Ok, I am gonna address something here and now – before people
try to put words in my mouth. Y’all know I hate that shit.
I am calling out the bullshit hypocrisy of this so called
cancel culture movement…..
It’s OK for someone of color to beat, rape or kill a white
person – THAT is fine they should be allowed to do it and not suffer the
consequences…. Not go to jail, not even be arrested and whites should hand over
their hard earned homes for what?
If the situation was flipped as it has been many times
recently all of a sudden it’s a hate crime and all white people are racist. I
mean they are trying to say that being racist is in our DNA and we are
literally BORN that way….. But the only ones I even see using racial slurs on
ANY of these videos --- and watch as many as I have….. you will see it’s the
black community – now I am not like them. Not all blacks are this way – most of
them are good people.
These videos only show you the lowest rung of that
community. These videos only show you the ones who want a free ride. They show
you the ones who have never learned respect for themselves or anyone else. They
also show you the WHITE kids that think like they do.
But, I wonder…. These white kids marching with this off
shoot of BLM – as they scream for whites to hand over their homes….. Would a
single one of these white kids hand over theirs???? Or are they just out there
making noise??? Lead by example…. Let’s see 1 single white person in that group
literally hand their home over to blacks….. It won’t happen because they are
We have addressed this issue in the group before and it is
NOT one based on race. It is one based in that entitlement thinking that this
younger generation has been brainwashed into. Sadly though it seems to affect
the black community the hardest – why though?
Well, do you know how many group members I have seen on the
videos of looting???? Yes I saw you :P I also see you posting much of the loot
for sale on ebay and marketplace.
Looting – regardless of skin color – has nothing to do with
justice. It is YOU wanting something free it is that simple. Looting is not so
you can support your family….. That’s why people get jobs and go to work, or go
to college get a nursing degree or whatnot. Hell I hear the PD is hiring….
Y’all scream you want reform in the law enforcement. Why not
become one and BE the change you want to see???
But, some will take this as me being racist – but how? This
isn’t said to any race in particular because whites were out there looting just
the same.
I support the constitution. I support the right to PEACEFUL
Blocking major highways is NOT peaceful protesting – it is
putting yourselves at risk of harm. Highways where speed limits are 65 or more –
drivers have NO idea you are there….. What do you expect to happen? Someone is
gonna get hit by a vehicle if you stand on a highway. Common sense folks.
The driver is not racist simply because they couldn’t slow
down in time or because y’all decide to attack their car, breaking windows and
attacking them inside the car. I would floor it too to get away from that shit –
not giving a damn what was in front of me. That is NOT racist – that is self
Burning buildings is NOT peaceful protesting.
Looting stores is not peaceful protesting.
Physically attacking people who think different than you is
NOT peaceful protesting.
Screaming in someone’s face with a megaphone is not peaceful
Disturbing the peace after 10 pm with megaphones, chants etc
in neighborhoods where people are trying to sleep is not peaceful protesting.
Spray painting “A nazi lives here” on someone’s house, shining
flashlights into windows is not peaceful protesting.
Screaming in these neighborhoods where children live and are
trying to sleep that you will burn their houses with them in it is not peaceful
Stabbing journalists who got you on video during the riot is
not peacefully protesting.
Setting police cars on fire or trying to torch their
building is not peaceful protesting.
Using high powered lasers to literally blind people for life
is not peaceful protesting.
Following cops home and threatening their families is not
peaceful protesting.
Committing extortion on small businesses that are still open
– making them pay protection money – or you will burn their store to the ground
– is not peaceful protesting.
Falsely accusing people / cops of attacking you as they
clear out tents is not peaceful protesting (when it’s all caught on camera to
prove you lie)
Taking over parks and turning them into shithole third world
countries is not peaceful protesting.
Breaking down gates of private gated communities then
threatening to burn the homes, kill the dogs is not peaceful protesting.
Throwing objects at cops and others is not peaceful
Making demands that are totally unreasonable with the threat
of violence if those demands are not met is not peaceful protesting.
Targeting high end stores for looting, then looting them is
not peaceful protesting.
Burning stores that do not bend to your demands is not
peaceful protesting.
Beating someone for saying “All lives matter” is not
peaceful protesting.
Using racial slurs and hate speech to someone who is wearing
a MAGA hat is not peaceful protesting – I dare say it borders on free speech
because hate speech is a crime…. I do support free speech so I will use myself
as an example here ok – so if I say the N word to a black person then by THEIR
definition I am racist. I never use that word or any other such racial
language. Yes I call some ghetto ass trash talking bitches :P but THAT is not
racial – that is based on behavior not skin color. However, a black can call a
white a “cracker”, “nazi” etc and that is not considered racial or hate speech.
Terrorizing neighborhoods all night long every night –
newborn babes and pets included – is not peaceful protesting.
This fringe movement wants to be able to do whatever they
want with no consequences.
