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Saturday, August 15, 2020

Stimulus Updates


Mail in voting and Democrats demands….


For those who are waiting on a stimulus – it might be a long wait since House Democrats refuse and I mean REFUSE to budge on certain issues…


They will NOT approve the stimulus OR funding for the post office UNLESS their demands are met…

What are those demands you ask? Well for those who do NOT read the actual House Bills….

You are NOT going to like their recent demands…..


All of which you can find in the actual bill proposed by the Democrats, on the White House official website (I can’t do everything for you – look it up)


Demands are as follows:

1.       Trillions of dollars to Democratic states to be given out to illegal immigrants for stimulus and bail outs

2.       The USPS funding will NOT be approved unless – the following

A.      Mail in voting becomes LAW – meaning no more in person voting

B.      Voter ID is abolished

C.      Signature verification on ballots is abolished

3.       Illegal immigrants currently in the states get a stimulus check AND are made legal

4.       2nd Amendment issues – ban on AR-15’s – with a forced seizure of said weapons and ammo

A.      Ban on high capacity magazines

B.      Limit on how much ammo 1 person can purchase in a 30 day time frame

C.      ID laws when purchasing Ammo and a background check

D.      Limit on what TYPES of ammo a person can buy

E.       Limit on how MANY guns a person can own ex. 1 handgun and 1 shotgun

5.       Literal defunding of police – this is not a joke

6.       Release of EVERYONE ICE and border patrol currently have in custody

7.       Abolish detention facilities of ICE

8.       Release of thousands of inmates across the nation

9.       No penalty for crimes – ex. The riots, looters – prosecutors are NOT prosecuting they are consistently dropping charges on even the ones who have injured officers

10.   Abolish any programs that truly benefit the black community exchanging them for programs that ONLY benefit those in the country illegally

11.   Prevent Trump’s initiative of American’s First concerning employment as the country opens back up – meaning illegals have a better chance of being hired since they will work for a lower wage and cash under the table that employers do not have to claim on taxes

12.   Higher taxes for the middle and lower class – almost triple what they are now

13.   Property taxes would near triple what they are now

14.   Green New Deal – they want MANY items from this deal included on Covid-19 relief or the Democrats will not budge

15.   Democrats want the economy completely shut down until after the election – Trump wants it to open up – if Democrats do not get their shut down no deal

16.   Democrats want to approve “reparations” and some cities already have – even though it is unconstitutional and cannot be enforced – No true way to precisely define who would receive the reparations or where those funds would come from

17.   Democrats are against anything that supports the nuclear family, keeping it intact – helping father’s remain in the home and educating children properly – they are forcing education systems to include classes that are NOT based on fact and only create a greater division among the people

18.   Democrats want the border wall gone…. They want construction halted and the border reopened NOW – even though they want the country shut down


Because Democrats are holding the stimulus package for ransom- YOUR livelihoods for ransom – YOUR children for ransom – until they get these crazy demands – it is not likely we will see a stimulus UNLESS Trump signs an executive order on the matter.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he wants a stimulus – he wants money in the hands of Americans – not Governors of states who have mismanaged their budgets for decades. Trump does NOT want to bail out states who have used funds to give stimulus checks to illegal immigrants, cut law enforcement budgets, cut education budgets – all of which benefit ONLY illegal immigrants and criminals who are NOT being held accountable for their crimes.

Trump also does NOT want to give funds to cities that are continuing to permit these riots, looting and all night protests that are creating unsafe environments for citizens. I agree. Why give federal funds to cities that refuse to enforce their laws or the laws of the USA? Why give funds to cities to repair the damage from rioters and looters – when they refuse to even prosecute those law enforcement arrests? The American people should NOT have to pay for this – and yet they do via higher taxes each and every year that Democrats demand….

But where does that money REALLY go? We certainly do NOT see improvements in many of these Democratic run cities and states….. So where is all those federal funds going?

Think about this….. Back in the spring – California received BILLIONS of dollars to help get the homeless off the streets because of the pandemic….. Video proof shows that this did NOT happen….In the Bay Area land was allotted, campers were brought in under the guise of helping the homeless…. To this day they sit empty…….. To this day homeless keep dying on the streets of the cities…..

So, where did all those billions go????

It is time for some accountability folks… Follow the money…..

Every year Democrats make all these promises, RAISE taxes to the point that the average American is nothing more than slave labor to the government and NOTHING ever changes….. Yet, Democrats manage to turn into overnight millionaires during their time in office…… Follow the money folks….. On their salaries it would be IMPOSSIBLE to turn it over into the amounts they manage to come up with during their time in office….

Why do the Democrats get to keep stealing federal funds that are allotted to assist the homeless while the homeless keeps dying on the sidewalks????

Follow the money…..

But, back to the stimulus…… Call Trump tell him to sign the executive order for the stimulus…… It is OBVIOUS Democrats have no intention on budging unless they can effectively destroy the integrity of our election process. The mandates they are demanding concerning mail in ballots are only to open the door for illegal immigrants to vote, convicted felons, cats, dogs and dead people.

If we have no voter ID laws – anyone can walk into a polling place – and there are plenty of video expose’s on this – and cast a vote – one guy pretended to be Eminem and they allowed him to vote under that name….. A cat that has been dead for 12 years received a mail in ballot…..

If Democrats abolish the signature verification on mail in ballots – literally EVERY ballot then becomes acceptable. So, illegal immigrants could vote…. This is not what our constitution laid out – American’s hold the sole power to vote. This prevents foreign powers from assuming control.

We all KNOW the electoral college can also be bought. Biden was so far behind, yet in less than 48 hours nearly every other candidate dropped from the race….. The electoral college was behind Sanders…. But, they flipped and backed Biden in such a hurry we KNOW there were payoffs….

Follow the money folks…..

Look at his running mate…. You KNOW Biden did not choose her – so WHY was she chosen? Follow the money……

LISTEN to her speeches and how she has all these executive orders SHE will sign once SHE is elected….

She is already speaking as if SHE is running for president NOT vice president folks….

PAY ATTENTION – how they say things is just as important as what they say…..

Ok, more tomorrow. I would like to take a brain break and do some recreational reading for a change :P

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