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Monday, June 27, 2022

The Roe vs Wade Issue


The Roe vs Wade Issue


                This subject is a hot topic to say the least. Everyone talks fiercely on one side or the other and there seems to be no middle ground. I understand this article will flare tempers on BOTH sides. But, I am the one who always says the quiet stuff out loud, so here it goes…

                All we HEAR about this being overturned is how WOMEN have lost medical rights to their own bodies….. Lost the right to ABORT (kill) a baby. It is NOT a fetus or clump of cells as liberal leftists choose to refer to it. It IS a baby. But for those calling it a clump of cells or a fetus, keep in mind those SAME people either cannot or will not define what a WOMAN is.

                Some may view this article as me taking a stand on the side of moral high ground. Some might find what I say offensive. When I pen an article like this it takes me a while to sit down and separate MY stand on the matter from the facts of the matter and attempt to deliver it from a neutral position. With that said I will FIRST state my stand so that I can move on to the meat of the article.

                I was raised a Christian and had six children full term. I also lost two babies before they were viable outside my body. I think the term they use for that now is “angel babies”. I was taught to respect ALL life, not just human. I still believe that every life is a precious gift from God and who am I to try to chose who has a right to live and who doesn’t.

                I do have some strong opinions about abortion.

1.       Abortion should NEVER be the go to birth control – EVER

2.       Abortion after 16 weeks IS dangerous to the mother (my ob/gyn explained those dangers to me IN FULL – even though I never had an abortion)

3.       Late Term Abortion should NEVER occur unless it IS a medical emergency (not because a child is deformed, diseased or whatnot)

4.       Abortion should be discussed between BOTH parties that contributed to the situation – except in cases of rape and incest

5.       A woman does have the right to choose this option when she feels it is the best for her own medical care and situation

6.       I am against men being able to SUE a woman for aborting the baby 99% - the one exception would be if the woman is spiteful, got pregnant on purpose to blackmail the man and then aborted the baby out of spite, or any similar situation.


Now, with my personal stance on the issue out of the way we can continue into the facts of the case. You may not agree with my personal stance, but that’s alright. We are all allowed to have an opinion on this matter and that opinion does NOT have to conform to liberal leftist ideology.

Roe vs Wade covered much more than just the right to have an abortion. But, for the sake of keeping this article at a manageable length, we will deal only with the hottest part of this debate – abortion.

The sad reality of people crying over Roe vs Wade being overturned is that MANY of those people have used abortion as their go to birth control. Unfortunately, in today’s age of science and technology, there is still no true safe method of birth control. All of them have issues!!!

The argument about abortion truly boils down to the argument of when life actually begins. Once again, as a Christian I have strong opinions on that but will not be making an argument on that here. That argument is for another article.

Doctors have said for decades that abortion is SAFE up until 20 weeks, safer if done before the 16th week gestation. Even at this early stage the baby actually LOOKS like a baby, but this has been the rule of thumb for decades.

The issue came to the forefront over LATE TERM ABORTIONS being performed more frequently for women who desired them. There are interviews and articles about such late term abortions – I will put links at the end of this article for those who wish to read them. There have also been expose videos done through Planned Parenthood about some pretty disturbing things. All of this combined is what brought Roe vs Wade back into the limelight and caused it to be overturned.

As I said before there are no real safe birth control options except MAYBE condoms, and we all know those are not truly effective. I have a child that was determined, she came through a condom, foam, and the pill! So, what do we do? The best choice is to abstain until you are ready for a child, but we all KNOW raging hormones prevent this option from even being viable.

The media is telling us that the hardest hit population will be young black women. WHY? This is where you will need to refer to some of my previous articles as well as this one. So, I will break this issue down step by step, and I hope people will see it from the fence like I do.

1.       The vast majority of the young black women affected tend to reside in inner cities like New York, Los Angeles and other larger metropolises.

2.       There is an abundance of abortion clinics in those areas, but a lack of parenting education centers

3.       There has NOT been proper “sex education” in public schools for decades.

4.       There has been a lack of moral upbringing in those areas, not for lack of parents trying – but the societal factors have overridden parental instruction.

5.       We introduced a culture to young black children in the form of rap and hip hop that taught them sex, babies and immoral conduct was not only desirable but also profitable.

6.       We as a country, created the welfare trap that affected inner city black families the most.

7.       We have devalued their life and in doing so taught them the lack of appreciation for any life.

8.       We have taught them that all they need to do is have as many baby daddies as possible and they can sit at home drawing child support – which never works out because many of the fathers do NOT pay and the mother ends up in abject poverty drawing welfare instead.

9.       We have taught them welfare is for life, a way of life and that there is no escape.

10.   We have taught them that the world owes them something, everything and their frustration expecting these things that never come leave them desolate and angry.

11.   We have taught them that having all these babies does not mean they have to raise them – they can dump them on family members, friends, babysitters etc while they go out to make more babies (money makers) so they can afford the lifestyle we have pushed on them via the rap and hip-hop music.

12.   We have taught them it is ok to be sexually active EARLY – as early as when the girl gets her first cycle!!!

13.   Many of the children born into this cycle are abused, neglected, sexually abused, molested and taught that this is normal! They grow up and then in turn do it to the next generation.