When they get caught and arrested they scream they were
kidnapped, cops had no right to arrest them, they didn’t do anything wrong…..
They cannot grasp that their behavior is what brought it on….They have
absolutely no concept of right and wrong – except that whatever they want is
right and everyone else is wrong.
They want to abolish the police. They want to abolish
prisons and jails and immigration detention facilities. But have they even
considered the ramifications of this? No. There are some VERY bad people
sitting on death row – people who would be repeat offenders and maybe even kill
THEM. They do not care. It’s I want my way right now or else.
I have seen videos where people are interviewed on these so-called
peaceful protests. Not a single one of these has a clue of precisely HOW to fix
what they consider broken. It reminds me so much of the interviews where they
ask these same people why they hate Trump and all they can answer is “
Trump is racist” but when asked for a precise example – not a single one of
them can give a precise example. The quotes they ramble off are not Trump
quotes – they were actually said by Biden. Look it up.
I watch nearly every night what has been happening in
Portland. When they were attacking the federal building…. I kid you not….
Sometimes I swear the look on their face screamed – Well it worked in the game
why the hell isn’t it working here? It is sad, but makes me laugh every time.
This fringe movement is live action role playing. Their
parents allowed video games to raise their children and gave no real input
except basically being a slave to them.
This fringe movement wants to do that to YOU. They might not
even realize this is precisely what they are demanding – but it is.
They want free everything. But who foots the bill? Those who
work, pay taxes etc foot the bill. Just like when they are at home mom and dad
give in to every little demand…… It seems easier than dealing with the tantrums….
This fringe movement were the kids years ago in Walmart
throwing serious temper tantrums when mom said no, then finally just gave in
because the scene was too embarrassing.
The so called wall of mom’s have been caught on camera
participating in the violence.
Now this fringe movement is bringing children and pets to
their “protests” then screaming when the tear gas comes out and the rubber
bullets fly. In their twisted brain they honestly think that they can throw
frozen water bottles to assault cops while they hold their dog on a leash and
the cops will do nothing. Some have thrown 10 lb rocks and injured officers.
But, somehow me speaking TRUTH makes me racist right? I’m ok
with whatever names you call me. But, I will NEVER stop calling out bullshit
when I see no matter what the skin color is.
The funny thing about Portland OMFG this is funny too. When
it first started MANY blacks were out marching and at the federal building,
looting right alongside the rest…..NOW – I rarely see a single black person on
these live feeds from Portland…..
What does that say? The good black people do NOT support
this fringe movement. Even though this fringe movement scream black lives
matter as they literally destroy black communities.
What has this fringe movement accomplished?
Well, let’s sum it up…
Black communities have been laid to waste,
burned to the ground
Black owned small businesses have been looted,
burned and will never reopen.
Black communities that fought so hard for safety
in their neighborhoods have LOST it all – it has set their neighborhoods back
60 years
Black children are being slaughtered in Chicago
and other major cities – caught in the gang crossfire
Major retailers are closing up shop and leaving
areas that have been looted and where riots are out of control – Macy’s is
leaving the mag mile in Chicago as are several other high end retailers.
How many good paying jobs have been lost forever
in these communities that need them the most because of the rioting and looting
– MILLIONS – Tesla pulled out of California and inked a deal with Texas
How many young children are actually being
taught to hate and to be racist because of all this
How many children in Portland and other major
cities will grow up damaged because of the nightly bullshit in the
neighborhoods – megaphones screaming all cops are bastards, fuck the police,
kill da whites and so on
How many pets will be forever changed from the
same shit – dogs that have never been aggressive before now begin biting people
and so on
How many services have pulled out? Food banks?
Social welfare programs no gone because the buildings have been damaged or
burned as well as looted
How many parks have been literally destroyed –
places where children should be safe to play
How many people have neglected their medical
because “protesters” block traffic and attack cars that try to get through –
medical issues like cancer screenings, cancer treatments, picking up necessary
medications (in some areas this is impossible because drug stores have been
looted and burned), doctor’s appointments, MRI’s and so on…
911 calls go unresponded to because police have
to deal with the rioters / looters – some people DIE when help never comes
How many more needless deaths do we have to have
as a nation before we say enough is enough
I could keep going on – but honestly I think you get the
point. The real damage this fringe group is doing is directly impacting the black
community in very negative ways.
If it makes me racist to call this shit out – so be it.
If it makes me racist to say they do not represent all
blacks – then so be it
If it makes me racist to say these idiots are the ones
spreading racism, venom and hate – then so be it
I happen to love my brother’s and sister’s in the Lord as He
told me to. He did not say love only those with light skin or love only those
with dark skin. He said to love them ALL equally as you love yourself. If your
brother have a need of a cloak and you have two – give them one. (paraphrased)
If it makes me racist to stand up and scream that this
fringe group is causing more problems for the black community and taking away
from the true movement – then so be it
So, call me what you want but I stand for the truth and I
will ALWAYS speak out on injustices and stand for what’s right.
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