Press conference is dedicated to new facts revealing international corruption and external governance of Ukraine.

Because of the leaked information about today’s press conference last week it was announced that I was being sanctioned by politicians from the US Department of the Treasury under the request from Democratic senators. They really didn’t want us to publish what we are going to release today.

But we did not refuse a press conference: the state independence and sovereignty of Ukraine are at stake. And most importantly, the opportunity, on the basis of documents, facts, material evidence and now the testimony of witnesses, to return billions of money to Ukrainian citizens.

I will definitely comment on the issue of sanctions later today. But I would also like to note the following.

DemoCorruptionists are very afraid because documents, numbers and shocking recordings support every word that we will voice today.

With each new fact, a new entry, new posting of accounts, we are convinced that external governance and international corruption are Siamese twins with many faces of senior government officials, oligarchs, schemers and many other actors who steal from the Ukrainian people.


  1. Evidence of withdrawal through financial “holes” of millions of dollars stolen from the Ukrainian people, laundered with the help of banks and laundromats in various jurisdictions and their subsequent transfer to the accounts of the company belonging to Biden family.
  2. New recordings of conversations between the persons who appear to be the fifth President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko and former US Vice President Joe Biden, testifying to external governance.
  3. We will also unveil colossal corruption schemes related to the procurement of coal and gas, due to which Ukrainians pay 30% higher utility tariffs. At that time, the highest officials of Ukraine and the United States participated in these schemes.
  4. We will also make public the facts of embezzlement of hundreds of thousands of dollars of technical assistance provided to Ukraine by the US state, as well as evidence of deliberate sabotage of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine.

I repeat once again:

Every word that we will voice today is supported by documents, numbers and records that were given to us by investigative journalists, as well as people who have information about corruption schemes and witnesses who are directly involved in a number of processes, which we will talk about today.

We will transfer all facts about international corruption and external governance of Ukraine at our disposal to the law enforcement agencies.

Today we will present to your attention only part of the testimony by witnesses. I emphasize – part of the testimony by witnesses. I want to assure you that we have other witnesses who can confirm the facts of international corruption, including citizens of foreign states.

WITHOUT FURTHER ADO, the first part of our press conference:

Evidence of the withdrawal through financial “holes” of millions of dollars stolen from the Ukrainian people with their subsequent transfer to the accounts of the company belonging to the Biden family.

At one of the first press conferences about a year ago, we showed bank transactions for hundreds of thousands of dollars to the family of former US Vice President Joe Biden, namely to his son Robert Hunter Biden. The latter was a member of the board of directors of the infamous gas production company Burisma.

Burisma belongs to the fugitive Yanukovych-era minister Mykola Zlochevsky.

The inclusion of Biden in the Burisma leadership and payment for his services is nothing more than a political cover that protected Zlochevsky from the Ukrainian law, namely from the criminal code.

After a series of press conferences, our group of investigators, namely the senior prosecutor of the group of prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine for investigating the economic crimes of the Yanukovych regime in 2016-2019, was approached by two foreign citizens. They were directly involved in laundering millions of dollars stolen by Zlochevsky from Ukrainians with the subsequent withdrawal of these millions to accounts of Burisma, and further withdrawal to the accounts of the company belonging to Bidens.

Since these foreign citizens are in the process of obtaining the official status of “corruption whistleblower” provided by Ukraine, and for the purpose of their personal safety, as well as based on the secrecy of the investigation, we will call them by the code names Witness 1 and Witness 2.

Konstantyn Kulyk, the Head of the Group of Prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine for investigating economic crimes of the Yanukovych regime in 2016-2019, will tell you more about this.

Konstantyn, you have the floor.

Direct speech of Konstantin Kulyk

Hello. In the video that we will now show the Witnesses confirm and describe in detail the corruption scheme of laundering millions of dollars stolen by Zlochevsky from the Ukrainians with the subsequent withdrawal of these millions to the accounts of the company belonging to Bidens.

In addition to the video, we will publish a statement filed by one of the Witnesses to the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine, which outlines the mentioned facts.

I suggest watching the video.

Dear colleagues, this is part of the recording of the interview of witnesses, which was conducted by Konstantyn Kulyk in the presence of a lawyer. The full recording of this conversation will be posted on the NABU-leaks website literally at the end of the press conference.

One quote from a statement by a Witness:

“All the described financial transactions were fictitious. And a lot of money was paid in Ukraine so that the state authorities turned a blind eye to it.”

