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Thursday, April 11, 2024

Announcement & Some Education - Website is back up!!!!


Well, it has been a hell of a couple of months!

So, Blaze Thall tried to file a civil harassment restraining order on me..... It got temporarily approved until the hearing, which was on March 15, 2024....... Blaze also wanted to be a control freak and sent the stamped copy to the place the board of directors has the webdomain registered.....

This created a bit of havoc, had the site locked for a time. So, once again I had to send a ton of documents into them as well as the minutes from the hearing on March 15, 2024 where his TRO request was DENIED. Judge Baxter was so patient with Blaze and tried to give him plenty of opportunities to prove his case. Of, course he couldn't and I brought plenty of documentation to prove what I put in the reply. Blaze thought he would be cute by refusing to accept the reply sent by mail (as HE requested by giving the proof of service by mail in the copy he had me served with)..... So, had he accepted that TRO reply Blaze would have had a chance to fend off what the judge was waiting for him to. 

Blaze told the judge "Her own witness will testify that I did not abandon the animals at Joshua Tree"....... God I wish I had been looking at him when Officer Baker DID testify that Blaze abandoned the animals...... I was looking at Baker & the judge........

So, after having to jump through a ton of hoops with Ionos to prove to them he did not even have a right to be contacting them...... The website is back up folks!!!!

Hooks Home Bound Rescue Inc.

It may take a little while to properly display - but it is back up!!!!

How many more places do we (the legal board) have to keep proving things to in order to UNDO the bullshit he keeps pulling??? 

So, if we were not the legal board then how could I have gotten the website unlocked and reopened???

Every day he does crap like this and I have to spend so much time undoing it. It is not fair to me, not fair to the board and definitely not fair to the animals (we still have some of the animals he abandoned at Joshua Tree in our care)..... Our job is to help them find good forever homes NOT to be forced to continually deal with Blaze's inability to accept reality.

Now we can move forward in posting pictures on the website and networking for these precious furbabes!!! The official opening of the full website will be around May 1, 2024 - we are setting up some software that will help the board have easy access to the site and make it better for you, the potential adopter!!!

One thing I can say about Blaze is that he is a serious narcissist!!! Blaze is not happy unless people are spending all their time on him, even people he hates!!!! 

I have heard that the reason he hasn't changed the Statement of Information on the Secretary of State website (the only thing he can change / anyone can change it btw literally anyone) - is because Blaze will NOT pay the $5 it costs to change it out of his own pocket. Why not? I know he is working and doing lots of odd jobs...... He has the money to. So, why is he demanding his shadow board to cough up $5 to change it??? I have no problem paying that $5 to fix it when he keeps changing it and I get far less money than he does!!!!

Remember, Blaze did NOT pay the initial state and federal registration fees...... His ex-girlfriend did...Blaze did not put one red cent into making the rescue "legal", nor did he do all of the required steps. The new board is doing what he failed to. 

When Blaze was staying on my property he never even supplied food for his 2 personal dogs. When I got paid and my pet food got here, he met the car and simply took one of the 50 lb bags over to his camper. YES, the rescue dogs were over there. YES the bag was for the rescue dogs - paid for by me (not rescue funds because the rescue was broke). But, Blaze was working some odd jobs, or so he claimed, why did he not purchase food for his own dogs???? When Gina brought the donations (supplies not cash) from Yucca Valley I put a bag of food he could use for his dogs in his SUV. Blaze tried to help himself to the smaller bags as well as some of the larger bags. 

But why Blaze keeps trying to prove to who that he is still in charge is beyond me. 

Blaze had a fundraiser up to get an attorney........ Does he really think a case would go his way??? I mean have you read all of the animal control reports - and I mean really read them???? Does he realize that a civil case means all of those animal control reports are part of the case????? Does he realize that his history of DV against his ex's will also be part of the case?????? Not only would it not go his way - when the dust settles Blaze will NEVER be permitted to operate a rescue or be a part of a nonprofit again!!!

But the kicker is, a civil case also means the court crawls through the FINANCIALS with a microscope...... 

Blaze thinks because the board may approve something it's ok..... Maybe he should consult California code on the matter..... Those codes are crystal clear and by their definition Blaze did far more than misuse of funds, embezzlement and fraud...... So, did his board...... 

