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Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Things to Pay Attention to....What have we done????

 Have you ever wondered why people 200 years ago - lived longer and healthier? Why foods back then were better for us? Why most of the KNOWN diseases only began after 1900? Well, some quick reference answers....

1. We had nothing disposable back then, everything was reused or repurposed

2. We had real materials to build homes, not all this treated & painted stuff

3. Food was grown at home or locally, some brought in by vendors - but NO chemicals were ever used to produce them

4. Water came from deep wells, hand dug wells and was not contaminated

5. There was no such thing as sewage treatment plants - waste was composted and used to fertilize the fields

6. No such thing as landfills that give off high amounts of methane gas and contaminate the land

7. No huge manufacturing plants that contaminated the air & the water around it - people made what they needed or bought it from someone who could make it

8. Cookware was not treated with poisons like teflon - it was cast iron and healthy to use

9. We did not use chemicals to clean our homes - borax and lye soap was the standard even to wash clothes and body parts

10. Make up was rarely used, hair care products had not been widely used, lotions and creams were not as they are today - only the rich women used them and many died young due to high mercury content in them

11. Propane, gasoline, Natural gas had not been widely used - less people breathing the toxic fumes from those meant less lung diseases

12. COPD, asthma etc did NOT exist until factories polluted the air, chem trails, heavy fragrances and other chemicals became widely used

13. Cancer was also man made with the development of processed foods and the toxic materials we use to build our homes - even today the materials are toxic - don't believe me? Look up the contents of a standard homes construction AND what toxic gases they emit while living in it AND if it burns down (especially if it burns down) - those toxic smoke clouds permanently contaminate the air we breathe

14. ALL major diseases did NOT exist until we began adding heavy metals to everything! It is in our foods, our personal care products, everything we touch eat and breathe. Don't believe start reading labels!!! Suave antiperspirant contains ALUMINUM!!!!

15. Many long term disabilities did not exist until we created vaccines that contain heavy metals! Years ago the standard vax schedule was MAYBE 8 vaccines by adulthood! Now it is over 200!!! Each vax injects trace amounts of heavy metals into your system that will NEVER be excreted! These heavy metals typically end up in your brain where they wreak havoc. Don't believe me look it up!!!

17. Allergies did not exist until we began processing foods and stopping kids from being kids. The combination created a deadly path for today's kids who now have allergies to things WE created!!! The more we mess with food the worse new allergies get!!!

18. We stopped the availability of medicines that actually work only to replace them with synthetic chemicals produced by big pharma who do not care if the product works they only wish to make a profit selling it to you

19. We have stripped our farm lands of every vital nutrient to the point we must now use chemical fertilizers to make our food grow - thus beginning the poisoning process right from the start! Once it sprouts they use chemical sprays to keep bugs off the crop, they process it in unclean plants using chemicals to preserve it and put it in metal cans that leech toxic metal into the food itself! Then you prepare it in pans that are flaking toxic metals or in microwaves that emit dangerous radiation and all in the name of progress....

20. We have appliances that give off deadly radiation such as those microwaves we all love. Small amounts are not dangerous they say - look up the long term effects of using a microwave daily!!! Toasters can be deadly - the heating element gives off small amounts of toxic gas that seeps into the bread it is heating. Electric or gas ranges both give off toxic fumes every time they are used and the older they are the more toxic they are! The Fridge that you cannot live without - gives off toxic fumes as well and Freon is an extremely poisonous gas! Don't believe me? Look it up - go to youtube and watch videos of twits who inhale freon......

21. The very dust that settles in your home is matter from toxic gases in the air. Those handy antibacterial wipes you use to clean that dust are also made with toxic chemicals known to cause cancer. Ever see the labels and signs here in California about things containing ingredients known to cause cancer? Yup! 

22. The air filters people use are also made from toxic chemicals and are not as good as advertised - they emit toxic levels of other chemicals as they claim to purify the air. Look at the method and you will see in the scientific research that the methods are more dangerous than the current air you breathe.

23. Plastics are one of the single deadliest items we have ever invented! Made from petroleum products and most take hundreds of thousands of years to decompose when discarded, some have even damaged our ozone layer!!! 

24. Cleaning chemicals are also the cause of many diseases. Due to the fact they kill NECESSARY bacteria - it harms our immune system and makes us more prone to illness. Even so-called all natural products are NOT produced with all natural ingredients nor are they good for you

I could keep going on with this list but I wanted to give you some food for thought to research on yourself...

I am not here to think for you or spoon feed you all the gory details. If you are able to read this article you are also perfectly able to look all of this up and take steps to cleanse your system from the heavy metals and cleanse your home from the toxic chemicals and get on a path to safer living!!!

Good luck on your awakening journey!!!

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