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Friday, June 12, 2020

So called white privilege and how to break the wheel

Current Events … Weird Shit

Is it just me, or do others see that the issues our WORLD is facing right now tends to be in Democratic controlled cities / states etc…
What happened to MANY was wrong and there definitely needs to be a change – no one is arguing that fact.
But this morning, as I write this, there are a few things I want to address….

1.       Racism – it works  BOTH ways folks…..
The black community keeps accusing folks of being systemically racist. What does that even mean PRECISELY – define that shit…..
Also, I am sick of hearing “white privilege” – that term alone is systemically racist
Saying all cops are bad because of the actions of a few – is racist

Blacks do not LIKE terms that refer to them in derogatory ways – NO ONE DOES
Do you think being called a “cracker” isn’t just as racist as someone using the “N” word???
Blacks like don’t being labelled, profiled etc – NO ONE DOES – so why is it OK for blacks to do it to whites??? Terms like “cracker”, “white privilege” etc are just as racist as what blacks accuse whites of…
I grew up in Ypsilanti. Willow Run High was over 70% black….. I used the “N” word back then as a term of endearment with my “homies” and as an insult to those who weren’t BUT I stopped using that word a long ass time ago when I became more educated in our history and truly understood the meaning behind it….
Can someone please explain to ME – who is white – precisely how I personally have white privilege????
Growing up, yes dad was a veteran and held a great job with Ford. I was a fat kid with glasses so I got bullied. All the way through high school – I got bullied. Where was my white privilege to protect me then?
During my first marriage in the late 80’s, I was married to a navy man who was an alcoholic with schizophrenia (undiagnosed at that time). While he was out to sea and I had hard times NO ONE helped me, a young mother with a newborn – navy wife – where was my white privilege then?
During my second marriage to a VERY abusive man, whose family in Kentucky WERE the cops and judges, jail officers etc. They KNEW what was going on and when called did NOT help me. Where was my white privilege then?
When I enrolled in college when Clinton passed the welfare reform – I had to work my way through, earn scholarships and study my ass off for my college degree. It was not handed to me on a silver platter I worked my ass off for it. Where was my white privilege then?
When I FINALLY got brave enough to leave him in 2011, cops didn’t help me. Shelters didn’t help me. Salvation Army didn’t help me. Social workers didn’t help me. I couldn’t even get assistance to get a damn bus ticket. Where was my white privilege then?

When I was homeless for a month in Long Beach, do you know who helped me? Someone I consider a VERY dear friend – a BLACK MAN. I will not name him but if he reads this he knows who he is J While I slept at the dog park with my cats in a stroller, cleaning it every night – where was my white privilege then?

When I lived in Bakersfield with my main roomie constantly renting out to junkies who stole from me, destroyed what they didn’t steal and made living in that house a living hell – where was my white privilege then? The black roommate would ALWAYS head off the cops WE called and try to play the victim. Poor black girl being ganged up on by the 2 white roommates…. We had to get a restraining order to get her junkie ass out of the house. Yes, it was that bad and had nothing to do with skin color. Her drug addiction was a problem for all of us.

When I tried to put in applications for section 8 and other public housing – sorry the waiting list is literally 12 years long. Where was my white privilege then? When I needed rent assistance to move none was available. Where was my white privilege then?

When I go to food banks and have to stand in line – like everyone else – behind ALL skin colors – even illegal immigrants – and they run out of food by the time it’s my turn – where is my white privilege then?

When I have been passed over for a job that I am usually over qualified for, and they hire a black or Hispanic who has zero qualifications, where was my white privilege then?
When I apply to assistance programs for help with appliances like a window unit a/c – since I am disabled with COPD – and it is the very day the program opens – I see young black men and Hispanics walking out with their a/c – but when they get to me – sorry we ran out. Where was my white privilege then?

Blacks and Hispanics always TALK about the resentment THEY feel about all of this perceived “white privilege”. Now you can see it from a white person’s eyes…..
After the civil rights movement in the 60’s, so many new programs opened up and each year after that more and more help went to the black community and other communities of color. White’s brought these programs into exitance. WE passed those bills and made them law. We fought for blacks to have the same rights as we held. All the while we listened to how WE were supposed to have all this “white privilege”. All the while we get trashed, called racist and other terrible things.

We stand beside you on civil rights marches. We stand beside you when an injustice happens and WE help pass laws to change those things.

So please do not talk to me about all this white privilege I am supposed to have. Not while I am buying my own land and setting it up from nothing ALONE. Yes from time to time I get help from friends with the harder things. But overall, the work I have done out here has been done by me.

My white privilege did NOT put a roof over my head when I was out here on this property in a TENT for 6 weeks. A wonderful Hispanic family gave me this 5th wheel camper that I am now slowly renovating into a tiny home.

My white privilege does NOT put food on my plate from food banks – they are usually out of food by the time I get to the front of the line.

My white privilege does not put gas in my generator, propane for my cook stove and heat – not once has a government agency assisted me with these things even though I qualify and have applied.