Information about the ownership of a particular amount of money by a specific businessman who ordered such a legalization service, including Mykola Zlochevsky, is on a laptop, which the witness hands over to the law enforcement officers.

What funds did the participants in the schemes receive?

In the period from November 2014 to October 2015, the Witnesses noticed strange recurring payments that, at the direction of Oleh Nelin (Zlochevsky’s assistant in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine), were sent from the account of BURISMA HOLDINGS LTD, which was opened for the personal needs of Mykola Zlochevsky, in the Latvian PrivatBank AS to the account of the American company ROSEMONT SENECA BONAI LLC.

The witnesses drew attention to these payments since about 20 times the same uneven amount was recurring – $83,333.33 as payment for consulting services.

It was like a total payment that was split into unequal parts.

In the period from November 2014 to October 2015, the money stolen from Ukrainians, located on account of BURISMA HOLDINGS LTD with the Latvian PrivatBank AS, was transferred to the account of ROSEMONT SENECA BONAI LLC in the American bank MORGAN STANLEY in payments in total amounting to $3.4 million for consulting services.

This company, ROSEMONT SENECA, according to the statement given to us by witnesses, is closely related to Biden.

In addition, €242,885 were transferred in the period from December 2014 to August 2015 from Burisma Holding account controlled by Zlochevsky to the account of Alan Apter, the member of the Burisma board, in CITIBANK N.A. for consulting services also.

And in the period from December 2014 to August 2015 €1,000,000 were transferred to the account of the member of the board of Burisma – Aleksander Kwasniewski in the Polish PKO BANK POLSKI SA for consulting services.


This is a payment for the political “cover” that Biden provided to Zlochevsky.

This is only part of the payments for a short period, confirmed with documents by the witnesses. And it was also confirmed by the reports of the Financial Intelligence Units of Latvia, Cyprus and Ukraine, which are posted on the NABU-leaks website.

How long did these payments last?

And how much was paid to security officials, tax officials, lobbyists? And how much was stolen? I think the amount is tens of millions of dollars.

What do we have in the end? The Biden family provided political cover for Zlochevsky for the money he stole from the Ukrainians in the amount of at least $4.3 million.

This is how the scheme of theft of money and their transfer through offshore companies to Biden’s companies looks like.

Surprisingly, the Office of Foreign Assets Control is aware of these facts. Still, the laundered money is not blocked, and the US authorities are not investigating it. Besides, the investigation of these facts in Ukraine is completely blocked.

Direct speech of Andrii Derkach

By the way, if Burisma again wants to whiten Biden in court, I want to remind that I have already won one court case regarding payments from Burisma to Biden last week.

Besides, Burisma’s lawyers, when trying to whiten Biden, did not dispute the fact of payments. They were concerned only by the specified amounts and accuracy of payments.

This fact is registered in the court’s decision.

In the next part of our press conference, we will tell how else did Zlochevsky steal, according to investigative journalists.

In the meantime, I suggest that journalists familiarize themselves with Zlochevsky’s corrupt postings and everyone who wants to trample on corruption schemes. These are bank statements.

Now we will publish new recordings of the conversations between persons which appear to be Poroshenko and Biden.

I note right away that Joe Biden faced the threat of losing a stable income from Zlochevsky, and in fact, from Ukrainian citizens, when the Prosecutor General’s Office, headed by Viktor Shokin, initiated criminal proceedings against Burisma and in relation to the theft of money from Ukrainians.

They got close to Biden so tightly that in order to save the fee from Zlochevsky, he promised Poroshenko 1 billion in loan guarantees.

Once again.

For the sake of his own profit, Biden disposed of someone else’s 1 billion, which Poroshenko gladly accepted and used through his Bogdan Corporation and Kuznya On Rybalsky Plant. And in return, he fired Shokin.

The second threat to Biden came after the US presidential election and his departure as Vice President.

They regularly had calls with Poroshenko after the presidential elections in 2016.

It was important for Biden to make sure that nothing had changed in relations. For Poroshenko, it was necessary to report on Ukraine’s foreign policy and relations with the new US President Donald Trump.

Let’s listen to the recording.

As Petro Oleksiyovych said there – “sell” to the Ukrainian people on the anniversary of the revolution … “Achievements”

Cynical words of cynical people. He sold hope and robbed everything else.

As you can see, Biden assures Poroshenko that no one is going anywhere.

On the contrary, Biden assures Poroshenko that he influenced President Trump’s transitional administration.

We would not care if it did not concern the creation and protection of corruption schemes, instead of fighting corruption. A real fight against corruption.

