The True Fascists in America Speak –
September 5th mass protests – Why that date? Read
below – it is all about Hillary and her September 9th date to give
Found yet another website demanding we bow to them or else….
They really need to look no farther than the mirror for all
these fascists they seek…. And learn the meaning of the damn word (please see previous blog posts on the
So, I am gonna fact check their website :P My fact checking
will be in italics
just the latest one that keeps popping
up to spread their socialist agenda and force their socialist beliefs down
everyone’s throats)
Fact Check # 1 –
This election, if there is
an election, will be a showdown over the form of rule in this country. Will the
Trump/Pence regime hold on to power and be given a “mandate” to violently
suppress dissent and criminalize protest? Will a regime that brands as their
enemy all those who struggle for a better world – whether for Black lives or
the environment or immigrants’ rights – be unleashed to exact revenge aimed at
destroying our ability to stand up again?
First, no one is criminalizing peaceful protesting. It is
the riots, looting and violence that is criminal behavior and such things must
stop. It is NOT a right to riot and loot, contrary to what BLM and this group
teaches you. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions and this
group does NOT believe that…. Much research on their beliefs just do some
searching for yourself
The only people being “branded” as enemies are those who
seek to destroy America and everything it stands for. The “immigrant” rights
this group speaks of are NOT the legal immigrants – because those rights are
not being contested. The rights this group wants YOU to think exist are those
of ILLEGAL immigrants. Our constitution and other legal documents make it CLEAR
what the “rights” of illegal immigrants are and those are enforced – which is
why this group HATES it.
Their idea of a “better” world – abolish police, abolish
prisons, open borders, no jobs, free everything – but they have ZERO plan on
how to PAY for all of their little wish list….. They think rape victims do not
need police – they should call a social worker….
Since none of the dweebs trying to force this shit on us
actually have REAL jobs – how do they expect to get food, housing etc since
obtaining those things requires people to work those jobs….
But, let’s move on…
Fact Check # 2 –
A fierce battle for the
future is underway. A fierce battle for the future is underway.
This is true…. To bow to the true fascists who make
websites like this would be the end of freedom in America…. Our right to free
speech is under attack…. Don’t believe me? Walk up to a BLM protester and TRY
to have a conversation that opposes their narrative (how do you like the
screaming or the megaphone in your face? Every time you try to speak they
override you)….. I challenge you to do this…. This group does NOT support
America or the constitution….. It’s their way or else – which IS the true
definition of fascism….
Fact Check # 3 –
Our power is sustained,
mass, non-violent protest in the streets. Our strength is our diversity. Our
demand is for justice.
Non violent protests – apparently they believe this
bullshit…. Night after night Portland has been under siege…. Democratic cities
have been laid to waste – burned to the ground.
Stores looted MULTIPLE times in some cities…. Main streets of democratic
controlled cities are boarded up – some will never reopen…. Those who oppose
their views are physically attacked and beaten – usually elderly or handicapped
since these dweebs could not fight fair….
Demands for justice – how is abolishing prisons Justice
for the victims? How is abolishing police justice for ANYONE? How is abolishing
borders justice for the multitudes of trafficking victims?
Anyone who watches live feeds – after 10 pm PST
typically, can easily see this is literal bullshit…..
Fact Check # 4 –
Using voter suppression
and gerrymandering, unfounded accusations of voter fraud (mainly by immigrants
and Black people), attacks on mail-in ballots, and a plan to recruit ex-military
and police as “poll watchers” to “challenge” voters they deem as suspicious,
the Trump/Pence regime has shown its determination to maintain a stranglehold
on power through legal and extra-legal means. Even talk of canceling or
indefinitely “postponing” the elections is not outside the realm of
possibility. Relying on the upcoming elections without a mass struggle now to
demand the removal of the regime is a mistake with catastrophic consequences
for people in this country and around the world.
This one I have to break down in chunks…
Voter Suppression – convicted felons,
incarcerated persons and illegal immigrants do NOT have the right to vote
(although this group is demanding just that)
Voter Fraud – this issue has been debated
over and over since this group does NOT want any type of voter ID – not even
signature verification on mail in ballots…. Without some measure of
identification for ballots there would be mass amounts of voter fraud…. Google
Mass Mail in Ballots will be problematic –
plenty of evidence on this already – a cat that has been dead for 12 years
received a mail in ballot – look it up…. The mere idea that mail in ballots
will not be an issue is fantasy. Democrats have ALWAYS opposed mail in ballots –
until NOW – look up Jerry Nadler’s little speech about them several years ago….
Trump is not recruiting anyone as “poll
watchers”. Off duty police, retired military have ALWAYS volunteered at polls –
this is nothing new AND it was begun under Democrats who were trying to prevent
people from interfering with people pressuring others to change their votes
while at polling places….. This was a Democratic policy that began decades ago,
has been in place ever since….
There has been no REAL talk of postponing
the election. Trump did mention it as an option IF the integrity of the
election process could NOT be guaranteed…If there is no integrity in the
election process then there is no integrity in the election results…. So, to
have a FAIR election there must be integrity….
Demanding Trump’s removal before or after
(if he wins) – is NOT a fair election process – that is a fascist policy of
their way or else….
Around the world – herein lies their true
agenda…. World domination of their socialist bullshit agenda…..
Fact Check # 5 –
We cannot wait for the
Trump/Pence regime to further delegitimize and degrade the elections. Just as
the German people could not have stopped their genocidal fascist program
without driving out Hitler and the Nazi regime, we must act with all our
resolve to drive this regime – a 21st century fascist regime led by a demented
bully with his finger on the nuclear trigger – out of power. Allowing a regime
like this to consolidate its rule in the most powerful country in the world is to
foreclose on a future for humanity and the planet.
