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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Just Rambling .... What is a Psychopath?


Gotta love people who stalk a blog and take every rambling post personally...... Hurry, screenshot this one and rush to tell people how it's all about you, because apparently I am not permitted to just make a general post - it is ALWAYS about you, in your mind that is all anyone thinks about.

Glad you think so.... It only proves your narcissistic tendencies. On the contrary though, not everyone thinks about you constantly, nor is every post I make about you. If you take this post personally then it's on you, not me, because I can entertain other thoughts than those that are only about you :) My life does not revolve around you.

With that said now I can speak what's on my mind :)

So, the other day I was listening to a podcast and the term "psychopath" was discussed in great detail. Before I go further I want to define what a psychopath is.

Psychopathic traits commonly include:4

  • Antisocial behavior
  • Narcissism
  • Superficial charm
  • Impulsivity
  • Callous, unemotional traits
  • Lack of guilt
  • Lack of empathy

One study found that about 29% of the general population exhibit one or more psychopathic traits, but only 0.6% are likely to fit the definition of a psychopath.5

Psychopath vs. Narcissist

Some experts believe that narcissism and psychopathy exist on the same personality continuum and that both narcissists and psychopaths tend to have low humility and agreeableness, yet only a psychopath also has low conscientiousness.6

(Not sure if the image is displaying or not... )

A narcissistic psychopath is a type of personality disorder that exhibits traits of both narcissism and psychopathy. These individuals are often very destructive to the people around them. They are usually unable to feel empathy or guilt, and they have no problem manipulating others for their gain.

We all know someone who fits this description.....

Sadly, the trail of destruction this person leaves behind is like a category 5 hurricane went through..... Most who have suffered at the hands of a person like this cannot bring themselves to face the person again. Some go so far as to go into hiding....

The manipulation, gaslighting and lies this type of person tells are used to benefit the person, at the cost to someone else. This person doesn't care who / what they harm as long as their manipulations, gaslighting and lies achieve their personal goals.

This type of person never accepts responsibility for their own actions. It is always someone else's fault, even when there is hard core evidence proving that this person was at fault..... Yet, some people are still swayed to believe this type of person no matter how much evidence is presented.....

This type of person is good at drawing people into their orbit and keeping them there by alienating them from friends or anyone who may speak against them. They do their best to keep their "mark" shielded from the real truth and in the end the "mark" is the one who ends up paying the price while this type of person simply moves on to someone else.....

This type of person has no conscious, no care and only exercises self preservation in order to maintain their status quo of being "victimized" by those they tried to destroy.

This type person feels it is important to be viewed as the victim, even when hard evidence proves they are not the victim..... They still manage to sway some naïve people into their lies and keep them there.

The type of person they seek out is one who has something that will benefit them. Once the person is no longer beneficial to them they will walk and move on to their next "mark". They will also do their best to destroy the reputation and self confidence of the ones left behind struggling against the waves in the wake of this emotional hurricane.

Having studied true crime, this type of person can typically be seen in mass / serial killers, but there are those who never actually kill, just destroy then spirit / soul of those left in their wake.

Sadly, I am seeing this all too often lately, and no matter how I try to make people see - the person who is manipulating has a stronger grip..... It is heartbreaking to watch someone you care about fall under such a spell when you know what the end result will be. :(

I do understand the feeling of need to stay supportive of this type of person when admitting the evidence of their manipulation could be so harmful to yourself. Sometimes it is les painful to admit such things rather than having it fester, eating away at you day after day, until one day it explodes like a nasty cyst and destroys all you hold dear.

I always ask when is something mathematically impossible to be a coincidence?

Take for example the person who claims everyone in their past is lying about them, when so many of the stories are nearly identical and none of those people had ever met before....

Take for example the person who wants others to believe that everyone is conspiring against them to ruin and destroy them.... 

Take for example the person who claims everyone is lying and only they can tell the truth on whatever subject is brought up....

At which point does someone reach before they realize they have been lied to, manipulated and gaslighted? At which point does the receiver realized they have been used, duped and taken for a ride?

How long do the friends of the receiver stick around to try warning the receiver of the dangers of the person doing all of this? 

Who can say? Sadly, once the receiver realizes all of this they may not be able to bring themselves to admit anything...... 

As this person cuts off any support system the receiver may have it kills the friends who are forced to watch it happen. Our heart breaks because we can see it, yet are powerless to prevent it because the receiver is so blinded by the charm of the person they cannot see the truth of how much danger they are truly in.

So, those watching can only pray for the best.....

Well, I have rambled enough for today, things to do and get done that cannot be done with me sitting at the keyboard :)

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