Another recording worthy of your attention is the discussion between Poroshenko and Biden of the newly elected US President Donald Trump. Let’s listen.

Indeed, to call the President of your country “a dog chasing the car” and for the other one to giggle – is a sign worthy of real statesmen and high culture of statehood.

After making sure that everything is in order, Biden and Poroshenko confess their mental love to each other, assign titles to each other and admire each other.

Let’s listen.

The triumph of inadequacy. Just think about it, the whole world is talking about Poroshenko’s corruption. 73% of the country vote against Poroshenko’s corruption. Zelensky at the stadium speaks about the verdict, and the former US Vice-President licks the Maldivian patriot, calls him the founding father of the nation and offers to write poems about him.

Indeed, you can write poems about Petro Oleksiyovych and Biden. With one clarification,- we hope, these poems will be written in the files of criminal cases.

Now we will tell you exactly how Zlochevsky, together with Poroshenko, according to investigative journalists, stole money from Ukrainians by inflating tariffs and stealing through shell companies.

The next topic of the press conference is devoted to how Ukrainians are robbed on tariffs and how tariffs can be reduced.


My fellow citizens will not be mistaken if they say that the government and the corrupt officials earn from each family.

The interest of an oligarch, an official or a “schemer” sticks to each bill.

These schemes are so profitable that the grey-haired hetman himself, Petro Oleksiyovych, fed on them.

He has a rare innate property: the ability to make money three times from one corrupt transaction.

Let’s remember how a man who appears to be Poroshenko happily reported to his senior friend, former US Vice President Joe Biden, that he had raised tariffs not by 75% as Biden asked, but by as much as 100%.

For this, Petro Oleksiyovych received one billion dollars, which he successfully used at his enterprises in Ukroboronprom, after placing orders there.

This is a reminder. Recently, another enrichment scheme was revealed related to tariffs, and in fact, exploiting the citizens of Ukraine. The scheme, according to investigative journalists, is supervised by Poroshenko’s people.

How did the facts of the plunder of the Ukrainians become known to us?

Recently, our group of investigators was approached by the former head of the security service of the energy business of one Ukrainian figure, Anatolii Shkriblyak.

Shkriblyak is known for his connections with Poroshenko, Kononenko and Zlochevsky, and his group of companies TECHNOVA – these are CHPs rented for a pittance from urban communities in Chernihiv, Sumy, Cherkasy, as well as Darnytska CHP in the city of Kyiv. He is also known for offshore schemes used for pumping money from citizens through tariffs.

Vitalii Mykhailiuk – a former officer of the Security Service of Ukraine – is the person who worked for Shkriblyak and gave us compelling evidence of the robbery of people.

He worked as the head of the security service for Shkriblyak at TECHNOVA from 2008 to 2017. For almost 10 years, he had access to “schemes” used to rob the population.

And now we will make them public.

So, how the corrupt interest was put into bills, and how Poroshenko and the company made money on the Ukrainians.


As you know, the head of the National Commission for State Regulation of Energy and Public Utilities (NCSREPU), which is responsible for the numbers in people’s bills, was a young and successful, arrogant former vice-president of ICU, a representative of Roshen in the Russian Federation – the actual head of the Lipetsk factory – Dmitry Vovk.

Petro Oleksiyovych himself, by his presidential decree, appointed Vovk to the post of head of the NCSREPU.

Vovk’s task was to “drive” the energy market players into Petro Oleksiyovych’s stall. And also to create fashionable sounding and difficult to understand corruption formulas and schemes like Rotterdam+.

At the beginning of 2017, the NCSREPU, headed by Dmitry Vovk, carried out appropriate checks on the correctness of the calculation and use of tariffs for heat and electricity, based on the results of which, and under the results of operations for 2015-2018, UAH 232 million was withdrawn from the tariffs of the above enterprises – and it was also planned to withdraw UAH 516 million without VAT.

It was difficult to hide such amounts from law enforcement officers.

Therefore, at the beginning of 2017, agreements were reached between Shkriblyak and Poroshenko’s close friend and business partner Ihor Kononenko in the Fifth Element Sports Complex. The Schemes Show and Radio Liberty reported about that.

What they agreed on.

  1. Shkriblyak continues to be the legal beneficiary of the operations of energy companies. At the same time, persons from the business environment of Ihor Kononenko are appointed to key positions in the management company and at the specified CHPs.

For this, Shkriblyak receives guarantees of the continuation of his business operations.

