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Friday, March 31, 2023

Taxation Without Representation - another rabbit hole solved!!!!


Nov 11, 2022 8:45:15 AM EST
Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No. 17751801 
Who are the Silent Thieves? Why are they manipulating you? How are they stealing your wealth? Bubble. Crash. Steal. Lie. Repeat. What is inflation? Monetary manipulation. Taxation without representation. PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS. 1913. Q
All of the text above the highlighted area ties into the specific highlighted portion. But, why?
Well, that is where it gets interesting! I have so missed this guy! During the lock down the entertainment this one provided was priceless! I love puzzles and riddles so this guy was right up my alley.
Was I a qanon disciple? No. I enjoy the challenges he presents in his posts!  Did it occur to anyone that because of this guy, MANY people learned how to research on their own? Many people learned how to use archives and many people had some fun just learning!!! 
Now he's back and our fun can continue! For this particular post I recognized it right off. I also noted how NOW the actual story it is based on pulls up unrelated shit in search engines!!! Surprise? Nope.....
But, this story is based on real American History - look up The Revolution of 1913 folks...... 
Here is just one abstract


Generations of activists have traced the origins of rich people’s movements to the ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment, which permits the federal government to levy a personal income tax without apportionment among the states. The Sixteenth Amendment arose in an era of extreme income and wealth inequality. This chapter illustrates the background of the Sixteenth Amendment by tracing the consequences of economic inequality for the life of Andrew Mellon, a very rich man who would later become Treasury Secretary and an influential figure in the history of rich people’s movements. It also shows how many different social movements of this era came to see a federal income tax as a solution to their grievances. The ratification of the Sixteenth Amendment resulted from a series of political miscalculations, but it had far-reaching implications for the politics of inequality.





Passed by Congress on July 2, 1909, and ratified February 3, 1913, the 16th amendment established Congress's right to impose a Federal income tax.

Far-reaching in its social as well as its economic impact, the income tax amendment became part of the Constitution by a curious series of events culminating in a bit of political maneuvering that went awry.

The financial requirements of the Civil War prompted the first American income tax in 1861. At first, Congress placed a flat 3-percent tax on all incomes over $800 and later modified this principle to include a graduated tax. Congress repealed the income tax in 1872, but the concept did not disappear.

After the Civil War, the growing industrial and financial markets of the eastern United States generally prospered. But the farmers of the south and west suffered from low prices for their farm products, while they were forced to pay high prices for manufactured goods. Throughout the 1860s, 1870s, and 1880s, farmers formed such political organizations as the Grange, the Greenback Party, the National Farmers’ Alliance, and the People’s (Populist) Party. All of these groups advocated many reforms (see the Interstate Commerce Act) considered radical for the times, including a graduated income tax.

In 1894, as part of a high tariff bill, Congress enacted a 2-percent tax on income over $4,000. The tax was almost immediately struck down by a five-to-four decision of the Supreme Court, even though the Court had upheld the constitutionality of the Civil War tax as recently as 1881. Although farm organizations denounced the Court’s decision as a prime example of the alliance of government and business against the farmer, a general return of prosperity around the turn of the century softened the demand for reform. Democratic Party Platforms under the leadership of three-time Presidential candidate William Jennings Bryan, however, consistently included an income tax plank, and the progressive wing of the Republican Party also espoused the concept.

In 1909, progressives in Congress again attached a provision for an income tax to a tariff bill. Conservatives, hoping to kill the idea for good, proposed a constitutional amendment enacting such a tax; they believed an amendment would never receive ratification by three-fourths of the states. Much to their surprise, the amendment was ratified by one state legislature after another, and on February 25, 1913, with the certification by Secretary of State Philander C. Knox, the 16th amendment took effect. Yet in 1913, due to generous exemptions and deductions, less than 1 percent of the population paid income taxes at the rate of only 1 percent of net income.

This document settled the constitutional question of how to tax income and, by so doing, effected dramatic changes in the American way of life.





Congress gave itself the RIGHT to tax everyone without ANY restrictions! This was obviously done long before any of us were born, but none the less, they STILL have this power because no one has challenged it!!

 Do you see how this ties to the q post above?


Silent thieves..... We pay this, usually quietly, sometimes we grumble, but in ALL cases we pay it because we feel we HAVE to, have no other choice right?


