I must thank you for stalking this blog, desperately searching, screenshotting etc for things I have said. Your persistence has brought many new blog viewers to the platform!!!!
Keep up the great work in stalking this blog and making it so popular!!! If this keeps up I will qualify to monetize this blog, something I had never considered doing but Google sent me an email about it...... So, now I am considering it.
I have days where I wish I could report on more pleasant topics, but lately the research, investigation and discussion has been so dark....
Rest assured the investigation continues. Unlike his so-called investigation that he appointed Jennifer to do concerning Amanda's behavior...... A real investigation is being conducted. All Jennifer did was talk to a couple of people and then agree with Blaze.....
The team is requesting actual court records, official documents, published news reports, contacting those reporters, contacting fire marshalls who investigated 2 house fires and so much more.... We do NOT conduct investigations based solely on someone's word.
This type of investigation is thorough, leaves little room for error and is time consuming.
Blaze cries oh Amanda resigned... So did he and so did Lisa, yet they are all over the place claiming they didn't..... All over the place claiming there are no minutes to prove it.... Um yes there is..... And those minutes will be posted to the website by the end of the month!
Blaze never kept proper minutes because he never ran the board correctly. He installed people who would bow to everything he wanted, regardless of whether is was right or not. Blaze would remove people who spoke out against things he did. Take Gina for example..... When she became aware of the conditions the animals were forced to exist in she spoke out and he wanted her gone.
The board's job is to do what's best for the corporation, NOT what's best for the founder.... It really is that simple.
Now, take the simplified timeline we are running down....
2016 - DHS fire Blaze stated was caused by "haters who found out he was moving" - in reality he was being evicted and AC had posted a notice they would be entering the premises and seizing the animals - boom the fire
(couple of years we still need to fill in)
2020 / 2021 - being evicted from Landers, fire at this location (awaiting the official fire report)
2022 - Joshua Tree complaint to AC - same gripes as previous reports and the 2023 report........
2023 - Joshua Tree - Blaze refused to go meet with AC and handle it himself, he was homeless so 18 dogs were turned over to AC
Now one thing we are trying to learn is all the previous animal seizures - how many were euthanized.... Especially the DHS fire because over 11 dogs survived and were seized by AC, even loaded on the truck by Blaze himself...... So, were are trying to find out how many of them were euthanized....... Or the Landers location.... No count on how many of those were euthanized.......
The fact that dogs were kept in cages they could only turn around, stand up or lay down in attributes to how they will behave once they are out of that cage. Some, sadly, cannot be rehabbed because the cage traumatized them so badly.
That is on the person who kept them in the cage, not the ones who signed them over to AC.
Had Blaze actually cared about the animals would he have left a candle burning in a house full of animals at Desert Hot Springs? Had he cared about the animals he would have gone on October 10, 2023 and faced AC himself.
We have discovered a pattern though.... A disturbing one......
Blaze and a landlord have disagreements and the landlord gives him notice of eviction.... Sometimes filed in court, sometimes just a 3 day notice.....
AC is on his back because he will not let them in, or when he does they know he is lying about the number of animals...... They begin putting pressure on him.....
Boom a fire.......
Amazingly both the eviction and AC issues solved for him.......
We have reached out to the fire marshall over the DHS fire to express the connections we have made in that matter and provide him with other official documents pertaining to that incident in hopes they will reopen that investigation.
So for the blog stalkers..... This is a can of worms he had hoped to keep buried and is still desperately trying to lie his way out of.
I mean he accused me of calling him a child molester.... How could I do that I have never seen him with a child, yet his first wife is still seriously pissed after 25 + years and obviously called him one in the chat logs....... But, he tells everyone it was me, that it came out of my mouth and I posted it on my blog - made a fool of himself in court trying to look for something that was never there in the first place. I have no documentation to prove her claim.... Just her word, so it is a nonissue until documentation is provided....
A reasonable person needs to ask, why do so many people, who never had a connection until now, all have similar stories about him? Some provided documentation..... Yet, in his words they are all evil haters out to destroy him........
In court Blaze said it was disturbing that I had reached out to his first wife........ I literally had to bite my tongue to keep from saying, well he was the one that called us the "ex-wives club" - so I took that as a challenge to get all of his exes together :)
Poor Erica is still so traumatized she barely speaks and all she wants is for him to grant the divorce..... She feared him so much that she left the state and went into hiding, which is where she still is.
Why does every single ex tell that Blaze has abused them in some way? Most of them did not know each other or have any type of contact with each other so it is not the conspiracy he claims it to be. Yet, every single one has stories that sound damn near identical.....
When you read my postings remember these are not my stories or documents...... I simply collect the info and present it to you, the reader.....
I am also half in a mind to pay the $50 for unicourt to get the records as to why Blaze owes the Employment Department over $7000....... I cannot access the actual minutes unless I subscribe :(
I am also tired of listening to his false claims that I am using the rescue as my source of income. First, I get SSI and have for over a decade...... I bought this land and paid it off long before he stayed in a camper on my property, meaning it is paid off and I pay my taxes every year - without the rescue's help. I have busted my ass out here long before he came here and will continue to do so long after he is gone. Second, the rescue has had ZERO cash donations since he was here. All we have permitted is people to purchase food and supplies via a wishlist. So, had I been using it for a "personal piggy bank" I would have been screwed since zero cash donations have been received.
His current girlfriend can even attest to the fact that I have survived on my own income for years before he came along.....
Blaze needs to understand that the new board actually cares about the animals, the ones he abandoned twice in less than 6 months.... We are trying to get them spayed / neutered and adopted out...... We are the ones making sure they are cared for, feed, housed etc..... We are the ones looking for fosters, helping the fosters and making sure their daily needs are met.......Unlike him who took in adoption deposits and misused those funds without getting the animal spayed / neutered as he should have..... Why does he want to keep interfering with these animals getting what they need????
Because he is selfish, that is the simple answer.
In the meantime we will work hard at achieving the goal of getting the animals he cared so little for done and in furever homes, regardless of his self serving behavior.
If you would like to inquire about the available animals please drop an email to: contact@hhbrescue.com
Now I am off to care for my own animals....... Hopefully get his selfish ass out of my mind for the rest of the day.....
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