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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Talk About Greedy People.......


So, this person I know was having financial issues due to her renters running up bills and not paying their rent. (Ongoing issue with her)....

So, out of the goodness of my heart I took her on as my IHSS worker when the one I had was considering a job out of state but had not finalized that. I could have stayed with my previous worker.... Should have really....

She complained of $900 electric bills, broken appliances, her hybrid SUV needed mew batteries...... Lots of issues that having me as a client would help her get done. Cool, so after she signed on she didn't have the time to do much of the work she contracted with IHSS to do, yet she wanted to file full hours on the time sheets...... It was because of GAS costs to come 25 miles door to door. 

When IHSS changed to the new GPS stuff it was a total hassle for both of us. For a couple of years now I have listened to her bitch about constant $900 a month electric bills, then she traded her SUV for a newer Jeep Wrangler 4 door. It was always gas, gas, gas and she would say she was on her way and 2 hours later still had not shown up. When she did finally show she didn't have time to help just grab the laundry and run or drop off the laundry and run.

Yet, she kept filing full hours on every time sheet......

She hit another rough patch so I called up my worker and had some more hours added - HOPING I could get the services they were paying for..... Nope. 

When I had my foot surgery I had to take on a renter to help me because my worker - who was getting PAID by the state to do it - didn't have time to help me because of her cash clients...... Those renters trashed my property and left junk campers for me to deal with......

So, she has to get someone to fill in for her, this person has caused drama in the past, but I am in need of the services so I agree to try....

Saturday the fill in comes for 2 hours. Things were fine until I messaged asking about Monday. The fill in sends me a nasty reply about being only clocked for 2 hours and how that doesn't even cover gas and wanted me to pay her more out of pocket.

To put this in perspective and IHSS worker makes $14.05 per hour in California. I receive 88 hours per month. This totals to over $1,230 a month. But, gas is too expensive to drive 25 miles to do the work she was contracted to do. 

She chose to take on a $700 car payment when she was always griping about never having enough money. She chose to skip on the contracted work except when I first got the broken wrist, then she helped out with the contracted work. Once the cast came off it was right back to wanting the full hours but not doing the contracted work.

How long am I supposed to allow that to continue while I suffer in pain doing things the doctor has told me not to AND the state is paying her to do? 

All the while she has people believing that she is doing me a favor by coming MAYBE twice a week for laundry runs. Lately I have noticed much of the laundry has NOT even been washed. It is returned still dirty. I have sent the dirty stuff back and it still comes back dirty. So, who is doing whom a favor?

I am sick of people pretending they are going out of their way to help me, especially when they are being paid for shit they aren't doing and like Saturday, I get blasted by the fill in for something I didn't do.

So, if you are financially struggling as bad as you claim to be, let's see how the $1,200 a month loss of income goes. Will you still be able to eat out every day at those pricy places you constantly post about on Facebook while you are clocked in supposedly running my errands??

Why the hell did the fill in think I am able to pay her out of MY pocket when she is supposed to be getting paid out of the IHSS allotment??? I had no agreement with her beyond the fact she was filling in while you recovered from surgery...... WTF is wrong with people? I mean she literally gets paid more on IHSS than I get in a month on SSI..... She gets $1,230 give or take and I get $1,133 a month and you also have your Social Security, other clients AND have your hand stuck out for more????

This is why I terminated my contract with her. She thinks driving 25 miles is too much, doesn't want to do the contracted work but wants the full hours, and the fill in is a greedy bitch who causes drama. Maybe now the fill in will understand the financial damage she just did to someone she claims to care so much about. 

Either way I am done with the bullshit, done with begging my worker to do what she is contracted to do, done with listening to how driving 25 miles is too much and how much of a financial bind she is in all the while she is posting on social media about eating out, going all sorts of expensive places etc.....

So, you were doing me a favor???? Ok, keep telling yourself and others that......... At least IHSS did not ask me WHY I was terminating you.... I would have been forced to tell them the truth of the matter......

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