  1. Closing all issues with the security forces became Shkriblyak’s personal responsibility. And he paid for it from his own resources.

During March-May 2017, Shkriblyak transferred funds in several installments in the amount of $10 million in cash to resolve issues with the law. This information was provided to us by the security chief of TECHNOVA, Vitalii Mykhailiuk.

Subsequently, the so-called “support” of the illegal operations of the said “energy group” was carried out through individual leaders: the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, the Security Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. The monthly “subscription” per each law enforcement agency ranged from $100 to 150 thousand.

Thus, a conceptual agreement was made between Shkriblyak and Kononenko on the distribution of profits from Shkriblyak’s energy business.

Through this distribution, the actual property remained with Shkriblyak, and the operational management was transferred to Kononenko’s people.

These are Serhiy Mishchenko (the man of Zakharchenko, the former minister of the times of Yanukovych) and Olena Mazurova (associated with Mykola Zlochevsky and the Burisma company).

It was Mazurova who one month ago, took out the working capital from the TECHNOVA group of companies – the money of our citizens stolen from the Sumy, Chernihiv, Cherkasy and Darnytsa CHPs, and carried the cash to NABU and SAP to make a valuable gift for Mykola Zlochevsky’s birthday – the termination of the criminal case against him.

This is the same high-profile bribe of $6 million, on which they arrested Mazurova with her accomplice Andriy Kicha, the chief lawyer of Burisma. Everything I’m talking about now is in the files of the case.

Let me remind you that this is precisely the case on Burisma, which the former Prosecutor General Ruslan Riaboshapka at first did not see in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations, and then randomly found it, and after studying it, determined it to be hopeless …

…As you can see, it turns out that there was something to give a bribe for …

By the way, the bribe initially, according to the documents from the Prosecutor General’s Office, was not $6, but $50 million.

Kononenko’s people – Mazurova and Mishchenko – are famous ex-employees of the State Fiscal Service.

They had colossal experience and were one of the best schemers in the country, not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

And they were put to support the scheme for a reason.

It was Mazurova, according to Vitalii Mykhailiuk, who provided Kononenko with an imperceptible scheme for making extra profits in cash.

What was the basis for such super-profitability of enterprises?

Everyone remembers the coal supply schemes Rotterdam+, South African Coal and Coal from Pennsylvania.

All these schemes are nothing more than an advertising campaign to raise the price of coal, and subsequently the basis for raising tariffs for Ukrainians.

But the essence of the scheme is somewhat different. Please show this scheme. Coal was supplied from certain areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions through Russian shell companies. Not from Rotterdam, and not from the USA. But instead from certain areas of Luhansk and Donetsk regions!

The funds were transferred to offshore companies in Poland, Britain, the Baltic States and Cyprus.

Poroshenko and the company have once again sold and fed the idea of energy independence to Ukrainian citizens and patriotic society, presenting it in Rotterdam+ and Pennsylvania Coal wrapper.

But what did actually happen?


How the scheme worked:

According to cargo customs declarations (CCD), the consignor/exporter was a company from the Russian Federation.

The consignee was a CHP plant in Ukraine.

But the parties responsible for the financial settlement – were the shell companies in Ukraine or non-residents. These companies ensured the inflated price of coal, which was added to the tariff approved by the NCSREPU for the CHP.

Also, these shell companies served as a tool for withdrawing the “margin” and further unobstructed transfer of funds to the accounts of the “scheme” participants, unnoticed by Ukrainian law enforcement officers and fiscal authorities.

According to available data, the so-called margin averages about $18-25 per ton of coal, with the volume of supplies to the CHPs mentioned above amounting to 1.4 million tons per year.

Thus, the shadow profitability from the above schemes amounted to about $30 million per year.

In turn, the overestimation of the price of coal for the CHP made it possible to overestimate the consumer tariff for the population for the end products of the same CHP – heat and electricity.

And this money is paid by ordinary Ukrainians.

Here it is, the earnings – first from coal.

And then – from the tariff.

All these facts are laid out in the statement by Vitalii Mykhailiuk, who worked for Shkriblyak. He filed this statement back in May 2020 to the Prosecutor General Office, as a result of which criminal cases No. 42020000000000984 and No. 42020000000000985 under Part 2, Art. 209 and Part 5, Art. 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine were registered.

This concerns the scheme with coal.

Now we will tell you how they steal from the population using gas.

