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Thursday, January 20, 2022

Disappointment…. Losing Faith in “The “Plan”?

 (Something I wrote months ago - just cleaning up old unsaved writings)

Disappointment…. Losing Faith in “The “Plan”?


Here is my take on this whole mess right now….


1.    Dems plan worked….. Most of those who actually breeched the capitol were antifa twits – just watch the Portland BS if you do not believe me….. Now, some are putting out video confessing they were PAID to do that to the capitol…… KNOWN antifa making a video that he was paid to breech the building……

2.    HOW did Dems plan work? Gee…. Terrorize the session into submissions… How many backed out of support for the objections because of what happened???? No objection to Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia --- HAD there been we all know what would have happened….. But due to the events many backed out of the objections and did not even bother to speak!!!!!

3.    Lin Wood…. Promises promises that never seem to materialize….All this evidence was supposed to be presented yesterday….. Where is it???

4.    Trump himself said all the evidence would be revealed yesterday…. And nothing….

5.    We all SAW what happened in Georgia… We saw tons of things that SHOULD have been looked into thoroughly – but no…. Might NOT have changed the result BUT it should have been looked into to give US confidence in our election process

6.    We all KNOW Pennsylvania asked for the certification to be delayed while THEIR courts looked into what happened there…. DC ignored that request….. It might NOT have changed the outcomes, but it would have helped US to trust the process

7.    Losing faith in what our government allows and ignores…. It promotes hate, race baits and ignores suspicious shit with the elections…… Maybe only criminals get by with this government while those who try to do good are fucked over…

8.    People assume this was all about Trump…. People fly his flag, yes…. But the last few months have NOT been about Trump…. Most people cannot see that …. The last few months have been about people being PISSED due to unconstitutional lock downs, losing their businesses, all the GARBAGE we see that contradicts what officials try to tell us, the hypocrisy and so much more – but none of it has to do with Trump….

9.    Both political parties are corrupt and honestly need to be revamped or gone…. The founding father’s KNEW this day would come…. No one has faith in either party as it stands right now

10.  Allowing our religion / faith to be attacked and doing nothing about it….. All the while promoting hate within the people….. Trump had nothing to do with that…. That blame lies solely on those supporting antifa / BLM who are the ones destroying the very fabric of this nation…. Always follow the money right? It is PUBLIC donations supporting this garbage…..

11.  Our faith in the election process has been destroyed….. Dems spent untold amounts of tax payer money for investigations the last 4 years, now all of a sudden they do not want investigations into the election process….. If there is nothing wrong then the investigation would be short and sweet….. But doing the investigation would help US respect the process and restore our faith in it

12.  Conspiracy theories have always existed…. To blame them now is silly…. Most entertain them for entertainment purposes only… Sometimes rabbit holes can be fun and educational….. The Anonymous movement has been around longer than Trump has…. This was not Trump’s creation, nor his movement….. Stop saying it was…. Q came about before Trump as well, but not long before he took office….. Maybe answers to the questions that these theories bring up would calm people because some of them ARE serious issues….Some of them DO have actual evidence that is being ignored…

13.  Trump Derangement Syndrome – This is WHY most of us want answers…. Prior to his running for office EVERYONE loved him. He was on every major talk show, loved by news media, he was also a Democrat….. Trump was literally their golden child….. Then he ran for office….. WHY did the love turn to hate so damn fast??? THIS is why many supported Trump and demanded answers…. THIS is why many conspiracy theories were born…..

14.  Censorship and Media Lies – this has happened longer than Trump and will only get worse from here….. I do find it strange that fact checkers did not even exist until WE began questioning things, finding answers and sharing them….. Now, those of us who DO question things are heavily censored, blocked, threatened and called crazy….. Why not just give us TRUTH how hard is that?




As we transition into a new administration, many will never accept their authority. That is evident, but brought on by everything above. When the people get the truth, then and only then will we be able to move forward TOGETHER, united once again as a strong nation UNDER GOD.

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