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Friday, November 18, 2022

Sick and Tired....... The Truth About Sandy Rakip


I suppose there is a group of folks with nothing better to do than believe lies. I have NOT seen their comments and likely will not bother to look at them.


But I know who started it and I know what it's about, so I will address it here.


Sandy Rakip and her bullshit again, as usual. For those who do not know Sandy she is a freeloading thief. She lived on the hill on Iva Anderson's property for many years. Iva was definitely RIGHT about her!!

Sandy lived rent free on Iva's property. Her electric, propane and water were also free. Iva paid for EVERYTHING because Sandy had / has no cash income of her own, only food stamps.


During the time she lived there she took advantage of Iva's inability to get around and "liberated" everything of value from Iva. Sandy supplied Iva's son, Dave, with his pills and meth - to control him - she told me once while waving a baggie of white shit in front of me. I told her to get that shit out of my house and never bring it back on my property.


Sandy is the type to point at something she wants and claim it hers. I watched her do this for 3 years to Iva and Dave, thus selling off everything they had of value, for drugs.  Sandy would send things to my house that I later returned to Dave, which pissed Sandy off severely. These things did NOT belong to Sandy and I knew it, which is why I made sure to put them back into the hands of the rightful owner.

According to Sandy nearly everything on th hill belongs to her. This is simply not true. Sandy claimed all the fencing, pig pens, and so forth were hers, that they would have had nothing if she had not provided it. How precisely could Sandy do this with NO cash income of her own? She has not had cash income in YEARS. Iva has financially supported her for as long as I have known her.


Sandy has a child with Iva's other son, Kim. Her grown son will not help her do much. He wants his mother off the drugs and on her way to better health.


Earlier this year Kim came down from Utah to help his mom. Sandy was not taking very good care of Iva. But in fairness Iva didn't make it easy either. Iva has dementia and is 102 years old. Kim had his mother put in a nursing home. Once she was admitted, Kim gave Sandy her final notice. Kim ordered Sandy off the property, calling out her bullshit about all the stuff she stole and sold. It was NOT an easy situation to deal with. Cops were called MANY times and Sandy ended up crashing on my couch for over a month because it became unsafe for her to be up there alone.

Sandy has known for over a year she was to move but refused to take action on it until Kim came down from Utah and forced her off the property. Sandy even scammed her way into having her name put on the warranty for Iva's generator! Sandy did NOT pay for that generator or the warranty, Iva did. But Sandy went to Harbor Freight and had it put in her name in an attempt to steal Iva's generator. Not only did she does this to the 4375 model, she also did it to the 6000 model!!! Both of the generators iva purchased are now in Sandy's name at Harbor Freight!

When she finally did begin moving I had to locate helpers and Sandy did little of the loading. This upset Kim and nearly every day the cops were called on Sandy. These helpers came at my request and much of the work they did for free. They even used their tractor to grade the road while they were here, the part between Iva's house and mine. 

Much of her belongings got stored in MY small RV until she brought the motorhome over. I cannot count how many days I sat over there for over 8 hours waiting for her to load MY truck, use MY gas and MY labor to load and unload. I had to find help for her to move because she cried about not being able to do it herself but I had just had left foot surgery and was still in the ortho boot!!! She didn't care. Not even in the late May or June heat. 

Sandy would pick fights with Kim and Kathy instead of loading her things. Cops were there nearly every day and I had to deal with them because Sandy would go hide from them. She treated Kim and Kathy like shit even though they were rightfully there because Kim is the property owners son. 

Kim has demanded Sandy return things everyone knows she took, but Sandy would argue with Kim instead of returning his mother's property. So, I get stuck in the middle of their war because I was helping her move. She had nowhere else to go, or so she kept crying to Kim and every cop who got called out there. This is why I allowed her to come to my place, trying to help someone I considered a friend.

I knew she talked shit behind my back, but being the bigger person I offered her shelter during that storm. Kim and Kathy even helped her rent a UHaul that she got stuck in front of the motorhome and by this time no one would help her because she shit talked EVERY person who had assisted her with the many loads we had to haul in MY truck. 

When she tells her tale she leaves out the part that it was me, in my truck, post surgery just had gotten the cast off, up there on the hill helping. She leaves out the part that I would sit for hours while she did everything BUT load the truck, thus wasting my time and gas. She leaves out the part where she begged me to find out how she could put a lien on Iva's property because she felt entitled to it. Sandy had grand plans to steal 7 acres of hillside land with rotten buildings from a 102 year old woman who did nothing but help her out in her time of need!!!

