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Wednesday, June 17, 2020

How to make a liberal's head explode and more

How to make a liberals head explode and more….

It is a proven fact that more white people die at the hands of cops than black people… Yet we never EVER hear about that why?
It does not suit the liberal and mainstream media narrative they spoon feed the viewers…
If black lives TRULY mattered – where is the outrage for the death of David Dorn? Why didn’t he get a flag? Or why didn’t he get THE flag that flew over the capitol on the day he was murdered by a looter???
Black lives ONLY matter when it furthers the agenda that cops are murdering “innocent” black people. YES George Floyd was murdered, no argument there. The guy in Atlanta – Brooks – was NOT. I am also not happy with the mainstream media narrative that Brooks was “unarmed”. He was until he attacked the officers, STOLE the taser and then fired it at one of the officers.
Black lives also ONLY seem to matter during a presidential election year…..
Has anyone else seemed to notice that the BLM movement only seems to rise up during a presidential election year????
Why don’t black lives matter during non-presidential election years?
Statistics show that around 10 black people per year die wrongfully at the hands of cops… each year…. Why do their lives only matter during presidential election years? I most certainly have NEVER seen an uprising like the current one during a regular year…. I have not seen rioting and looting since the 1992 LA riots in a non-presidential election year…So, why do black lives ONLY matter during a presidential election year and only more so when there is a strong Republican candidate?
IF black lives mattered – then ALL black lives would matter even in a non-presidential election year.
The hypocrisy is really making me sick.

How to tell the difference between a TRUE protesters and a troublemaker…
First – a true protester is NOT out at 2 a.m. without a sign, in the commercial district…
Second – a true protestor will be gathered where LAWS can be changed such as courthouses, police stations – city hall etc… They have signs and a true message and typically go home before 5 p.m.
Third – a true protester typically is NOT carrying a super heavy backpack, not throwing things, not setting fires, etc
Fourth – a true protester also does not carry things like baseball bats or other objects to break windows with… I mean really think about this ok – WHEN have you seen a group of inner-city black adults actually playing baseball??? No offense but if you see black men walking in the middle of the street with baseball bats I can guarantee you the are up to no good – NOW on the flip side – other races are just as guilty of this too.
Fifth – true protesters do NOT block major highways, stop traffic and attack cars, breaking windows and attacking the drivers or looting the semi’s – is it any wonder why “protesters” are being run over? No one is gonna stop when they see a crowd of people armed with baseball bats and other weapons blocking traffic…     Think about this – one day karma is gonna bite them in the ass about blocking traffic – it might be a loved one of theirs trying to get to the hospital and since they are out there being stupid someone they love might die while they have traffic stopped….
Sixth – a true protester has an actual list of things that need to change and a proposal of how it should be changed…. They know how to present this and they know how to properly talk to the elected officials to get them to listen and prepare a bill to change the laws

I could go on endlessly about this… But I think you are seeing the point here…

I agree things need to change on the police brutality issue. But it is NOT a race thing since white’s die at the hands of cops far more frequently than blacks do – it is just shown on mainstream media because it does not suit their agenda.
A white person is 150% times more likely to die at the hands of a cop on a traffic stop than a black.
A white is 100% more likely to die at the hands of a cop during a domestic dispute than a black.
Do the fucking research yourself – God gave you a brain USE IT for more than buying into the hate mainstream media is spoon feeding you.

George Floyd was MURDERED of that there is no doubt. But he is not a martyr by any means. He was a career criminal with a long list of violent and drug related crimes under his belt.
One thing I will NEVER understand about the black lives matter movement – EVERY person they put on a pedestal is a criminal with a rap sheet longer than I am tall.
Why didn’t Breonna Taylor get the recognition that George Floyd did? Her name is mentioned, painted on signs, but SHE would be a great martyr for the movement. As far as I can tell the girl had no criminal record, studied hard and was a good student, had goals and a true path for the American Dream. But she is NOT held in high esteem by the movement… WHY THE HELL NOT?? SHE is the epitome of what such a movement stands for – innocent black lives taken by the cops….Apparently the movement only supports career criminals who die at the hands of cops…… Very confusing to me…. Breonna didn’t get a flag when she died….. She didn’t get national recognition until George Floyd was murdered and then only a byline….