As you know, besides coal, CHP also uses gas for its operation. Here, Petro Oleksiyovych also showed great ingenuity (to be honest, I applaud standing). Everyone remembers the sensational information brought by TSN journalists about the Vienna meeting of Kononenko and Zlochevsky in early 2017.

Everyone thought and wondered about the purpose of the meeting… and the purpose was simple. To receive gas from Zlochevsky’s Burisma that is cheaper compared to NAFTOGAZ, or to take it away for free, as a bribe for loyalty.

Let me remind you that Burisma is such a powerful company that its leadership included the son of the former Vice President Biden – Hunter Biden, and the Biden family received millions from it for incomprehensible services.

In reality, for a political cover.

According to the NCSREPU Inspection Report No. 340, dated September 30, 2019, it follows that TECHNOVA in 2017 began to purchase gas, besides from Naftogaz of Ukraine, from Esco-Pivnich LLC (which is a member of Burisma Holding group of companies).

I want to draw your attention to the fact that we have a full evidentiary volume of documents relating to the operations of TECHNOVA group of companies, including copies of the black ledger, consignment notes and so on.

We work in the deputy association “Tariffs Minus 25% STOP Corruption”. We continue to collect facts, documents and information.

And today I appeal to mayors and deputies of Sumy, Cherkasy, Chernihiv and Kyiv with a proposal to immediately return to communal ownership the heat and power plants, mired in corruption, which are rented for a pittance, and to review tariffs, reducing them by 25% before the start of the heating season.

The numbers in people’s bills should be reduced! It is impermissible to rob the people of Ukraine either by the grey-haired hetmans or their overseas patrons.

As you can see, in exchange for permission for our aborigines to steal from their own people, the American curators from DemoCorruption demanded full control in various areas: government, state companies, banking and much more. We have already talked a lot about this at previous press conferences.

The only obstacle here was the law enforcement agencies. Therefore, the DemoCorruptionists began to establish their own agencies like NABU or tried to establish control over other law enforcement agencies.

We will tell you how it all happened in the next part of our press conference. I give the floor to Konstantyn Kulyk.

Direct speech of Konstantin Kulyk

The next part of our press conference concerns the external governance of Ukraine.

The so-called reform of optimization and recertification of officers was imposed on the Prosecutor General’s Office, which was actively implemented under Riaboshapka.

The main task of the reform was gaining full control from the side of the US Embassy in Ukraine over the prosecutor’s office and gaining the loyalty of its leadership.

The secondary task – as always – was to misappropriate the money of either Ukrainian or American citizens.

In the case of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the funds of international technical assistance from the United States were misappropriated and laundered.

This is how the scheme for the sabotage of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office by DemoCorruptionists looked like.


According to the procurement plan for the reform of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine, in particular, a little more than $7.38 million were provided for the Continued Support to the Criminal Justice Reform in Ukraine project.

Our “reformers” spent $744 thousand on hotels, receptions, posting ads like “looking for new prosecutors” and other things vital for the reform. We have already told you about this at one of the previous press conferences; we will not repeat ourselves.

Let’s just remember that the reformers – I will not say “stolen”, but rather “used” – almost a million out of more than seven million.


The first responsible person is the Deputy Prosecutor General Vitaly Kasko, who had already made plenty of reforms in terms of appropriation of official housing and was considered fraud.

The second reformer is the Head of International Cooperation Department of the GPO Polina Chyzh, who was transferred from NABU in due time. We all remember how Polina, serving as an officer at NABU, “leaked” to foreign intelligence services the information that constitutes the secret of the pre-trial investigation, as well as personal data of the GPO leadership and MPs.

So, a potential fraudster and a spy decide how to use the millions of dollars that were provided to the Ukrainians for reform.

They decide that the executor of the recertification program should be the International Development Law Organization (IDLO) in Ukraine, headed by Levan Duchidze.

This organization is enchanting. It is registered in Rome, has a branch in The Hague, and scandals all over the world.

In each case, there were three key complaints about IDLO:

  1. Ineffective use of funds;
  2. Lack of real results and work for the picture in the presentation;
  3. Political bias.

A striking example of such a scandal was the case of Afghanistan, which ended in a final negative conclusion regarding the IDLO project. This is an investigation into the JTTP project in Afghanistan. At the request of US Senator, the office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) under the US government began an investigation into the allocation by the US Department of State of $47.8 million for JTTP.

As you can see on the screen, in 2013, SIGAR sent a devastating letter to Secretary of State John Kerry regarding the JTTP project. SIGAR found many violations by IDLO.

And this entity was selected as the executor of programs to “reform” our prosecutor’s office in Ukraine.