Blaze will be like, oh then Amanda is in trouble too..... NO. Blaze alone had control of the financial accounts. Blaze allowed no one else to handle the money or have access to it...... Blaze chose what he did and now he is going to take his shadow board down with him!!! Yeah, they voted to allow him to spend money that California code said must go for specific things only, but his old board permitted him to use funds in any way he wished...... Not one of them thought to do any research..... They all believed what Blaze told them and now they may all go down for the same crimes.

Does he care? Not likely, considering he is still trying to interfere with the daily operations of the legal board!!!!

The penalty for embezzling and fraud is 2- 5 years in prison and tons of fines. Look it up! That is for EACH count. So, every time they voted to allow him to misuse funds is a count. Over a hundred? More?

How would Nancy, Paula, Jennifer, Mike and others feel about going to prison with Blaze? Will they still cover for him knowing their asses are on the line too? 

Every time Blaze screws with the new board we dig out more of the adoption files and add them to the criminal case..... It's his choice really. I will not cover for his crimes, nor will I perjure myself for him. 

But Nancy, Paula, Jennifer, Mike and the rest need to ask themselves if they want to do time with Blaze because the amount of misuse of funds, embezzlement and fraud that Blaze committed will fall on the board as well. Meaning, every single board member who had knowledge of how those funds were used will be held criminally accountable. Are you ready to go to jail for Blaze? 

Jennifer has a disabled husband who depends on her care..... Did Blaze consider that when he pulled her into his crimes??? NO!!!!

What about Paula, who has her own little rescue....... Did Blaze consider what his crimes would do to her before he brought her into his bullshit? NO!

How would Nancy do if she were forced to do 2- 5 years in prison? Did Blaze consider that? NO!

Blaze only thinks about himself and this is what his problem has been all of his life. 

I highly doubt any amount of articles I pen will wake him up and make him see the position he has put his shadow board in.... (They were on his old board, the members removed because of the fraud, misuse of funds, etc - Blaze keeps them around as "his" board because they literally give him everything he wants, the ONLY time they went against him was to vote him out.... but now they are running a shadow board because Blaze convinced them he is still in charge).

In everything he is posting about this entire situation has he once even spoken of the animals he abandoned - beyond crying over the ones who were deemed unfit and euthanized? What about the ones still living? No, he hasn't. LOOK at what he has posted..... Me, me me me me shit.

This will be my last post on Blaze for a while. I need to focus my energy on helping rebuild the rescue Blaze did his best to destroy, take care of the animals and have a mental break from his selfish bullshit. 

Yes I call it like I see it. Sending a copy of a maliciously filed restraining order to get the website locked is selfish bullshit. Blaze knew it would only work for a little while. Blaze knew all I had to do was send some documents to them and they would release it to me. BLAZE KNEW THIS because this isn't the first time he has put the legal board through this shit.

Ask yourselves this - those of you still on team Blaze - would the webdomain place put their asses on the line to release the website back to me IF they did not have concrete and definitive proof that our board was the legal board and had a legal right to use the domain? NO, they wouldn't. Believe me, proving that to them also took TONS of documents, time and patience1!!!

So, is Blaze going to keep sending his DENIED restraining order to places in order to try to interfere with daily operations more??? Blaze sent that paperwork KNOWING his case was denied and he did it just to be selfish and malicious. But claims I am the problem, go figure!

As I told him when he first came to stay on my property, I have someone and right now I am NOT interested and not happy that Blaze is forcing me to spend so much time undoing his childish, selfish bullshit!!!

Why Blaze has this need to have so much attention focused on him is beyond me....

But I am worried for DL tbh..... When the dust settles and she really is done with him for good - I hope she knows my door is open. 

But, a little message for Blaze.... Something you ran from in your past is about to catch up to you...... That alone could jail you for 1 year MINIMUM....... Well 2 things really, and I gave those 2 things the info they needed :) Good luck with all that........ Blaze will find out that jail is not a fun place and he has zero control in there!!!! 

Enjoy your day folks I have lots to get done today!!! Cannot wait for Friday!!!!

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