the name of calling it symbols of white supremacy…..
Left wingers have tried to force white people to feel white
guilt just because their skin is white….. and accept that they are born racist
and their whiteness gives them white privilege…… Some have literally forced
white people to kneel in front of them to admit their so called white guilt……
Left wingers have gone so far as to force young children to
be indoctrinated in class about their so called white guilt and whiteness….
Left wingers have gotten TV shows cancelled for being racist
– shows like Cops, Live PD etc…..
Left wingers have weaponized race to a point that it is
dangerous to be out if you are white even more so if wearing a MAGA hat while
Left wingers control mainstream media and mainstream media
ONLY broadcasts the left wingers narrative – even when that narrative has been
proven wrong – mainstream media will continue the narrative and never make any
corrections – thus left wingers use mainstream media to indoctrinate the
general public to believe lies and even when confronted with the truth the
people will not believe it because mainstream media says different
Left wingers do not believe human trafficking is a problem….
Left wingers do not believe in the opioid problem
Left wingers do not believe child abuse and domestic
violence is a problem
Left wingers do not believe someone who is raped needs a cop
– they should call a social worker….
Left wingers believe they have a right to verbally assault
you, loot your home and business, physically attack you, terrorize your
neighborhoods and that YOU have no right to fight back or even have them
arrested for what they do……
And they do all of this AND more – all while blaming white people and saying it’s Trump supporters doing it….. They blame white people and the right…….
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