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Thursday, August 29, 2024

What Conservatives Really Feel About Abortion --- That No One Will Actually Say


What Conservatives Really Feel About Abortion --- That No One Will Actually Say


Conservatives are NOT against abortion and never have been. Although mainstream media would have you thinking they are. Conservatives do NOT want to take away women’s rights to choose on this matter.


What conservatives want, but will not say, is for PARENTS to educate their children to make better choices where sex is concerned so that abortion is NOT the go to birth control.


Conservatives want to see “sex education” rather than harmful procedures being done on girls as young as 11 years old. An abortion is a harsh procedure, even for an adult woman. Repeated abortions CAN prevent a woman from having a child later on.


I know because of 1 miscarriage and 1 preterm birth. The procedure is called a D&C and the recovery time is just as if you actually had a baby. I was told after the second one that I would likely never carry another child to term.


As a woman who 100% believes women should have full access to prenatal care – even the option of abortion – I fully understand what it can do to the female body. To see these spoof “trans” tik toks of men wanting to have a uterus transplanted so they can get pregnant and have an abortion is disgusting.


Conservatives simply want INFORMED CONSENT. To define what this means is not hard. Informed consent means the patient fully understands the full procedure and the effects it will have on their body. Conservatives also want parental involvement in any decision making of children who are not mature enough to give informed consent.


Conservatives do not want abortion as the go to birth control. We want to educate children so that abortion is not necessary. Prevent abortions from being needed and protect young women’s ability to have children in the future.


Conservatives also see something that disturbs us. The placement of abortion clinics…… Why is it in inner city areas that mainly service minority groups? Why is abortion being marketed there as the go to birth control? A simple 1 hour class for children could lower the number of abortion on children drastically!!!!


I always thought my mom was weird, odd and maybe a little nuts. She had “the talk” with me at the age of 8. She told me about my monthly cycle at the age of 6. I got mine early, I was 9 when I had the first flow. But, the important thing is that she talked to me and I actually listened. I first had sex at the age of 14 and thankfully never got pregnant! Our relationship was one where I felt comfortable enough to talk to her about the experience and she took me to the doc and got me on the pill (birth control pill). I took it religiously because I was a wild child. On that though, Mom did not set the best example…. She brought her boyfriends home. My teen years were the typical rebellious time, and I finally ran off at the age of 16 to get married.


I had friends who got pregnant, other girls I went to school with got pregnant and I saw how it affected their lives. I also know some teen pregnancies are the result of r@pe, incest or worse. I saw it all in middle school and high school. I think my generation was the first to offer young mother classes in school and the last to truly have a proper sex education class as part of the regular curriculum.


Teen pregnancies and abortion have risen dramatically in the last 2 decades simply because sex ed classes as electives and NOT required anymore and parents are no longer actually talking to their children. Today parents expect the public school system to raise their child and have neglected the most basic knowledge.

So, conservatives want parents to step up and educate their children before abortion is necessary.


Another thing, when Roe V Wade was overturned there was another thing overturned that was far more important. I wrote an article on it a while back it’s here on the blog. But to summarize, that rule allowed children as young as 12 to obtain an abortion WITHOUT parental consent or knowledge.


Now, the idea that a 12 year old gets pregnant for whatever reason, is worrisome. The idea they can walk into an abortion clinic and have a procedure that could affect their ability to have children in the future – without parental knowledge or consent – should be illegal. As parents it is our job to make sure our children are protected – not to stop the abortion, but to sit down with the child and make sure they understand every aspect of what it is.


Parents should make their child feel comfortable enough to discuss just about anything. Parents should also understand teenagers are going to mess around and the parent should be willing to provide birth control for said teenager. Give them condoms, help the girls get on the pill, talk to them about the actual dangers of having multiple partners. Be open with the child and make sure they understand they can be open with you.


Conservatives feel that children are being exploited by giving them the idea that abortion is the go to birth control because it nets the clinics a lot of money. They make more money doing a surgery than they ever would by handing out condoms and pills. Conservatives also see parental rights being eaten away a little more each day as the government keeps passing laws that give the government more control over the child.


Another thing about abortion conservatives want to change is the idea a child can get same day surgery. There is zero chance a child can make an informed decision on the spot and conservatives want the 24 hour wait period put back in place. This gives the child time to read about the procedure, research it and maybe even have a discussion with a parent or trusted adult. This is not to change their mind, it’s to give them chance to grasp the seriousness of the situation and be able to understand how it will affect them.


Our main issue is informed consent and the ability to make informed decisions on abortion. Abortion was never meant to be the go to birth control and planned parenthood needs to stop pushing it as such. Planned parenthood should help educate children so abortion can be avoided, not prescribed!!! But greed has prevailed and surgery pays more, at the expense of the young women being exploited…..


There you have a conservatives views on abortion. Know what we truly feel before you bash us saying we want to abolish abortion. We wish to protect a woman’s right to choose based on informed consent!!!!


Anyhow, have a blessed ay now I am off because I am quite sure FB will cyber spank me for having this opinion publicly……


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