When Sandy finally got into the motorhome up here, she fails to tell that water tanks were set up for her. She was told that due to me needing a second surgery on my foot SHE would need to clean that tank. She never did. She fails to tell that I loaned her a 2 burner camp stove to cook on, which is more than she ever had at Iva's because she always cooked outside over a fire. I even provided the small, green propane tanks for her to cook with!

But all you ever hear from Sandy is how I owe her over a few bags of cat food she had her boyfriend buy back in 2019, and how she walked across the desert to feed and water the cats for 6 weeks. She doesn't tell you that she cleaned out EVERY piece of clothing Dawn Turnbull had just given me, several bags of nice blue jeans and tops, skirts and dresses. She doesn't tell you that she had my wallet, my debit card and COULD have used them to purchase that cat food but chose not to. I did authorize her to use the debit card for that purpose during that time in 2019. Sandy will not tell you that during those 6 weeks she pilfered through everything I own and helped herself to a good deal of things, including prescription antibiotics. Sandy will not tell you that she cleaned out my foster kitten supplies, literally left me an empty bag when it was completely full of just about everything someone would need to foster a neonate kitten or pup. No, she will not tell you that.She also will not tell you that she stole many of my 5 gallon water jugs, my gas jugs and so much more. Yes, she may have walked through the desert to feed and water the cats, but she most certainly liberated well over a thousand dollars worth of my property at the same time.

Sandy also will not tell you about how she treated me as if I was her on call slave whenever she could not handle Iva. How many times she demanded I drop everything and rush up there because Iva was screaming and she needed help. Sandy will not tell you any of this, because it is the truth.

Sandy also will not tell you that she left here just before the July 4th holiday, right at the end of June and told me it was only for a week or two then she would be back to clean up her stuff that was scattered everywhere. In July I messaged her because we had storms coming and her stuff was out and exposed where SHE left it. She ignored the question completely, never came and much of her belongings got saturated in those storms. Week after week I begged her to come deal with her stuff because the blankets were beginning to mildew and stink, other stuff was being blown all over the yard. She read the messages, but refused to come. 

I issued a 3 Day Notice to Cure or Quit and still she refused to come and deal with her belongings that were in MY small RV and the front yard of it. Since it fell under storage law, not tenant law, when the 3 days expired her belongings were removed from my small RV and taken over to her motorhome, some placed under it for safe keeping and other stuff was placed next to it. All of this was on MY dime, hired help because of my left foot issues.

Sandy will not show the chats I had with her on this matter. Sandy will not show how many times she was asked and then warned about the matter. 

Every few days I have asked her when she will return to deal with her belongings. Most of the time I get some random shit from her that no one can even decipher. She refuses to answer the question at all. So, after months of listening to her random shit and not getting any answer as to when she would pick up her shit, I came to the conclusion that she does not care about what is left here she is only using it as leverage for access to the property. 

Sandy keeps accusing ME of being the one who "messed" with her stuff. I had a malfunction after my bunion surgery. The screw the doctor put in decided to unscrew itself - which should NOT have happened. It caused excruciating pain and most of the time I was laying down and NOT outside. I had surgery last Thursday to remove the screw and still have stitches right now from that. I just got the ortho shoe off today.But to hear Sandy tell it, I am out running the roads and trashing her shit. 

Sandy also will not tell you that over the course of 3 years she has begged propane, gas, food, dog food, and so much from me. Sandy will not tell you how many times she would disappear for weeks at a time and NOT make proper arrangements for Iva's care or the dogs she did not take with her. Sandy will not tell you that during this disappearing acts, Iva would left totally alone for days before anyone knew because we thought Sandy was there taking care of Iva.

Sandy will not tell that it was me using my gas to go up 2 and 3 times a day during her disappearing acts. Nope, she will not tell anyone that because she does not want anyone to see anything except the picture she paints. 

Sandy will not tell anyone that for 3 months now I have been asking her to come protect her belongings from the weather. Due to her hostility in messenger I made a provision she must be accompanied by a deputy. Sandy has come twice and taken very little. Instead of loading she ran around disorganized and appeared very disoriented. She brought Alison the second time and poor Alison did most of the loading! On that trip she had sold her car to the junk yard and it had things stored in it. The stuff in the car mainly came out of MY small RV and was put in the car to protect it from the weather. Sandy just tossed everything to the ground and left it laying there, little of that got loaded that day. 