14.   We have taught them that CPS can remove “problem” children and are there to serve them with free stuff. We have also taught them that if CPS removes their children they should run out and get pregnant and have more children (which never ends ell since CPS ends up removing those children as well)

15.   We have taught them it is NOT their responsibility to raise or support these children.

16.   We have failed to teach them moral values that would benefit them for life – instead we attempt to deal with the problems as they arise AFTER we have destroyed the things that might have prevented much of this in the first place.

17.   We have taught them that the nuclear family is worthless.


I could keep going on about how WE – as a society – have totally fucked inner city minorities, but I do have much of that in another article on this blog. Having spent the first 16 years of my life living in the inner city I do have some perspective on these things.

But, black women are NOT the only ones who will be affected by overturning Roe vs Wade. Inner cities are now a make up of so many different minorities and poor families of ALL races. It is the POOR who will be affected the most, especially with the economy in the shape it is currently in.

Who can afford $6 a gallon gas to drive to another state to obtain an abortion consult? Not too many who will be the most affected!!! Many of the inner-city families do not even own their own vehicles and depend on public transit or friends to get them around.

It is the poorest women – the ones who cannot afford transportation – that not only get the most abortions, but also tend to NOT get prenatal care when they do not get an abortion!!!!

It is the poorest who struggle to raise children in communities that are no longer safe, in rented homes that are run by slum lords and in families where they are abused, neglected or worse. It is also these very people society has marketed the idea that sex / intercourse is acceptable are YOUNG ages and if they make a video go viral they will be famous.

So, why are people out screaming in anger over this being overturned? Because now, many women will have no options if they get pregnant.

We have normalized “sex workers” as acceptable. Their profession puts them in imminent risk of getting pregnant with a child from an unknown father, a child that would get in the way of their work. Being a Christian, sex workers have been around since the beginning of time and serve a purpose.

Our society is so screwed up the younger generations actually believe a biological MALE can get pregnant and carry a child! But we do NOT hear about those rights being violated with this ruling of the supreme court – WHY? Because even they know, deep inside, that a biological male CANNOT get pregnant.

We are also back to the My Body My Choice argument – which was conveniently tossed aside when they wanted to vaccinate everyone with a vax that to date has NOT been proven safe or effective.

As a Christian, I can only tell you things I know. As a woman I can also only tell you things I understand from that perspective. The problem is NOT that Roe vs Wade was overturned; the problem is a society that wants to do as it wishes without consequences.

The lack of moral values, lack of proper parental upbringing, lack of proper education and lack of self-esteem are destroying society.

I see videos every day with WOMEN talking about how they have so many baby daddies and that the money flows in. One woman had nine children and was bragging about the amount of child support she was receiving, but that none of the baby daddies were involved in the children’s lives.

When our society killed the nuclear family, we killed our society. By nuclear I do NOT mean traditional Christian nuclear families. I learned long ago that blood relatives are family, but our FAMILY is who we choose, not always just because they are blood related. FAMILY is what our society has lost and needs to get back.

Our society can no longer tell the difference between good and evil, nor does it seem to want to. The liberal leftists are trying to force immoral values upon preschool children and demand that everyone accept it!!! The liberal left also wants everyone to believe that using abortion as the end all means for birth control is a woman’s ONLY real option, when it is not.

Instead of trying to teach preschoolers transgender ideology, MAYBE we should focus on preteens and teach them to VALUE the act of “sex” instead of using it like a pastime. MAYBE we should teach young black men and women that trying to have as many babies and baby daddies as they can is NOT a good idea and that there really is more to life than being a baby making machine (or aborting them).

MAYBE we should be giving out free condoms and birth control to those young adults who are sexually active!!! MAYBE we should be teaching sexually active teenagers about all the disease they can get and spread to others or even their unborn child.

Being a Christian – MAYBE – we should put a KJV Bible back in their hands and make them study it. When I say study, I do NOT mean go all cultish and totally immersed. I mean to look at the Bible like any other form of great literature in our society that writes about moral values, the value of life and teaches the one thing this world needs more of – LOVE.

The one lesson that is overwhelming echoed all throughout the Bible is that of LOVE. As a society we have devalued life so much that we have people marching and screaming because they cannot have easy access to kill their unborn babies!!!

I view the Bible as a piece of literature the same as the works of Shakespeare, Hemingway and other known literary geniuses. People seem to avoid the Bible because they THINK it will condemn their lifestyle or force them to change drastically. The SINGLE thing I want known about my mention of the Bible here is that the ONLY lesson from it that I am applying here is that of learning to love oneself and others. How someone applies any other concept from the bible is up to them personally.

I know no other way to teach someone such a great love that it will impact them deeply enough to open their eyes to the changes our entire society needs to make to STOP this terrible cycle of hate and death.

If we valued sex or each other there would be less unprotected sex happening and fewer unwanted pregnancies thus less need for abortions.


(To Be Cont. I will put all links, Bible references etc in the next section of this article)

*** Sorry I went off on a tangent, I am passionate about wanting people to learn to love and I do get a bit wordy from time to time! 😊

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