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Monday, December 28, 2020

The Commercial Church and His word


The New Revelations and the Old


The Lord said unto me, write these things and make them known to men and women around the world.

The time of tribulation is upon us. The great awakening is under way. Nothing can stop His people from rising.

John was shown a great prophecy. One that is happening before our eyes right now. In this dark time, eyes are opening, hearts repenting but many more need to hear the call.

In Revelation 17, John was shown “The Great Whore who sitteth upon many waters”. The waters are THE PEOPLE of all nations, all languages and all walks of life.

The Great Whore IS the Church who has perverted His word and His message.

No matter how good a church looks or how sweet their forked tongues tempt, they are wicked to the core! They teach not the Lord’s will, nor do they serve the Almighty.

The church has fornicated with the rulers of nations, made contracts with them for financial profit and sought only to enrich themselves instead of teaching the word of God.

The SOUND legitimate. They read from the Bible, but their hearts are far from Him. They are a cult of modern-day Pharisees. They have no belief in the message they preach to you.

The Bible refers to the church as the bride of Christ, using “her” as a reference to any and all denominations that call themselves a church.

The Great Whore, which IS all denominations of churches around the world, is called BABYLON. She has turned His message into nothing more than meaningless babble that His people cannot understand.

She has grown rich producing translations of His word that are not accurate, deceiving many. Their blood will be upon her hands when she stands in judgement.

Many look upon the world’s churches in admiration, just as in the book of Revelation. Their appearance gives them credibility in the eyes of those who understand not.

The Great Whore sitteth upon a beast with ten horns. But this is not a great mystery any longer.

The beast is Babylon, the great city that deceived the people with lies. It was a beautiful city to behold, filled with riches beyond measure. But the city’s heart was not with God. Their hearts were wicked, although they appeared above reproach.

That beast is every nation that supports the formal church and its perverse denominations. The formal church has ruled the nations behind the scenes and now is exposed for the liar that it is.

The church turned away from God a long time ago and will now face His wrath. The church has deceived His people and shall no longer be allowed to do so.

Revelations 17 also tells us that they will make war with the Lamb. There will be an attack on His people. His TRUE people. We see this happening right before our eyes today.

Revelations 17:16 tells us there will be an attack on the Great Whore from the very beast she sits on. As we have seen, many churches have been burned, and are currently being attacked by the liberal leftists. The far-left views religion as just another form of “white supremacy” and wants to abolish it altogether.

Revelation 18 is a call to His people. It IS the great awakening and new exodus.

For all practical purposes, the commercial church HAS fallen. It is full of wickedness and serves only the pursuit of enriching itself with the riches of THIS world which shall be their great downfall.

Every nation has been deceived by the commercial churches. Missionaries have gone to all nations spreading a false doctrine, not of His teachings. Every nation’s leader has been corrupted by commercial churches and grown rich in business dealings with her.

God is calling to His people right now, “Come out of her My people. Do not be a part of her any longer. You are good and faithful, true to Me and she has tried to corrupt you for too long.”

God is saying that His people have held His word within their hearts no matter how hard the corrupt commercial church has tried to pervert them. They have held fast to Him and now is the time to come out of her and no longer partake of her sinful ways.

No longer shall you give tithes to the corrupt commercial church that bears My name but not my Spirit. No longer shall you kneel at the false alter built for man and not for Him. No longer shall you take of a corrupt communion that bears no semblance to the tradition He set forth.

Be not partakers of her sins. This is the Revelation shown to John and speaks volumes today.

The commercial church has glorified itself, not Him. It has built massive empty tombs they call sanctuaries. It has built pristine baptismals where those who have heard my call are dunked in poisoned waters. It has adorned itself with treasures that the poorest member fears to even touch. It has put idols before you and you kneel to them, not Him.

Jesus did not go into the temple to teach. Jesus went there to chase out the merchants selling on the temple grounds, defiling it. Much like our commercial churches today, always selling something but not teaching the true word of God.

To him who has an ear, let him hear what the Lord is saying to His people.

1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us where His temple is. “Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?”

Christ lives within us, not in some brick and mortar building.

1 Corinthians 6:13 tells us that the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord.

This has been misinterpreted so many times. Nowhere does His word say outright – your body is a temple you shall not harm it. That is someone’s version, twisted and deceiving.

Fornication, in this word means partaking of the fornication of the commercial church. What does that mean exactly?

Do not take to heart the lies spewed by false teachers. Do not pay tithes to false churches. Do not kneel at false altars. Do not pray to false idols. Do not poison your heart with false beliefs.

You will not find His Spirit within the walls of a mega church, nor you will find His Spirit under any banner, label, denomination, or cult that has perverted His truth.

The commercial church has an appearance of good will, but just as faith without works is dead, so too are works without faith dead. The ill-gotten gains of the commercial church will be its downfall. The commercial church has sought wealth and that is the stumbling block before it, that is the true master it serves.

Hear His call – Come out of her My people and do not participate in her lies any longer.

Walk away. Pray for forgiveness. Pray for understanding that He will guide your heat in all His ways. Pray that evil is revealed, and His people stand strong, brave and true.

Pray that His wrath come swiftly upon those who deceive the hearts of His people and pray for comfort to those who desperately need it.

But in ALL things PRAY.

He shall hear the prayers of His own. He is with His own always.

He sent his warning in the book of Revelation. If we are in the commercial church partaking of her filth at the time He releases His wrath upon it, then we too shall feel that wrath.

It will come swiftly and without mercy, sparing none that support the wickedness of the commercial church.

Open your eyes and see the wickedness the commercial church supports. See which god it bows down to, see whom it reports to, see whom it truly serves. The commercial church does not serve Him and has not done so for a long time.

2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show yourself approved. This does NOT mean the Bible alone. It does not even state that. It says STUDY. This means ALL things He lays before you.

Study and pray. This is His word to His people.


1 comment:

  1. Excellent ! You pointed out several great points. I usually use the words "orthodox church" instead of "Commercial Church" : but your words are certainly more appropriate ! Thank You for that. I will be using those words.


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