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Friday, October 9, 2020

Dear Stephen King (Damn I wish I could tag him!!!)


Dear Stephen King,


I would like to first thank you for the many stories that have provided me countless hours of reading enjoyment, and an unnatural fear of cockroaches thanks to Creepshow….Also, for Pet Semetary and scaring the living shit out of me with that movie when my first born daughter was the same age as Gage when I finally watched the movie. The image of that little shoe is forever imbedded in my brain…..I would cuss you out for not finishing the Under the Dome show….. But the rest of this letter will explain why I am not doing that.

I had been looking forward to binge reading The Dark Tower series, but sadly that will not happen now.

I once looked up to you as an amazing writer I wanted to be like. I see now that I have far surpassed you when it comes to moral ethics and respect for my readers.


You see, I am self-published. I began writing in my teens because of YOU. My goal in life was to have my book on the shelf in the store next to yours. I may or may not ever live to see that happen, but I know one thing without a doubt. I have surpassed you in respect for my readers and including them in the process.

Apparently, I am doing something right because my book, “The Billionaire’s Reality Show” sold for over $2800 USED on Amazon. You see, unlike you, I do not write to make a buck. Authors do not get royalties on used book sales. I write for the reader.


There is one thing you seem to not understand about YOUR readers. Their politics do NOT matter to YOU. The vast majority of people who buy YOUR books ARE Trump supporters. Most of us are college educated and have a vast wealth of intellectual depth that sadly you are not capable of recognizing.


Being the redneck gal that I am, I am seriously struggling to NOT include all the redneck lingo I typically use in a face to face discussion like this.


Since you have now alienated over half of your sales base it will be interesting to see just how well your future goes. It is NOT good P.R. to offend the majority of your sales audience.


Some people will still buy the books, of course. Why? Because there are some who cannot stand to be left with a cliffhanger and those that are diehard fans no matter what the writer says or does. Then there are those who will pray that the writer has a change of heart and sees the manner of wrongdoing they have committed and apologizes for it.


I am not one of those people. When I’m done, I’m done. Maybe you don’t remember me. In your book Skeleton Crew, you asked about a copy of Adam Beside Reader, that you had long ago lost your original copy and would LOVE to find another. I sent you my brother’s copy, not that he was very happy about it. Never once did you even acknowledge receipt of it. I sent it to the address YOU gave me in your own forum. In the forum you were so excited it seemed, but not excited enough to at bare minimum let the person know you received it. I chalked it up to you being super busy writing all these new novels and then you were hit by the van. I prayed for a speedy recovery for you, as did many of your Trump supporting Christian fans.


One thing the left will NEVER understand about the right. We have ZERO hate in our hearts. None. Notta. Zilch. We have no room for it in our lives. We pray for those who need to find love – like YOU.


It is a terrible thing you have done to your readers. Their politics play no part in your feelings towards them, considering how much money they graciously spend on your merchandise. I also know you will never apologize for demeaning them, or ME. Yes, I support Trump and I do not need to explain my reasons why to a low life piece of shit like you. Yup, there is my redneck side peering out 😊.


Any author who has no respect for their audience IS a low life piece of shit. Without the readers you would not be sitting where you are today, and those who have supported you over the years the vast majority of ARE not only Trump supporters, but part of the #WalkAway movement as well. We like to call ourselves reformed Democrats.

When you disrespected readers the FIRST time, I swore I would burn every book of yours sitting on my bookcase. But I realized if I did that then I was no better than a Nazi or YOU. What I have chosen to do instead, is out write you. Maybe not in number of books, but damn sure in DEPTH.

I will be the example of change that I would like to see in the world. I will not be a participant in the continuance of this hate movement that is gripping America by its throat right now. I will call out bullshit using facts and science. I will call a spade a spade. But I will NOT allow myself to be lowered to the level of disrespecting readers who are the life’s blood for the writer.

What I can and will do is write and discuss all of this on my radio show. Maybe you should check it out sometime. You might learn something. The link to it is on the blog where this article appears (unless it has been copied to other places, then the link will be at the end of this letter).

It is an odd feeling to actually realize you have reached one of your life goals that seemed so lofty and unattainable. The mighty Stephen King, the author I wanted to see my books sitting on the shelf with. Knowing what you are in your heart and soul, it would dishonor MY readers if that EVER happened.

I have more moral fiber in my pinky toe than you have in your entire body. You sold your soul to Hollywood and Production companies with deadlines and agendas. The moment you did that you forgot what writing is all about…..

The one who picks up that book and READS it…..



Evelyn Turner, aka DJ Catlady of DesertHeatRadio.com

P.S. I intended to also post this on YOUR forum, but it seems that right after you publicly dissed your readers the forum has closed forever.... Check it out everyone. Compare the closing date with the dates he spoke out dissing Trump supporters....


Guess Stephen King prefers the "hit and run" method, much like the same Antifa shits he has been bailing out of jail....

Yes we know you contribute to their Bail Project..... I wonder if a single one who has benefitted from your bail donations has actually read a single one of your books....

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