I simply do not understand the need of grown ass women having Facebook fights.....
Life is too short for that immature bullshit over the he said she said and no one posting proofs.....
I have been tagged, mentioned and simply abstained from being brought into the middle of other people's drama... for what?
A bunch of self righteous so called do gooders slamming each other?
The only reason I am sitting here commenting now is because I am enjoying my coffee before I get started for the day. So sick of so called rescuers out to attack and destroy each other when all of them are working to the same purpose.
It defeats the purpose of what rescuers are supposed to do. So, this one had connections and didn't utilize them.... That one supposedly dumps......Instead of crying out because they didn't reach out (or their cry for help wasn't seen) why not try reaching out first???
Shit like this is why I live where I do and stay to myself......
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