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Monday, September 28, 2020

Peaceful Transition of Power and more...


Peaceful Transition of Power…..


Lately the press and Democrats have been obsessed with this idea of “peaceful transition of power” and whether or not the election results will be accepted by Trump.


Democrats have already decided who is going to win the election. They are making plans to assume power immediately after November 3rd. Mainstream media has already decided who will win an election that has not happened yet.


But they have forgotten one small details – the American People….. It IS our votes that count and the Democrats do not give a rats ass about that.


I have been saying for YEARS that Congress is doing a power grab and they want Pelosi as their spokesperson. No one listened.


We keep hearing questions whether Trump will accept the results of the 2020 election We are all still waiting for the idiot Democrats to accept the results of the 2016 election so why the hell are they worried about Trump accepting the results of an election he is sure to win in a landslide????


We keep hearing questions and discussion about a “peaceful transition of power”. In 2016 there was NOT a peaceful transition – I do not expect there to be a transition at all since Trump is sure to win.


The entire world wants Trump to win. The entire world KNOWS Biden cannot win in a fair election process. This is precisely why the Democrats are trying everything they can to cheat the system just as they have been doing from the beginning of this country!!!


The Democrats have oppressed the American people long enough!!! It is time to put an end to the Democratic party and all it stands for!!!


Antifa, BLM, RevCom and the rest of the liberal idiots wreaking havoc across the nation are the new militant arm of the Democratic party.


Democrats have PROMISED that if they do not win these riots will continue AND get worse. Now why would the Democrats – Kamala Harris even, threaten such a thing? Why would they even encourage it?


Why haven’t Democrats condemned the actions of antifa?


Why haven’t they acknowledged that members of antifa and BLM have been arrested for arson concerning the wildfires? Why do they keep trying to convince people these fires are “climate change” and we MUST approve the “green new deal”?


Well, has anyone bothered to actually READ the green new deal???? I have….. But that is an article for another day….. If you actually READ it you would be adamantly AGAINST it….


The hypocrisy of the left is sickening. The scream to defund the police yet the first thing they do if they feel threatened is dial 911…..


Minneapolis voted to defund the police. Seattle did too….. Patrols dwindled, crime exploded and their city council has the audacity to ask – where are the police???? DUH assholes you voted to defund them remember so why the hell SHOULD they be around????


What do they expect? Should the police work for free???


And the Democrats, mainstream media and social media are all concerned about a peaceful transition of power….Hell, they can’t even control their Democratic run cities why they hell would they think anything can be peaceful when their militant arm is turning against them???


Why are they pushing for the Heroes Act? Hidden in the line items they are asking for tax payer funding for their demonstrations. No shit – go read it for yourself. Democrats want YOU to pay for antifa and BLM and allow them to destroy cities – but then also want YOU to pay for what they destroy…..


And the Democrat hypocrites have the nerve to ask about a peaceful transition of power or if Trump will accept the results of the 2020 election…



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