They cannot wait for a FAIR election process – Trump upholds
the constitution and that threatens everything they stand for. It is this group
who are the Nazi’s – just WATCH the so – called peaceful protests and LOOK how
they attack anyone who opposes them…. Try to carry an American flag into a
Hitler’s agenda for domination included lock downs (which
Trump opposes), forced re-education (which BLM is doing currently to our
education system and have even suggested that those who oppose them be sent to
re-education camps same thing Hitler did) FYI that is NOT Trump that is
Democrats and BLM wanting to “re-educate” those who have opposing views….Hitler
also had mass book burnings (Portland was caught on camera burning Bibles –
same as Hitler during Nazi Germany) Trump isn’t condoning burning books…. It is
this group burning schools, libraries and education centers…. It is this group
destroying black communities and laying them to waste….
The ONLY bullies I see are those trying to force their
agenda down everyone else’s throat by force…. It’s their way or they riot, loot
and destroy…..
It was Hitler who destroyed historical monuments….. Hitler
who lead millions of CHILDREN into gas chambers – why? Because they had
different views than his regime, different skin colors, different value systems
and a different religion…..
It is this group that feels churches should be destroyed
because they are a symbol of white supremacy….
Fact Check # 6 –
There is no painless
resolution to this deepening crisis. In the words of the great abolitionist
Frederick Douglass “If there is no struggle there is no progress. Those who
profess to favor freedom and yet deprecate agitation are men who want crops
without plowing up the ground; they want rain without thunder and lightning.
They want the ocean without the awful roar of its many waters. …Power concedes
nothing without a demand.”
Note they hold dear the beliefs of abolitionists….
The part about wanting crops without working the fields –
how true this is!! Which one of the group shoving this agenda down our throats
has ever actually worked a field??? Plowed a field??? Which one of this group
has ever actually put in a hard days labor????
This is the group that feels farmers should provide their
crops to these people for FREE….. that farmer’s shouldn’t even own their own
land it should be controlled by the government….
This group is burning down stores that sell the goods
farmer’s produce…..
The last statement POWER concedes nothing – it is POWER
they want – and YOU to bow to them…
Fact Check # 7 –
To stop a vicious American
fascism that threatens the very future of humanity, the necessary and unifying
demand – for every struggle for justice to advance – is Trump Pence Out Now! The regime
has already gone after the most vulnerable while continually expanding the
groups of people in its crosshairs. Even if you survive that, what will you be
forced to accept in the process? Who will you become as you accept the
If they consider human traffickers among the most vulnerable….
Or corrupt politicians the most vulnerable…. Or criminals the most vulnerable –
then yes Trump has done that and done it hard. Is he expanding? Depends on how
you apply that term…. If you mean taking down criminals YES he is!!!
What will we be forced to accept in this process? To
uphold the constitution of course and stop this fascist group from forcing us
to become a socialist communist nation…..
Fact Check # 8 –
5 needs to be a significant outpouring of mass protest inspiring 60 days of
struggle. If every
attempt by the regime to subvert the election, to repress protest, to implement
new fascist measures is met with growing numbers demanding Trump/Pence OUT NOW!
we could force a different political equation going into November, constraining
Trump’s ability to easily postpone or subvert the election.
Why September 5? Easy – it is right before Hillary is set
to give depositions on September 9. Anything to prevent THAT from happening is
acceptable in their eyes…. Why 60 days? To keep it from happening before the
Why 60 days? To make people feel unsafe to go to polling
places since Covid-19 has failed to do so.
this line: we could force a different political equation
going into November
This is their plan – to FORCE a different political
equation upon the American people – thus taking away the constitutional rights
of the people!!!!
Right off their own website they tell you their plans –
they just hope YOU are too stupid or distracted to SEE it…..
Fact Check # 8 –
If masses of people
are already in the streets during these 60 days, and the regime attempts to
challenge or dismiss the results, we would be a people organized and mobilized
to act in defiance that this not go down. And, if we increasingly tap into and
mobilize the deeply held desire of millions to see the ouster of the fascist
Trump/Pence regime, no one can say how far this can go or how fast.
This group fails to take into account – what if Trump
They have already decided that Trump will lose at
whatever cost to YOU and YOUR choice…. They have already declared the winner of
an election that has not yet happened…. This group is already trying to strip
YOU of your constitutional right to vote in a fair election process
The TRUE fascists are those seeking to take away YOUR right
to choose. It is those who force you to bend to their demands….
It seems the closer Trump and Barr come to releasing that
list of indictments – the harder this group is pushing….. Why?
What is on that list that they fear or don’t want YOU to
It is time to stand up to the true fascists and take our
country back!!! It is time to stop these domestic terrorists from destroying
our cities, attacking our people and laying waste to our diverse culture.
It is time to show these dweebs the true power of the United
States Constitution!!!!
Patience is a virtue ….. Trump said a while back he would
allow this garbage to continue for a time…
Now we can see and understand why….
Each day that passes it is revealed what these groups are
truly after and who is supporting them. Each day that passes it is evident
Democrats support this garbage, support the destruction of cities, terrorizing
residents, and bullying their socialist agenda onto everyone else.
Each day that passes the swamp mist gets clearer and we can
see those swamp rats with our own eyes…
Each day this goes on only proves that liberal Democrats actually
HATE America and everything it stands for…..
Each day this goes on only proves that Trump was right about
the NEED to drain the swamp and everything in it…
We are at war with those who seek to destroy America from
within – those who would sell us out to China and other communist nations…..
Patriots…. It is time. You KNOW what needs to be done…. Our
future is in YOUR hands…..
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