Why do "they" = The Government - manipulate you? Well, if you KNEW that YOU had the power to change things they KNOW that you WOULD change them! So, they keep you in the dark so that they can continue their secret theft of your hard earned $$$


How do they steal from you? Look at our current situation. Income tax, look at retirement accounts. Look at how many banks have been bailed out in the last 20 years. How many banks have FAILED and been absorbed by larger banks all to the loss of the average person? Look at how many NEW taxes are created every year and who those taxes affect. Look at the income difference between the average person and ANY elected official! How does an elected official go from an ordinary income that is the same as an average person to having millions in the bank in less than 2 years? 


Look at inflation..... How does it affect each income bracket? Who benefits from it? Who CONTROLS inflation? Bingo that part! As the Feds raise interest rates THEY control inflation. They manipulated the current situation. THEY stopped Federal Aid to lower income households - the extra food stamps ended this month, many other helpful programs also end this month for those who are most affected by the current inflation situation.  But why? To control YOU, it really is that simple. If YOU rely on them for survival then they control you.


Taxation without representation is exactly what we have right now. It is why the Revolutionary War was fought. KNOW your history - it is WHY they seek to rewrite history books - so you do not know why these things happened or even if they happened!!!! Go to Congress.gov and start reading the proposed bills to see what hidden taxes are in them. See how those hidden taxes apply to YOU and not them.....  Who fights for YOU and YOUR right to the money YOU worked your ass off for??No one fights for you and your rights on the hill.... NO ONE! Watch the debates on these bills... See who is for them and who is against them and WHY!!! 


YOU need to take your pwer back. WAKE THE HELL UP - that is all qanon is trying to do - make YOU see that YOU still have the power that they do not want you to know about! 


An end to the endless - this means TAXES and POWER folks. Where does it end? Remember the $600 ceiling for electronic payments and how the Biden admin hired 80,000 new IRS agents to make sure poor people receiving $$$ online had to answer for those transactions and pay unfair taxation on them?!?!?! 


Where does it end? How much more taxation can we handle before we work for nothing while those in power get richer off the sweat of YOUR brow? 


Taxation without representation..... Revolutionary War..... Is it time to fight that fight again? 




READ IT - not watch a show about it - actually read it!




Read and compare how government controlled websites have changed little things about the true reason this war was fought!!! 


Remember The Boston Tea Party - it wasn't a political party folks!!! People literally dumped tea into the Boston Harbor because of over taxation on the tea!!! When YOU stop buying their products (corporations) then they have ZERO control. They know this but they do not want YOU to know this! It is the reason we fought the Revolutionary War folks - TAXES!!! 


When is enough enough today? The taxes currently being imposed only affect those with the least ability to pay them. How much more can your family stand before you are in the lowest income bracket? 


Pull up a tax calculator..... Ask it what the taxes for a single person with no dependents who earned $600 is..... The answer I got was $85 tax on a mere $600.  That is damn near 10% tax on any income - thus affecting the poorest of the poor the most! Keep in mind that is on top of all the other taxes as well! Sales, tax, property tax, car registration taxes, new car purchase tax, Social Security Tax, Medicare tax, Carbon Tax and so many many more....... 


When is enough enough? That actual take home on that $600 after all taxes are taken into consideration is a NEGATIVE amount..... Meaning the person who earned it will actually OWE money rather than showing a profit! 


What about late fees? Those too are a form of taxes, only they are imposed by lenders on borrowed money! 


Look at the student loan issue..... Have you SEEN the late fees some students are facing on those loans? Many are far more than the original loan was for. Are you aware that graduates are NOT able to find jobs in the filed they studied and that is why they are NOT able to pay off these loans?!?! An example, a student who graduated with a Psychology Degree is not likely to find work in their field of study and will be forced into a MUCH lower paying career, thus limiting their ability to repay the loan they took out to obtain the degree they worked so hard for in the field of study they love!!!!


LOOK for the hidden taxes that no one even thinks about...... Grocery stores, gas stations, post office, ANYWHERE you spend money LOOK for the hidden taxes!!!


It is time to stop this taxation without representation! It is time to break the wheel that is crushing the people who hold the power to change things!!!


Oh, I am so glad to see q again! I had missed the crumbs and puzzles!!!! During the lock down q definitely made me love research again! The puzzles were annoying at times, took more than one post to put together at times, but ALWAYS challenged me to think for myself in order to SEE the result.


Wake up people. When will this endless taxation end? How much more taxation can you handle before you say enough is enough???? 





















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