Wisdoms of the Catlady…..
It is blatantly clear what is happening in our world. The
ONLY ones who seem blinded to it are brainwashed mainstream media believers….
Other countries media, who are NOT owned by the asshats
trying to destroy the world like a fucked up science project, have published
tons of stories about what THEY see…..
FYI assholes: I am not your science project!!!! I am not
your guinea pig!!! I refuse your stupid depopulation vaccine.
If you want to depopulate the earth, then do it like a
real man – stand in someone’s face and TELL them they have been chosen for
death!!!! But you are spineless pieces of shit who choose to use a vaccine to
weed out those YOU have deemed are not fit to live in the new world order you
THINK you are going to create….
QAnon had it right all along. Damn near EVERY drop he has
made has actually happened, some are yet to come. Social media is trying to
silence that movement. Why?
Because the asshats cannot fight the TRUTH. They have no
facts to back up what they are shoving down our throats.
Democrats have discouraged their cultish followers from
doing their own research. Democrats say – listen to what we say, no need to
look it up, we speak truth. It is the right that lies to you. It’s all right-wing
conspiracy theories.
When someone tells you to research it, provides links
with proof to the contrary, the left calls them racists and other derogatory names
INSTEAD of providing any proof that the research is wrong. It distracts from
the fact that the right is actually telling the TRUTH.
Lately, I have been doing a good deal of religious
research because my friend has been into devil worshipping and she didn’t
realize the scope of what she was doing. So, in an effort to show her what was
wrong with her path I have refreshed my own Christian beliefs and values.
The first thing I addressed with her is that satan is the
father of lies. No I will not put a cap S on his name.
With that in mind, satan seduced Eve in the Garden of
Eden with lies, sweet words that all SOUNDED good and logical. But he led her
down the wrong path. He led her into sin, evil and destruction. But, he did so
with sweet, logical sounding words.
Just like Democrats are doing right now. So, you tell me
who is actually in control of that party. Everything that comes out of their
mouths SOUNDS good, it SOUNDS logical – except it is all LIES to control people
for their own sick agenda of enslaving the people to enrich themselves.
Another right-wing conspiracy they say right?
PROVE ME WRONG!!!! Use the comment section (I will turn
OFF the moderation so it can be 100% objective). PROVE ME WRONG!!!
Use facts, not accusations and name calling. Give me
links. Show me data.
Someone challenged me to show Trump on a live video being
racist and using racist lingo, because I showed Biden doing it. I have searched
for a couple of months now and cannot find one single video of him using
anything racially demeaning. Not one instance of Trump using the N word. Not
one thing about him being inclined to any form of racism.
However, I have found plenty of proof of good things he
has done for people of color, Jewish communities and many black communities.
Did you know that when Jennifer Hudson’s family was
murdered, Trump housed her free of charge and helped keep her safe from the
asshat who killed her family? Yeah, Trump did that. Fact check it!!! If Trump
was such a racist, why would he house and protect a woman of color????
Yet, Biden uses the N word, wants to segregate
everything, he wants us to lose all the civil rights progress we have made and
send us back to the times when minorities had little to no rights of any kind!!!!
Democrats are still pissed off about losing the civil war
and their right to own slaves. READ this sickening “Green New Deal”. READ every
single word of it.
The reason right-wingers are fully against it – it is a
new way to enslave the people. That is literally ALL it is. The Liberal Left –
aka – Socialists wanna be’s way to legalize slavery all over again.
But, those of us who OPPOSE this are consider a threat!!!
Gee I wonder why…. We do NOT want to legalize slavery in any form ever
Prior to the civil war, individuals owned slaves, governments
owned slaves, politicians owned slaves and Abraham Lincoln founded the
Republican party on the sole belief of ending that horrid practice forever!!!
We still believe in that founding principle and will fight for it!!!
This Green New Deal would force ALL people to live in
mega-cities. There would be no suburbs. It defines mega housing complexes
within walking distances of where people would work. It also defines HOW people
will work and for who.
This Green New Deal gives the government control over ALL
production, ALL agriculture, literally everything. Even when you can go to the
park and for how long.
This Green New Deal gives the government control over what
kind of appliances you can have in your home, what kind of power supply, what
kind of car you may drive BUT takes away your rights to actually OWN anything.
Literally every item in your home shall be owned by the government and they have
the right to come into said home and seize whatever they choose at any time.
This Green New Deal would force people to live in a
literal prison state. Curfews, restrictions on when and where you can shop and
how much you may purchase. Dress codes and tons of personal rules are in it.
