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Saturday, December 5, 2020

Troops Rally Around Trump as Final Showdown Begins



Troops Rally Around Trump as Final Showdown Begins

Events are coming to a head in the United States and worldwide as information warfare morphs into kinetic warfare, Pentagon, MI6, and FSB sources agree.  The U.S. military and intelligence agencies are now rallying around President Donald Trump because the citizens of the United States legally elected him, Pentagon sources confirm.

The WDS has had reservations about Trump because of quotes we found deeply disturbing (see his Twitter for source):

“I came out with vaccines that people didn’t think we would have for five years and we have them, they are going to be distributed in two weeks.”

However, it now turns out as some readers have noted, Trump, whose own son is a victim of vaccines, was playing 5D chess.  Here is the explanation from the Pentagon:

“The FDA, CDC, DOD, UK, EU, and Trump are aware that the Pfizer, Moderna mRNA vaccines may alter DNA, cause sterility, or have nano components that can be triggered by 5G.  So this may be a trap to arrest the eugenicists and nationalize Big Pharma.”

We also got confirmation from MI6 that plans for the vaccine leaked from Canada were genuine.  Here, according to MI6, is what Jesuit agent Justin Castro has planned for Canada:

“The government will get try to get all Canadians on universal basic income by mid-2021.  Huge supply chain breakdowns and economic instability will be carried out before that to force Canadians to accept basic income.

The Canadian military will be deployed in all cities to set up checkpoints and restrict movement by the second half of 2021.  Then, once Canadians are miserable and impoverished, they will be offered “total debt forgiveness.” In exchange, they will have to take the Covid (Certificate Of Vaccination ID) vaccination.  Those who accept will be given a photo identification to be called “Canada’s Health Pass” and offered basic income and freedom of travel.  Those who refuse will be put into concentration camps.”

Rember Justin Castro is the son of Cuban communist dictator Fidel Castro.  He murdered his own brother in order to become Prime Minister.

Communism was invented and directed by the Jesuits making Justin Castro a communist Manchurian candidate.  That is why the Canadian military needs to cooperate with their U.S. counterparts in order to remove this threat.

We are also now certain that Pope Francis is no longer with us.  Remember, he vanished for several weeks after the Covid attack on Italy and was only seen as a hologram appearing at his balcony.  Now we have a new Pope Francis being promoted in the corporate propaganda media supporting Antifa, telling people to wear masks, and promoting vaccination.

We have tried to contact Pope Francis via the P3 Freemasons and they say they can no longer reach him.  So Catholics, understand your Pope has been replaced by a fake whose words and actions are clearly different from those of the man who we saw before the Covid attack.  The Vatican appears to have fallen to Satanic forces.

General Michael Flynn is now the leader of a joint multinational military operation against the Satanic Cabal, Pentagon sources say.  General Flynn described the situation in this way:

“We are going through a crucible of history and if we do not correct what is happening over the next couple of weeks…this country is done.”

We strongly recommend you listen to his half-hour speech that can be found here: https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv/video/wvw-tv-exclusive-lt-general-michael-flynns-first-interview-president-trumps-pardon

The counterattack against the cabal is now fully underway as “the DOJ prepares for executions by firing squad, hanging, gas chambers, and the electric chair,” Pentagon sources say.

We are also hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that CIA Director Gina Haspell is…

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