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Wednesday, August 21, 2024

My X-Ray and Morning Coffee Ramblings

 Below is my most recent x-ray....

The good news is nothing is broken and so far there is no nerve damage. 

But, as you can see it is severely dislocated and will require extensive surgery to put it back together right. 

It is easy to see how the bones are grinding on one another and have been for some time. You can see the inflammation in the x-ray. 

To say this is painful would be an understatement. The doctor also confirmed this likely happened months ago but because of my neuropathy it has only become unbearable in the last 2 months or so. 

SK said I only wore the brace for sympathy and there is nothing wrong with my wrist...... She knew in April that I needed this surgery and she refused to get reliable help for me for her horses....... So, I had to put this off until the horses were gone. Let's be glad she doesn't have a medical degree to make actual diagnoses!!!! 

Dealing with the fact that the fingers work, but the wrist doesn't has not been easy. It is deceptive to the brain for sure. At times I want to cry because the pain is so bad. Other times I want to scream because of the frustration that I can't do something. Then my brain goes on a mission to figure out how to do things under the circumstances.

No, it is not depression. Yes, I have a therapist and even she said it is not depression. It is a perfectly normal reaction to the injury and coping with it. 

The real issue I have in accepting this..... The doctor said that caring for the horses is likely what caused the dislocation. It didn't happen in one sudden instant. It is something that happened over time from pushing my body to do things it isn't supposed to be doing all because SK refused to accept the truth on this and actually find a helper. 

No, I am not bitter or mad about it. I knew I needed a 2nd surgery but it should not have been as extensive as what I now need. At least doc said it will be fixed for good this time and should not happen again. We can hope!!!

I am off now to attempt to get a few things done. Still several things to finish before surgery to make it easier for me to live one handed for a while.

Have a blessed day!

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