The key task was to test the PGO so that only the people they needed would remain in the leadership.

Apparently, the savagery of the approach of our reformers frightened even the IDLO, which successfully misappropriated funds in Afghanistan.

Therefore, IDLO, being hired under the contract to conduct the reform, was not personally involved in this process in Ukraine.

IDLO subcontracted the assignment to another company.

Using the money of international technical assistance provided to Ukraine, IDLO entered into an agreement with Psymetrics Ukraine LLC.

The subject of the agreement was anonymous testing of prosecutors of the Prosecutor General’s Office. Ostensibly this was an aptitude test.

Logically, suppose you have decided to test working and experienced prosecutors. In that case, such a test should have been entrusted only to an authoritative certified scientific company with extensive experience.

Because the quality of the staff of the Prosecutor General’s Office, the central law enforcement agency of Ukraine, depends on it.

Psymetrics Ukraine, of course, was not that kind of a company. It was created in 2018, without any experience in this business. The company was chosen for one contract – to sabotage the staff of the GPO.

As we can see, as soon as the tests were completed, Prosecutor General Riaboshapka destroyed all the documentation (I’ll tell you more about this a little later). The company changed its owner to a person whose main line of business is non-store retailing — trade in tents and at the bazaar.


There is every reason to consider Psymetrics Ukraine LLC, a company created for a single task, which in practice was used as a tool for withdrawing US technical assistance funds.

In October 2019, Psymetrics Ukraine LLC had no official labor relations with psychologists. That is, the company did not have and could not provide any certificate confirming the availability of experts of appropriate qualifications who have sufficient knowledge and experience to test prosecutors. Well, the psychologists and banana trade are two completely different things, right? However, IDLO chooses this particular company to test the prosecutors.

In turn, Psymetrics Ukraine begins to formalize labor relations with individuals urgently. Many of them are under 20 years old.

By design, the Prosecutor General’s Office should be and is being tested on the paper by a group of students.

At the same time, the fund for the remuneration of labor relations amounts to hundreds of thousands, and Psymetrics do not develop the test itself for the recertification of prosecutors; they simply buy it.


Serhiy Shmalenya, a member of the committee for the selection of candidates for positions in SAP, immediately after the start of testing in October 2019, organized the purchase of Psymetrics online test from META consulting company.

Thus, the “necessary” people passed the tests at the GPO. All the rest went to the test according to the general principle, and of course, they did not pass the test, because it was designed in such a way that it was initially impossible for a person with normal logic to pass it. The record evidences this all.

In this way, the Prosecutor General’s Office was sabotaged from the outside – what you see today.

I now give the floor to Andrii Derkach.

Direct speech of Andrii Derkach

From the official website. Everything my colleague said about has long ceased to seem like a conspiracy theory.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that a letter from Stephanie Holmes, the Head of Law Enforcement Section for the US Embassy, to Prosecutor General Iryna Venedyktova was leaked to the internet, in which Holmes provides a list of “independent experts”, who will be included in the personnel commissions for the selection of Ukrainian prosecutors, and also reminds of the instructions from the US Chargé d’Affaires in Ukraine Kristina Kvien to unquestioningly follow the scenario of the so-called reform of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine designed overseas.

I want to draw your attention to the fact that we are investigating the use of funds provided for the reform of the law enforcement agencies of Ukraine in the form of technical assistance, as well as attempts to block such investigations, and also the attempts of gaining external control over the law enforcement system in at least 7 areas. We are conducting these investigations and will not stop.

Speaking of Kristina Kvien.

According to my statement to law enforcement agencies, in April 2020, criminal proceedings No. 12020800000000444 were registered on the fact of embezzlement of international technical assistance funds by officials of the IDLO representative office in Ukraine and Psymetrics Ukraine LLC during the reforms of the prosecutor’s office of Ukraine.

To date, according to investigative journalists, due to the pressure from the US Charge d’Affaires in Ukraine Kristina Kvien on the leadership of the Prosecutor General’s Office and the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in August 2020, in violation of the criminal procedural legislation, the proceedings under this case were closed, and even without questioning me as an applicant.

In this regard, I turned to the Prosecutor General’s Office with a statement of a criminal offense under Art. 343 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (interference in the activities of a law enforcement officer), requiring the registration of criminal proceedings under the legislation of Ukraine.

According to the lawyer, there is already a court decision, which obliges the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine to enter the information into the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations and initiate proceedings. This will be a specific proceeding related to a particular person – Chargé d’Affaires, ai Kristina Kvien and those who interfered with the investigation of Psymetrics operations.