My white privilege has not helped me weatherize my home – even though the application went in.

My white privilege has not gotten me a single thing in all of my 50 years on this planet.

Why don’t we talk about black privilege? SOME white’s would ask this question. Not me.

Unlike those screaming “white privilege” I am not racist. I use my voice (since I cannot walk and protest) on my radio to actually talk about all the injustices that have happened. I use my voice to help EDUCATE my listeners on the hard reality of the REAL PROBLEM.

Systemic racism DOES exist, but it is taught to young blacks before they are old enough to learn that LOVE overcomes the hatred and resentment they are taught.
Systemic racism is a poison in our society. The elite’s teach their kids that lower class are “bad” – the poor teach hate in general.
Racism exists ONLY because WE keep teaching it to the younger generation!!!!
When WE make a change of heart then and ONLY then can we eradicate racism.

Will YOU (whatever skin color you are) – join ME in a Hands Across America movement???
We did it in the 80’s to help bring awareness to AIDS. We can do it again NOW.
We need it. We need to hold hands and show unity, love and begin to heal this chasm of hate that separates us.

The rules would be simple – a white person could NOT hold the hand of another white – they must hold hands with someone of color (any color). Same goes for blacks, Hispanics etc.

Let’s stand together, hold hands and prove to ourselves that WE can overcome the chasm and make the change of heart the world needs.

Someone told me a long time ago to be the change you want to see in the world.

2.       The Chaos in our cities ---
                I have been paying VERY close attention to all forms of media, mainstream and otherwise. I have noticed that overall mainstream media LIES about what is really going on in the larger cities.
You must know something about mainstream media. CBS, MBC, ABC and others are all owned by career politicians, mostly Democrats. Look at the major stockholder lists – educate yourself!!!
All mainstream media make HUGE cash donations to the campaigns of Democrats (not Republicans), as well as any so-called non-profit organization they run. Always follow the money…
SOME of these organizations – operated by career politicians or members of their families – are FUNDING these anarchists that are wreaking havoc in our Democratic controlled cities and states.
Follow the money folks…
Ads have been put on craigslist and other obscure sites to recruit anarchists to riot and loot – and get paid for it!!!
Follow the money – right from Democratic controlled organizations – this pay comes directly from people like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, Obama and so many other so-called respected Democrats. THEIR massive donations to these organizations are literally funding these riots and looting.



Because as long as Democrats hold POWER then WE THE PEOPLE are literal slaves to them.

WE the people have made poor Democratic “leaders” multi millionaires
WE the people have built this country by the sweat of our brow while career politicians have gotten rich pocketing tax dollars.

WE the people have been silent out of FEAR because the standard of living we have could deteriorate at any second while WE the people live paycheck to paycheck – or hand to mouth.

WE the people have seen liberal Democrats eat away at our freedoms one little piece at a time for decades – now WE the people have had enough.

WE the people have quietly witnessed government agencies so corrupt – doing things illegal but have said nothing. Silence is complicity by the way.

WE the people have watched as our education system has suffered from funding cuts that took the money from classrooms and put it into the pockets of corrupt politicians.

WE the people have watched as elected officials – who have ZERO higher education – take away the educational rights of our children AND our right to higher education.

WE the people allowed charter schools to segregate again.

WE the people made it harder to hire quality teachers to educate our children by allowing stupid career politicians to pass legislation to slash education budgets.

WE the people have allowed our government to make US stupid!!!

WE the people have handed over the very right to think for ourselves to corrupt career politicians who tell you they can make decisions for you better than you can do for yourselves.

WE the people need to seize back these things NOW

WE the people need to stand together in unity against this corruption.

WE the people need to lay blame where it truly belongs……

The corrupt politicians have YOU so brainwashed that everything under the sun is Trump’s fault – literally. Michael Brown got killed on Obama’s watch. Freddie Grey got killed on Obama’s watch. Eric Garner got killed on Obama’s watch. Shall I go on?

What did the Democrats do for them? Allowed their killers to walk.

Do you REALLY think Trump will permit that same injustice to happen for George Floyd? Hell no he won’t!!! Those cops are gonna do some hard time.
Do some research – don’t just take my word for this ok?

COMPARE those who were killed unjustly during a Democratic Presidency versus those who were under a Republican Presidency.

What YOU will find will sicken you.

When we have a Democratic president and someone gets killed by a cop – they walk EVERY single time OR get sentences so light it is a joke. Literally every single time I kid you not – look it up do the research – LEARN to think for yourself.

When we have a Republican president and someone gets killed by a cop the cop is held accountable and does time – they go to prison!!!

Look it up do the research for yourself – compare these things and you will SEE what is right before your eyes.

It is time to hold Democrats accountable for what they have done to this country.


For those who do not know what that means…. Go watch Game of Thrones from beginning to end….. See the Dragon Queen’s vision about breaking the wheel and then stand with me!!!

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