The hypocrisy HAS to stop. The hate has to stop. The media lies have to stop.
The only way it is going to stop is to STOP the 1% elite’s who currently have control….. And folks contrary to popular thinking – it ain’t Trump that’s the problem…. He IS the solution…..Once again you have to do your research…..

Ok, let’s look at some cold hard facts about Biden for a moment…
He has held office since around the time I was born in 1970. Think about this for a moment ok.. I mean REALLY think about it
Biden argued AGAINST every civil rights bill that came up – I mean EVERY  single one of them!!!
Do your research. The voting records of ALL elected officials in DC is public record. EVERY vote he has EVER cast for a bill is public record.
Biden has voted AGAINST anything that would better the lives of the black community.
Biden has given speeches about how anything to better black lives is BAD for America.
Biden has had damn near 50 years in office to do what he is NOW promising that if he is elected president he will do. He had damn near 50 years already to get shit done – you REALLY think he is gonna try to help you NOW???
Biden is part of the damn problem folks and has been!!! Never held a real job – he has been a career politician with a track record of LYING and libel.
Biden lied about his education, got busted for it by mainstream media before they became truly corrupt. Video proof of it just search Google or YouTube or other video platforms.
Biden LIES during his re-election campaigns so YOU will vote for him – then when the bills come up for vote he votes AGAINST them. Check his voting track record it’s public record folks.
Biden used his position as VP to get his son sweet deals with China and the Ukraine.
Biden HATES blacks. If you think I am lying – show me just one piece of legislation he has voted for that would better the lives of the black community. JUST ONE.

I am not going to spoon feed you the way you expect mainstream media to do. I challenge you to do the research for yourself.

The problem facing blacks today is simple.
The Democrats have made YOU believe that racism exists and that blacks cannot obtain the American Dream or get ahead in life. They have forced blacks on welfare and into crap public housing, increased the black unemployment rate and fed YOU a lie.

But you see, YOU can achieve anything you desire. The color of your skin only holds you back because of two reasons. One – the Democrats have made you believe it will hold you back and two – YOU allow it to hold you back.
EDUCATION is the key. Learn history, science, math, literature, chemistry, biology, geology and so on. There is NOTHING stopping you except the Democrats and what they have made you believe.

When will YOU wake up and stop believing the liberal lies and realize the only thing holding you back is the Democrats????

Now, people also need to realize that the fear tactic the Democrat liberals are using right now to try to swing the vote is NOT working.
All it is doing is making more people wake up.
All it is doing is ensuring the in November Trump will have a landslide win.
Here is a good example of how their hypocrisy is showing – literally!!!
The big rally Trump has planned in Oklahoma is now being SUED. Apparently the danger of Covid-19 is too great and people cannot attend since the virus could spread and kill thousands of people.

Does this make a lick of sense considering MILLIONS have been marching shoulder to shoulder – many without masks – for weeks now?
So, let me get this straight. It’s fine for millions to not social distance, to riot, loot, block traffic, march shoulder to shoulder for liberal agenda’s but NOT attend a Trump rally.
In what world does that even make sense? How can it be SAFE to protest but not attend a Trump rally?
Liberals did NOT file the lawsuit to stop the rally UNTIL almost 1 MILLION people requested tickets….
Do they think that stopping the rally will prevent people from voting for Trump???? If they do then they really ARE as stupid as they look.
The more the liberal hypocrisy is becoming publicly seen – the more it solidifies Trump winning in November.

Do Democrats really think people are THAT stupid that they cannot SEE the hypocrisy?
These Democrats who have held office for 30 + years ARE the 1% elite that ARE the problem.

They have corrupted our system to the point it will take decades to recover. It will take that long just to UNDO many of the unconstitutional shit they have passed while they held the house majority.

WE the people have a lot of work to do.
WE the people need to educate ourselves and if you need help with that many will mentor you all you need to do is ask. I personally am happy to mentor.
WE the people are waking up and the corrupt, career Democrats are panicking.
WE the people are not going to be trampled on any longer… their time is done and they know it.

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