The Black Lives Matter Organization (Different than the
BLM began as a movement speaking out against wrongful
deaths. It’s goals and purpose were noble, at first. I personally donated back
during the launch of the movement.
I began speaking out AGAINST the organization (not the
movement – two completely different things) after the truth about Ferguson came
out. When Michael Brown was first killed, I was on the bandwagon like most of
the world was. Until a little-known video surfaced and then I also watched
SEVERAL documentaries about it.
The ”Hands up don’t shoot” is an outright lie – but BLM will
NEVER admit this. They still indoctrinate people into thinking Michael Brown
actually did and said this when there IS video proof it never happened – as well
as multiple eyewitnesses who state it never happened. Brown was the first major
lie told by BLM the organization.
Even when the video surfaced that revealed the altercation
between Brown and the officer right after the shot was fired INSIDE the patrol
car, BLM maintains their position of innocent, unarmed black boy killed by
racist cop.
The video was graphic to say the least and I suppose if I
dug far enough back in my Youtube history I could probably find it again. The
video supported the findings of the investigation of the incident. The video
clearly showed Brown verbally taunting the officer, saying racial slurs towards
the officer and actually charging at him. It showed each and every shot fired
and as it hit Brown’s advancing body. Brown was issuing verbal threats to the
officer until the final shot struck him.
Once this and the final report of the investigation was made
public AND the many documentaries on the matter – I could no longer support an
organization that lies and indoctrinates people on things that simply were not
When Eric Garner was killed, once again I too screamed for
justice. Selling cigarettes on a sidewalk is not a reason to arrest – it is a
citation!!! But, I could not get behind the BLM organization.
When Freddie Grey died, again I screamed out for justice.
Although Grey DID resist to the point multiple officers had to restrain him –
the child was in medical distress before they put him in that van and it should
have been addressed right then and there.
The fact that officers have to be pushed to the point that
these things happen in the first place pisses me off. Then there are a few
seriously bad apples in law enforcement…. Not all of them.
Each time BLM got on a rage I began researching each case
they cried out about.
I began watching Youtube channels like Police Activity and
other similar channels. Uncut body cam footage of MANY officer involved
shootings and deaths. What I learned shocked me, because up to this point I
half believed blacks were being disproportionately killed by cops.
That is a lie. A couple hours watching YouTube will prove
that to you. So will the official FBI statistics on the matter, as well as many
independent statistics reporting websites.
Why would the BLM organization outright lie though?
Simple, to further their agenda. The cry they want an end to
black oppression – well they are doing a damn good job of oppressing blacks
with their lies and propaganda. Proof is below…
The BLM organization (not the movement keep that straight) –
is led by highly trained Marxists – who have admitted such in interviews and on
But what does that MEAN?
Well, Marx is a well-known SOCIALIST. We all know the
history of ANY country that has tried socialism… It ends in Communism which is
VERY bad for the people.
BLM organizes rallies that end up in rioting and looting the
very communities they claim to care about. So many black business owners have
condemned the actions of rioters / looters because they are causing more harm
than good.
Nick Cannon himself was recently interviewed. I will challenge
YOU to look up the video and watch the entire thing….. Not only did he speak
out against Jews, but he felt people who were not “melanited” should be killed.
Just for clarification – the definition of HIS word – annihilated” means
killed. So, that would mean Hispanics, Native Americans would all be killed
because they don’t have enough melanin in their skin. Nick is a HUGE supporter
of the BLM organization.
Now, why is all this important to know? We know that the
problems within the black community stem from families being separated.
Meaning, one or both parents end up in jail or prison. We know that having both
parents in the home would be highly beneficial to ANY child regardless of skin
color – but MOST beneficial to a community that has been ripped to shreds when
it comes to the “nuclear family”.
A nuclear family doesn’t necessarily mean both parents have
to LIVE in the home together – just that both parents are highly active in the
child’s life. Such as in the case of divorce and shared custody. It simply
means both parents are highly supportive of the child, encourage them to do
good and set good examples.
Included on its list of beliefs is
one that has drawn criticism as being consistent with Marxism:
disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by
supporting each other as extended families and ‘villages’ that collectively
care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers,
parents, and children are comfortable."
This is a twisted concept to say the least. It does take a
village to raise a child – but within that village the nuclear family must also
be present. Nuclear is not defined by blood either. Some kids raised by foster
parents have a nuclear family as well. It simply means support of both PARENTS –
regardless of if they are blood related or not.
The fact that the BLM organization (not the movement) wants
to disrupt the nuclear family is disgusting. It is a practice that has done
nothing for the black community except bring more grief, more crime and more
It is statistically proven that black children with a
nuclear family are 95% less likely to end up in jail or in an altercation with
law enforcement.
So why would BLM the organization want to destroy this??? It
literally destroys the lives of the children in black communities. The answer
to this still eludes me. I am still researching this issue.
BLM the organization (not the movement) is also well known
for threatening violence to get what they want.
He is not the ONLY leader who says things like this. In his
interview he insinuated they would burn everything – buildings, cities, suburbs
– everything.
BLM claims to care about the black community – their WORDS
say that. Their actions do not.
The only people who suffer the most at the hands of BLM the
organization (not the movement) are those in the black communities.
Take Minneapolis and Chicago for example. Much of the black
communities in both cities have been burned, looted and stores have boarded up
for good.
Now, those hit the hardest – those who live in those
areas - have to travel many miles just
to get essentials. Many do not have a car. Public transit is not running in the
affected areas. Taxi’s and Uber will not even go into affected areas.