The types of materials your clothes can be made of is also controlled.
This Green New Deal would completely do away with our
Constitution. It IS the new constitution they want to force upon us, without
our consent because the Democrats have discouraged people from actually READING
This Green New Deal would make our society much like
North Korea. Just ask them how they like what their government does to them….
This Green New Deal would give the government the right
to KILL anyone who speaks against it. Look it up, READ it with your own eyes.
This Green New Deal would take the power completely away
from the people and give it solely to elite members chosen by Democratic congress.
It begins with destroying our TRUE history because THEY
do not like it. Democrats do not like our history because their party has been
dirty, deceitful, backstabbing, full of liars and thieves since the time it
began. They do not want YOU to read about all the shitty things they have done,
and they most certainly do not want you to believe it.
It begins by dividing the people into groups of race, class,
socioeconomics and so forth. It begins by attacking Christianity and ridding
the nation of one of the very principles it was founded on – freedom of
religion. It began when they removed prayer from schools and tried to rid it
from public places.
Democrats are 100% against TRUE education. It was
Democrats who gave us Common core. Look how that turned out…..
It is Democrats who are currently destroying our major
cities and terrorizing the citizens. It is Democrats who are permitting the
attacks on our churches and monuments. It is Democrats demanding that their “gangs”
get their way or else…
That is NOT freedom……
That is terrorism at its finest, taken right out of Adolf
Hitler’s playbook.
Ask the Jews how it turned out for them…..
Are YOU going to sit back and allow these asshat
Democrats to use Adolf Hitler’s playbook to turn this into a Socialist /
Communist country and enslave the population to enrich the government???
Are YOU going to sit back and allow these asshat Democrats
to take away YOUR right to own private property or YOUR right to participate in
the American Dream????
Are YOU going to allow these asshats Democrats to take
away Christianity???? To force us into a false religion of their choosing,
where the only god permitted is the government? Much like the CCP, people would
be forced to “worship” their government as if it were a god.
This fight we are in is biblical. It was predicted in the
book of Revelations Chapters 17 – 18. We are currently in a literal battle of
good verses evil and we must rise to the occasion.
Our founding fathers knew this day would come. Our
Christian founding fathers left us the tools to protect the people. One nation,
under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for ALL. It did not say the
elites were exempt from justice. It says justice for ALL.
It is time justice is delivered through our justice
system, the RIGHT way. It is coming. Those who have committed evil in the name
of satan shall be held accountable. They have lied, stolen, used the people for
their own sick perversions and their time is coming. We shall see their
downfall and it shall be epic.
We can take comfort in the fact that the book of
Revelations states the good guys win this round. But make no mistake, it will
not be a pleasant ride to achieve that victory. Many will die. City streets
will be soaked in blood and many cities shall be utterly laid to waste.
Remember the story of the ant and the grasshopper. If you
do not know this story, please google it. Those who are truly in God’s favor
have seen this day coming, prepared for it. The grasshoppers shall suffer a
terrible death.
Democrats have always been evil. Democrats founded the
KKK. Obama and Hillary gave the eulogy at the grand puba’s funeral recently. I
cannot recall the name of his actual title, the head asshat in charge of the
KKK who recently died. Yet, they try to say it is the right who runs the KKK.
Look it up, research it and SEE with your own eyes precisely WHO is in control
of the KKK now and all through history.
Democrats have always been into satan worshipping. They
promote their evil deeds right in front of our eyes. Most recently, in
California, several laws have been passed that make pedophilia LEGAL, lessen
sentences of pedophiles, and other laws that permit child pornography, movies
Democrats are behind the unconstitutional lockdowns we
are currently under. Democrats are behind the ruin of small businesses in
Democrat controlled cities and states. Democrats want control of ALL commerce
for the major retailers they are major stockholders in.
Democrats seek to enrich themselves and take away the
rights of the people to enjoy that same freedom.
Democrats have funded the current terrorism by funding
the nonprofits who are organizing them. ALWAYS follow the money.
Democrats created the no cash bail that has freed so many
very bad criminals.
Democrats created the bail fund that is releasing those
arrested for rioting and looting.
Democrats refuse to prosecute most of these criminals who
have been arrested for these riots.
Democrats promote hate, crime and anything illegal. They
promote the work of satan and sin.
Money is the root of all evil.
It is time to end the funnel of money that is supplying
the evil that is tormenting us.
Follow the money and end the flow, then hold the asshats
accountable – Justice for ALL!!!
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