The things she left exposed to the weather were her precious dog blankets, several bags of clothes and other such things. I kept messaging her to come take care of it before it rained, but once again she refused to acknowledge the request and chose to be hostile to me in messenger. I began asking her almost daily to give me a date she would come get the stuff before it got ruined because I knew how much she supposedly cared for her dead dogs blankets. She refused, wanting to play games and make unfounded accusations.

I finally gave her a hard date of today to do something about it or I would. Sandy has known for weeks that today was the deadline. Instead of trying to find help to come get her things she chose to try to stir up shit by attempting to involve people who have nothing to do with what is going on. 

Keep in mind because she never lived her this issue falls under California STORAGE law, not tenant law. By law, after notification, I was only required to hold her belongings for 14 days. After that the law states she gets a one time access to retrieve whatever she can get in one load. I have gone above and beyond what the law requires, all the while dealing with her verbal abuse in messenger and from what I hear, in several Facebook groups as well. I even offered a one time kindness of loading my truck and delivering her items to her. To this minute she has not said a peep about coming, nor has she accepted my offer to bring her things to her. I have a long bed truck and could get EVERYTHING that is still here in one load!

Due to her failure to come and deal with her belongings herself, and her failure to accept my offer to deliver them to her I have no other choice than to dispose of it. I simply cannot allow it to sit there exposed to the weather and rot. Due to her verbal abuse and failure to attempt to repay the helpers I filed a lien on the motorhome in a small attempt to recoup some of my expenses in trying to help her.

Sandy does NOT own the motorhome in question. She had been storing it for someone else. Since I am not sure of the person's name we will call him X for now. So, X supposedly gave Sandy the motorhome and the paperwork for it. When one of the deputies was here over Sandy using them to harass us, the deputy ran the VIN on the motorhome. The person Sandy got it from is also NOT the registered owner, Pick a Part is. So, in an effort to locate the owner we called Pick a Part and explained the situation but they would not disclose the person's info who purchased it so we had no way to notify them that I wanted it off the property. 

I have dealt with Sandy's tweaker bullshit for 3 damn years. I am DONE. Last Friday I filed a legal lien on the motorhome and this is why Sandy has gone apeshit. In messenger she is ranting about not getting the lien paperwork. She obviously has no idea how these things work. The lien paperwork will go to the REGISTERED owner of said motorhome and in this case it is Pick a Part who will receive the paperwork! It will be their responsibility to then notify the person who purchased it from them, not mine.

The deputy also told Sandy that I am not a free storage facility and that she needed to get her things a long time ago. The same deputy also told Sandy that the motorhome does NOT move without a deputy present and the registered owner with the proper paperwork also present! Now, it may not move until the lien is settled.

Sandy could have avoided all of this if she had just been a grown ass adult and came to handle her belongings instead of playing games. She did shit like this when she lived on the hill and that is part of why they tossed her ass off the property. 

Today, instead of coming to get her belongings she played more messenger games. A strange man showed up in my driveway asking about the motorhome and the semi trailer. Apparently Sandy lied and told him the long semi trailer was on my property but it is still on the hill and never was on my property. So this guy tells me someone named "Tyrell" has the key to the motorhome so that makes him the owner and he came to set up a time / day to move it. He had no paperwork at all to prove any kind of ownership, nor would this guy give me this Tyrell's number so I could speak to him so I gave him my number. I had to explain to this middle man about the lien and showed him the receipt of filing it. I also walked him across the property and showed him where the big semi trailer was parked and has been parked for years. This guy actually expected ME to deal with Kim and Kathy for him and run messages to them! Hell no! Not my responsibility and this guy had ZERO proof that this Tyrell actually owned any of it!!! This Tyrell has also not contacted me yet.

Sandy tries to call me a scammer when today she sends a middle man to try to scam me out of a motorhome she knows there is a legal lien against because she does NOT wish to repay me for anything I have done for her or storing her shit on my property for over 6 months! Sandy can send a middle man but not come out herself. This is how she thinks she can deal with things. Sorry, but the law does not work that way.

Sandy has had months to come deal with her belongings. She CHOSE not to, that is clear in messenger chats that she and I have had. 

I even took the extra step of messaging her son to alert him that I have been begging her to come deal with this situation. So he was aware that today was the deadline. 

If Sandy does not value her belongings enough to come and deal with them herself, why should I value them?????

With that I am off to prop my foot up. I still have stitches and will post a pic of that on Facebook shortly. The fur gods demand their daily wet food sacrifice or they shall surely starve and die, even though their bowl of dry food is full!!!

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