Unfortunately, this is not the first time this situation with the pressure on the Ukrainian law enforcement agencies by the US Chargé d’Affaires in Ukraine occurs.

The Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin registered criminal proceedings on the facts of embezzlement of international technical assistance funds provided for this program.

But the investigation was terminated by the Chargé d’Affaires, ai at that time in the United States, George Kent.

As you can see on the screen, this is evidenced by an official letter from George Kent, who actually obstructed the legitimate activities of law enforcement agencies to investigate the theft of American taxpayers’ money.

I quote “We are completely satisfied that the assistance in question has only been used for those purposes and, as stated above, do not see any grounds from our perspective as the donor who provided the assistance for an investigation into their use.

The investigation into the actions of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.” End of quote. Here we see that Kent also protects Shabunin.

With this letter, George Kent covered the scheme of embezzlement of US taxpayers’ money. He illegally interfered with the activities of the law enforcement agency of Ukraine.

And given that George Kent is currently an officer of the US Department of State, and IDLO still performs the function of disbursing the US funds, there is a reason to believe that George Kent is actively contributing to the continued illegal misuse and money laundering through IDLO and Psymetrics-Ukraine LLC.

The above letter was signed and sent to the GPO by George Kent precisely the day after the resignation of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Shokin.

However, embezzlement of technical assistance is only the tip of the iceberg, which is hidden in this particular case.

Even Riaboshapka understood that everything was so stupid, illiterate and ugly that they would start to question him under the law.

Therefore, when it became known that the Rada had the necessary number of votes for Riaboshapka’s resignation, he destroyed all the documentation on testing.

On February 7, 2020, on behalf of the Prosecutor General’s Office, 449 kg of files after the certification of prosecutors and investigators of the Prosecutor General’s Office was destroyed.

The slide shows how the traces of the embezzlement of technical assistance from the United States were covered.

What are the conclusions from this story:

First, external governance ultimately sabotages the law enforcement system of Ukraine.

Second, some of the experienced and qualified experts who worked for Ukraine, and not for overseas patrons, were thrown out of the profession.

In this regard, we transfer the documents in our possession to the law enforcement agencies, and we suggest the unlawfully dismissed prosecutors defend their right to serve the people of Ukraine in court, using the materials we have.

We revealed facts of external governance of Ukraine, violations of the state sovereignty of Ukraine by individual officials of the US Embassy, disclosure of the secret of the pre-trial investigation to the US Embassy and governance over the actions of an independent state law enforcement agency – NABU, systematic illegal interference with the activities of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine and the Prosecutor General’s Office by officials of the US Embassy.

All this is a violation of international laws and is accompanied by constant scandals.

Thus, taking into account these facts, I inform you that today I am filing a statement of claim with the court demanding to recognize as unlawful the inaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and require to oblige the Ministry to issue an official statement (note) on the inadmissibility of interference by individual officers of the US Embassy in the internal affairs of Ukraine.

The second claim. Konstantyn…

Direct speech of Konstantin Kulyk

The second claim that we are filing concerns $13 billion stolen from Ukrainian citizens.

This lawsuit will include requests to oblige the state authorities of Ukraine to investigate the circumstances of the legalization of funds in the amount of $6 billion, which in the period 2013-2014 were illegally withdrawn from Ukraine to the American investment fund Franklin Templeton.

Direct speech of Andrii Derkach

Thus, we are preparing an appeal to the court with a claim: to recognize the inactivity of the NBU, the Cabinet of Ministers, NABU and ARMA as illegal, not in compliance with the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, and also take measures aimed at establishing the location of the illegally withdrawn funds, and returning them to the state budget of Ukraine. And here we are talking about $13 billion at least.

Now, as I promised, about the sanctions.

I want our citizens to understand correctly that by his decision to impose sanctions against me, US Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin literally stated the following:

“We demand to stop the investigation and public coverage of the facts of corruption and robbery of Ukrainian citizens, the facts of withdrawal of stolen and laundered money from the territory of Ukraine through different jurisdictions, including the United States, and we, represented by the US Treasury, are not going to return $13 billion of stolen funds to Ukraine.

Because the right companies manage these funds with reliable lobbyists who cover theft and corruption with the participation of Ukrainian oligarchs and fugitives from Yanukovych’s OCG and Poroshenko’s OCG.

Our answer to Mnuchin is simple – return the money of the Ukrainians to the budget! That’s $13 billion!

