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Thursday, May 26, 2022

Why Mass Shootings Keep Happening


Why Mass Shootings Keep Happening


                Every day we hear about a multitude of shootings. Some make national news, and some do not. Why is that? Well, although the shootings are quite similar in nature – they do NOT serve the Democrats political agenda. If every mass shooting received the coverage, we would hear all about the illegal guns on the streets, not just the shootings that happen with legally purchased firearms. Why does this matter? Democrats are pushing GUN CONTROL LAWS – meaning that they want LESS legal firearms in the hands of citizens.

                Media will blast a school shooting done with legally purchased firearms as long as it is a WHITE shooter. No one heard about the young black man who committed a mass shooting with a legally purchased firearm. Yup, it happened. Even a simple Google search no longer brings that story up!!! Even the subway shooting in NYC is getting buried deep now. Why? Because a black man committed the crime.

                Why do we NOT hear about the mass shooting on Chicago streets? Drive by shootings happen there DAILY leaving multiple people injured or dead. Why do we NOT hear about the mass shootings in Los Angeles? Because these crimes are done by black people using illegal firearms!!!

                Criminals are NOT going to obey gun laws. They do not even obey the laws currently on the books, what makes people think they will obey any new laws we put in place? The only people that will be hurt by new laws are legal gun owners – which cause the least number of problems!!!!

                But this article is not about gun laws or new regulations. This article is about the mentality of those committing these crimes. We must look at that if we hope to ever solve the problem. In order to do that we must begin with Generation Y and the Millennials. It all began when we passed the “social promotion” laws and Common Core Education Systems.

                These two generations started a trend of self-destruction, self-hate and the victim mentality. These two generations were taught that they are ALL victims and that their very self-identity is threatened. We pushed them through school, graduating them even if they could not read or write. Their self-worth is in the shitter!! We created special classes for the ones who fell behind. We created participation trophies for those who participated – thus killing the will to compete for the prize.

                These two generations gave rise to Child Protective Services powers. In doing so, we took away a parent’s rights to discipline the child in a manner that would benefit the child and break bad behavior. These two generations used CPS as a weapon against their own parents to get whatever they wanted. Some were removed from their parent’s custody (which was not the outcome the child wanted, they simply wanted CPS to force the parent to do what the child demanded). These two generations overloaded the foster care system because many were removed from their homes due to the child using CPS as a weapon against the parent and it backfired on the child. Now, these two generations are grown, and many have their own children. However, the children of these two generations are also mentally screwed up.

                We taught these two generations to hate their own bodies, their own skin and to hate each other. We taught them to hate authority, disobey teachers, disobey parents and that no one could do anything about it. We taught these two generations that education did not matter, getting a job did not matter, getting married or having moral values did not matter. These two generations were so devalued that most of them cannot function in society today. Many of the children from these two generations and loaded up on Prozac and other psy meds that they are “zombies”. Many of the girls from this generation took those meds while pregnant. Many children of these two generations self-medicate with street drugs. Many of these two generations are the ones being most affected by the Fentanyl crisis. Many of these two generations have already died due to accidental overdoses.

                We taught these two generations that they needed therapy, their parents were abusive to them, they were victims and that they had no power to change anything. We taught these two generations that they were NEVER at fault it was always everyone and everything else’s fault – but never theirs. We took away their self-reliance and ability to do things for themselves. We made them fully dependent on the system, a system that has failed them repeatedly. We destroyed these two generations and by doing so, destroyed every generation that came after them.

                We taught these two generations that parents lie to them, that history was wrong, and they shouldn’t listen to it. We taught them that they didn’t need math or science. We taught them that school was a farce and attendance was all that mattered.

                We put gaming systems in their hands and let them use it unchecked and unmonitored. Some of these gamers died as a result of DVT’s they developed from playing these games too long. We taught these two generations that gaming was more important than anything else. Some of these gamers murdered their parents and family members because of the games. We taught these two generations that practical skills were useless. We taught these two generations they could support themselves by going viral online. These two generations are killing themselves TRYING to be the next big viral thing online.

                These two generations were raised on fast food and frozen food. They didn’t care to learn much beyond how to beat the next level of the first-person shooter game they were playing online. These two generations saw the birth of online gaming and VERY violent games. They also played such games as Grand Theft Auto, which taught them criminal acts. That particular game taught them to shoot cops. These two generations have little to no respect for ANY type of authority.

                These two generations also lack personal responsibility or respect for themselves or others. They will break game controllers then demand their parents go replace it – sadly, the parents DO replace it. These two generations lack skills they need to properly function in society. Many never learned to drive or have the desire to learn. They have depended on parents or friends to transport them everywhere, or they use public transportation. Many have never learned how to function on their own and even as adults still depend on their parents.

                What we never taught them though was how to deal with their own emotions. This is the single most important reason these mass shootings keep happening. The shooter is incapable of dealing with their own strong emotions, so they lash out – in a way taught to them by the very video games they play endlessly. It’s called “Live Action Role Play” and far too many children of these two generations are doing these horrible things.

                When those members of these generations can accept personal responsibility then MAYBE we will see a change. Until then we will see more of these terrible events caused by children who lack the ability to deal with their own emotions and reality itself.


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