So, what does grandma do when she runs out of her heart meds
or insulin? Grandma suffers because she cannot get anywhere to get the things
she needs. If she does manage to find a pharmacy that hasn’t been looted and
burned – her insurance likely will not transfer and pay for her medication. Grandma
had to work hard to get her scripts paid for at the local pharmacy --- now all
that is gone.
Parents cannot get diapers for their babies, or baby
formula. Why? Because idiots looted and burned places like Target, stole it all
and are now selling it online.
Many businesses are not going to return to these affected
areas. Who suffers because of that? The black community.
Y’all call me racist for speaking out on your behalf. Y’all
call me racist for speaking out against an organization that is HARMING the
black community. Y’all call me racist for speaking out against the fact that
this organization is USING you to further their own sick agenda.
That’s ok :P
The Lord puts on my heart to do these things and I obey the
Lord when He tells me to do something.
The Lord sees that His children are under attack – even if
you do not believe in Christianity – I do and so do many others. The Lord wants
His children safe, protected and loved. He sends messengers to voice the injustices
although some are not willing or able to accept the truth yet. It is simply the
messengers duty to voice the message, not convince people either way.
So, if you wish to call me racist because of this go ahead.
The Lord does not see skin color, it is not mentioned in His book. He teaches
us that we are ALL brothers and sisters and should love one another and that is
what I will continue to do.
There is no hate in my heart except for that of those who
spread lies. Satan is the father of lies – so who do YOU serve by spreading
I have been taught that when I stand in judgement before God
I shall answer for ANYTHING I have done wrong, even if I have taught YOU wrong.
I do not wish to have anyone’s blood on my hands when I stand before God. I
know I will also answer for not speaking out when He has told me to. Again, no
plans to have anyone else’s blood on my hands when I stand before Him in
judgement. So, I strive to be truthful in all matters I bring before you.
Below is a link that tells some of Karl Marx’s history. You
can easily do a search and find many more. In those articles, buried deeply I
might add, is the fact that Marx himself owned black slaves and was not very
nice to them.
But, this is who the leaders of the BLM organization (not
the movement) choose to follow and pattern themselves after. A psychotic idiot
who thought socialism is a good thing. During his time it was tried and FAILED
in many places, always resulting in Communism.
If you want to know how well THAT works – ask someone in
North Korea, China or other such countries who to this day live under Communist
Now, this next portion is a touchy subject to say the least.
But, lies are being spread about it and this short summary is much needed right
BLM organization would have you believe that blacks were the
first and only slaves. They want you to believe that blacks were the only race
that was captured, tortured and chained into slavery. They want you to believe
that black people never owned slaves or participated in the slave trade….
This is simply not true.
Read it for yourself. Do more searches and read from
alternative sources as well. The wonderful thing about the Internet is that it
is an endless source of knowledge!!!
You might have heard of the 1619 Project that the BLM
organization (not the movement) has partnered with. Although it is highly
believed 20 black slaves were brought to the America’s in 1619 – it is a part
of history that cannot be proven or traced. Historians are still researching
this matter.
However, in reading about the history of 1619 – settlers were
already in America when the 1619 ship arrived on the shores. Those 20 slaves
were traded to the settlers that were already here. The 1619 Project and BLM
organization (not the movement) will not tell you this.
The precise beginning of
slavery is difficult to track because its origins predate historical recording
and the written word. Due to the sociological makeup of the groups, we know
that slavery wasn’t a part of hunter-gatherer societies, so the first
identifiable evidence of slavery comes from the Code of Hammurabi out of
Mesopotamia. This ancient text refers to slavery as a common practice
throughout the region which had been in place for thousands of years at the
time it was written.
in ancient times typically came about as a result of debt, birth into a slave
family, child abandonment, war, or as a punishment for crime. At the outset,
the slave trade wasn’t very popular and was certainly not a booming global
business. Rather, slavers would often seek out a buyer who could use the
specific skills of a slave, matching supply with demand on a local and personal
level. According to historical texts, the lives of slaves in ancient
times were typically better than that of peasants in the same era, as they had
regular care, food, shelter and clothing. Slaves rarely attempted to run away
unless their masters were atypically cruel.
The Origins of American Slavery
The first
slaves were brought to the Americas in 1619, when 20 men from Africa were
brought to Jamestown, VA. Historians are not sure whether this was the
true beginning of the legal slave trade in the colonies. Indentured
servitude already existed in the region. Roughly 60 years later, via the Royal
African Slave Company, records show that the slave trade was booming in the
British Colonies, and colonists began to acquire slaves in larger numbers.
Evidence suggests that the main reason for this dramatic increase was a sharp
decline in the availability of indentured servants.
At the
time of the American Civil War, there were more than 4 million slaves working
in the United States, 95% of whom were in the Southern states.
With this being said, it is clear the BLM organization lies
and is part of the problem. Their mission is not to help the black community it
is to enslave us ALL under the chains of social communism.
If me saying the truth about what this organization is doing
makes me a racist – fine. But I will not sit quietly while I watch the black
community suffer because of the lies of an organization that claims it is
trying to help them. If black lives
matter then fucking prove it!!!!
Demanding abolishing the police does not help the black
Demanding abolishing jails and prisons does not help the
black community. How many violent offenders victims would be in grave danger if
these inmates were released back into the community?
Demanding free handouts from the government does not help
the black community. They need a hand UP not a hand OUT
When their actions show that black lives truly matter I
might change my perspective, but right now their actions prove that NO lives
matter to them – not even their own……
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