And keep your sanctions to yourself. We do not need your loans and the landing of gluttonous advisers and grant eaters. Give us back the money stolen from Ukrainian citizens, return it to the budget! $13 billion!

The main issue for us is the return of money to Ukrainian citizens, stolen and laundered through international corruption and external governance, to the economy and budget of Ukraine, as well as improving the quality of life of our fellow citizens. Thank you, we are ready to answer your questions.

Doesn’t anyone want to ask about an agent with 10 years of experience?

Alexander Yurchuk: Andrii Leonidovych, when exactly did your intelligence service begin – 10 years ago or earlier? And the second question, how do you personally feel about the sanctions imposed against you by our strategic partner and do you plan to sue the US Treasury?

Andrii Derkach: If we talk about it seriously, then such accusations should not be accompanied by notes from senators and gossip from lobbyists. It should be accompanied by factual information, documents – what we speak about with Konstantyn Kulyk when we talk about corrupt or illegal actions. So far, as I understand it, apart from the statement from the US Treasury Department which did not go into deep details, we do not see anything else behind it.

And the logic of 10 years is absurd. Imagine, 10 years ago I was an MP in the faction of the Party of Regions of Yanukovych, who, in principle, was doing well with Russia in 2010, and today he lives in the Russian Federation. That is, it turns out, logically, again according to the US Department of the Treasury, if I was deported from the Russian Federation in 2017, as I understand it, under the request of one of the oligarchs against whom the investigation was conducted in Ukraine, if I was deprived of a visa to the United States, then I’m also a CIA agent. Irregularity and inconsistency in their statements… Now regarding the interesting question about the visa. I would like, of course, to boast of the magnitude of my revenge. The revenge that was related to Biden. But the situation with the visa, as we were told … We tried to understand this for a certain period of time using the official means.

Unofficially, we were told from two sources that the visa withdrawal is connected to my work with Giuliani on the investigation of 20 cases of theft of technical assistance. Back then, it was just one of the cases; we hooked on the topic of Shabunin and Sherembey – these are issues related to anti-AIDS. And they explained to us that, it turns out, it’s all banal and simple – Cherchez la femme. It turns out that this was Shabunin’s request to Kristina Kvien. And it turns out that the relationship between Shabunin and Kristina Kvien is more than close and more than friendly.

We were, of course, surprised by this. I admit, based on the fact that Kristina Kvien interferes with the work of law enforcement agencies, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, that she is a woman with low state responsibility. Nevertheless, she must understand that in the end, there are cameras in her office. She’s an official. So, of course, I didn’t want to believe it.

Secondly, as for these sanctions, again, we were informed that these sanctions were generously sponsored from Ukraine. By one of the oligarchs. And this was not Pinchuk. This oligarch had a joint business in the energy sector with Petro Poroshenko, and, under one of the cases, when we talked about “Minus 25% Stop Corruption” – we strike a nerve of this oligarch. It turned out that there are also government bonds there. When you are fighting corruption, you must be prepared for the fact that you will be opposed. The only thing is that sometimes cases such as Kristina and Shabunin, and this oligarch, they come up quite unexpectedly. But we will work with them; we will deal with all these stories. We continue to deal with it.

Denys Koshelnyk, blogger: We are doing social polls, and in front of one of the courts we asked the residents of Ukraine, Kyiv – Can Poroshenko be held responsible in any way for his actions? All 100% of respondents said that Poroshenko would never go to jail and never would be held accountable because in this country it is not possible. When you have so much money, you can not end up behind bars. Tell us, please, when can we expect this?

Andrii Derkach: It can be expected when the law enforcement system of Ukraine will be redesigned. This can be expected when the positions will be held by professionals who have experience, knowledge, and most importantly – willpower for the investigation. This will begin when our President Zelensky, who now resembles a bunny sitting, you know, covering his eyes with his ears, and it all seems not so scary this way. You have Poroshenko, you have corruption, but you close your eyes with your own ears – and everything is fine. Let him open his eyes and see what is happening around. And what was that all about when he said: “I’m your sentence.” How many documents do you need? Come here, look at the situation with Morgan Stanley’s statements – not everyone has seen these statements. How many kilograms of documents on CCDs, declarations, issues related to waybills and other things must be brought to this room to start an investigation into the theft from our citizens on tariffs? This requires the political will of just one person – President Zelensky.

Denys Koshelnyk, blogger: Thank you.

Andrii Derkach: Thank you very much for your attention. Please excuse me for the emotional words and statements.

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