Harris didn't lose because of her skin color....
Maybe we are just sick of identity politics......
Maybe we prefer someone slightly more qualified than simply checking boxes of equity and race.....
Maybe we prefer someone who will NOT set this country back 50 years on race relations..... MLK would have risen from the dead to prevent it.....
Maybe we prefer someone who knows how to handle the office if a nuclear situation presented itself.....
Maybe we prefer someone who can actually answer a question instead of providing word salads with no answers and nonsense meaning.
Maybe we prefer a better role model for children and not someone KNOWN for locking up young black men (nonviolent offenders) for long prison terms...... some of which are still behind bars today......
Maybe we prefer someone who picks their political values and sticks to them rather than riding whatever wave seems to be popular until they are elected and then shitting on those who put them in office........
Maybe those of us in California WISH other states could see the CRAP politicians like Harris & Newscum and understand neither of them would ever do this country any good......
Maybe in 2028, when Newscum makes his rum y'all will listen to us...... We have been trying to get rid of his sorry ass for years NOW we get a chance because he wants to be the next democratic nominee........
Just some advice folks, if the women of the View like a political candidate there is a good chance the candidate is a piece of shit, just like them. So, if they are plugging Newscum best bet your last dollar you need to vote for whomever is running against him in 2028!!!!
Maybe we knew we need a President who can handle Putin, China, North Korea and so on..... Harris is NOT capable of handling any of them.
One day it would be amazing to see a female President, even one of color. Harris is NOT that person, never was. Harris sows too much division in the people with her need for identity politics and social justice, considering she cannot even define what either of them are much less what a woman is.
This post may not be popular, may cost me some friends, but remember this - like YOU, I have a right to express my opinion and feelings. If you do not like it look at the 3 dots at the top of the page click UNFOLLOW / UNFRIEND / BLOCK - problem solved - then you will not have to "suffer" with my opinions anymore 

But, in a year when gas is cheaper, food is more affordable and the economy is doing better - remember I told you so.
But please listen to those of us in Cali for the 2028 election..... We have suffered under BAD Newscum policies and we will be rid of him soon. PLEASE do not make us suffer under his crap anymore by entertaining the idea of him for president...... NO NO NO NO NO NO NO HELL NO
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